Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2696: Don't force me [first plus more stickers]

Chapter 2696 Don't Force Me

After Ye Zifei said the name of "nether", none of the warriors in the void were convinced.

Not to mention the blood in the body of his martial artist, not long ago, many people saw it with his own eyes, but he fought with the Son of Heaven.

Even, he also claimed to be the patriarch of Heavenly Sage.

How could such a rebellious person be a person in the heavenly sacred place.

The Heavenly Son, obviously did not know him at all.

Ye Zifei couldn't even lie.

Ye Zifei naturally saw that those people didn't believe it, and thought carefully, saying that he was dim, and the credibility was indeed very low.

"Yin Yang teaches the aunt, let me meet you first!" At this moment, the warrior with a steel mask on his face suddenly made a deep noise.

Then people saw the figure rushing out.

"Okay ... fast!" People exclaimed when they saw the flashing figure.

The man wearing a steel mask turned into a dark shadow, and like a black sand, flashed in front of Ye Zifei.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge stiff iron fist suddenly appearing above the sky, and it looked like a giant mountain of iron and steel, and fell suddenly towards Ye Zifei.

"This power!"

"What a powerful punch!"

"What is the origin of this person?"

"So strong!"


In this void, many people shivered involuntarily under the iron fist.

Ye Zifei's face also became abnormally dignified. The punch was enough to threaten her half-step **** king.

In addition to the punch under the bombardment from above, the right fist of the steel mask man has also been violently bombarded. The power is not weaker than that of the steel giant fist.

"Boom boom boom boom!" And just then, under the operation of Ye Zifei's two-handed fingerprints, the huge Taiji figure rising from her body began to slowly turn.

There was a trembling roar like a big earthquake.

The next moment, I saw Taiji Jutu and Iron Fist, and two giants collided together.

"Boom!" A burst of blasting voice that shocked Qian Kun!

Then, Ye Zifei concluded the hands of the ancient Yin and Yang fingerprints, and also greeted the iron right fist.

"Oh!" There was another thick and striking sound.

In the void where the two were, there was suddenly violent energy raging wildly.

"Ye Zifei, get out of me! Otherwise, don't say I even kill a woman!" While the two were still urging the power of the whole body to fight, the steel mask made such a cold voice.

This sound sounded as if it came from Jiuyou Hell, making everyone cold.

"With me, any of you, don't even think about it!" Ye Zifei replied coldly.

"Ah!" Then, a loud cry, exhaled from her Ye Zifei mouth, saw him three thousand blue silk, dancing wildly at this moment.

The Taiji giant picture of the steel fist over the sky suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation.

The yin and yang alternate, yin and yang, yang and yin, and the power of yin and yang is becoming stronger.

"Eh!" Just listening to a cold cry, the man wearing a steel mask paused at Ye Zifei's strength and stepped back.

"Boom!" It was the steel fist over the sky that burst into pieces at this moment.

Ye Zifei, worthy of being a half step god!

Without the iron fist blocking, that round of Tai Chi huge picture suddenly blasted down towards the steel mask man to destroy him.

This person even said that he was going to kill himself, and Ye Zifei would not be polite with him anymore.

What's more, he always gives himself a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Woo!" A sound of sword groan came from afar, and the gentleman in white sword finally returned to his dream.

White clothes fluttered and flew forward, at the same time, a sword was cut out, and a huge white sword light flashed, shrouding the Taiji giant picture.

"When!" A crisp sound echoed the sky.

The sword that Yan Menggui cut out actually blocked the blow from Ye Zifei's Taiji giant.

The man with the mask on his face, although he couldn't see his face, could be sensed from his breath. Just now he had reached the point of being scared.

He looked up and looked back at the flying dreams.

"Don't watch, fight! Together, let's clean up this woman before talking." Yan Menggui said to the steel mask man.

I saw that he nodded, and then he punched again.

Over the sky, the iron fist that was originally destroyed by the Taiji giant picture appeared again and bombarded again.

"We also shot! Help them kill Ye Zifei this bitch!" The young man who was previously scared by Ye Zifei immediately shouted at the other martial artists.

"Hmm! Kill!"

"Slay the demon crooked!"

"Ye Zifei colluded with the devil, she should have been guilty!"


One by one, they immediately yelled righteously again, this time, the figure stopped again and rushed again.

Yan Menggui teamed up with the steel mask man. Ye Zifei's fingerprints changed very fast, and the speed of the Tai Chi giant picture turned a little faster.

However, she looked paler and paler.

It seems that although she resisted the joint power of the steel mask man and Yanguigui, she was very uncomfortable.

At this time, a few breathless figures rushed over.

Ye Zifei screamed, "Oops!"

Her complexion seemed a bit ugly again at this moment.


"What should I do!" In the distance, the middle-aged beautiful woman Ye Ni looked at it all the way.

Her mature and charming face was also full of worry.

Although, she had previously seen Ye Zifei stay so close to that one, and she was not very comfortable. She even thought about what accident happened to Ye Zifei in this area of ​​Dragon Blood, which might be a good thing.

However, at this time, she did not want Ye Zifei to be okay.

What if she is in trouble?

"Ah, well, why go and fight with a flame monster alone! Make yourself like this and face such a dangerous situation."

Looking at the embarrassing black figure from afar, she felt a little distressed.

But just then, she suddenly found something wrong.

"His hair is back.

His burns, as if, had completely healed!

He, what the **** is he taking? The wound is so healed so fast!

And it looks like he's even more handsome! "

Middle-aged beautiful woman, more and more surprised.

However, few people noticed the situation of Shi Feng.

Each one's eyes are almost condensed on that battlefield.

Yin Zi taught the elder aunt Ye Zifei to face fifteen martial artists who are not low-level, she is about to hold on.

"Don't force me! Otherwise, I'll die with you!" Ye Zifei said these words fiercely at the fifteen warriors.

The cold voice echoed for a long time.

As if it can be thorny!

Alright, it's done!

Everyone is enthusiastically participating in the activity, working together to continuously complete the task, and constantly increase the power!

Go to sleep, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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