Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2697: Yin and Yang reverse!

Chapter 2697: Reversal of Yin and Yang!

When Ye Zifei said the words "jade and jade burned", her handprints crossed and changed wildly, and her hand shadows looked very elegant.

The vain warrior in the distance, and the fifteen warriors who fought with her, suddenly felt an extremely chaotic and violent, as if there should be no breath in this world, rising in Ye Zifei's body.

This breath suddenly felt very disturbing.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!" There was another sound, from the Tai Chi giant picture.

Later, people suddenly saw that the giant figure of Taiji gathered with two yin and yang fishes was actually reversed at this moment.

"Yin and Yang reverse! Qiankun is upside down! Heaven is not heaven, earth is not earth ..." Then, after listening to the mysterious ancient and unusual voices, it rang from Ye Zifei's mouth and lingered for a long time.

The fluttering sound, when I heard it in people's ears, I felt the abnormal cold on my body, and the ice from my heart.

Yin and Yang reverse!

Qiankun upside down!

Heaven is not heaven ...

If this happens in the world, it will return to chaos!

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭 ..."

Immediately afterwards, people heard bursts of blasting, the iron fist that contended with Taiji Giant Picture, the brilliant swordless light, the fierce Pentium, the tyrannical sword blade, the beast shadow ...

All of them exploded under the reversal of the power of Tai Chi, which instantly turned into nothingness.

Reversing Tai Chi is so horrible!

"Ye Zifei, you are half a step away from the King of God, and you use such power, you are looking for death!" The gentleman screamed at his dream, and yelled at Ye Zifei.

He naturally knew that Ye Zifei used these reversal secret methods to fight with them, and he would inevitably fight back.

A warrior who uses the power that should not belong to her at all will naturally pay the price.

At this moment, not only is the dream returning, but also other martial arts, and when he looks at Ye Zifei, he is also jealous.


Unexpectedly, this yin and yang religion still has such anti-sky secret skills!

"Steel avatar!" At that moment, the man with the retiring steel mask drank aloud, and his steel fist blasted forward.

Suddenly, a figure very similar to it, quickly separated from his body, and rushed towards Ye Zifei.

Unexpectedly, in the face of such Ye Zifei, he even dared to attack her.

"Really, look for death!" Ye Zifei spit out coldly.

However, just as her fingerprints moved again, a right hand poked out and grabbed her white and soft right wrist.

Ye Zifei was immediately surprised, her face changed greatly.

Then he heard a man's voice: "Don't be stupid!"

"You!" Ye Zifei's heart trembled after hearing the voice. Don't turn around, and immediately saw the black figure and the cold face.

"You, are you all right?" Ye Zifei asked.

"I've been fine." Shi Feng said, "I just want to recover from the injury, but I didn't expect these things, I thought they could be robbed while on fire!"

"I didn't even think about it. You, for your own sake, use this kind of self-harm and rebellion. Are you stupid?"

Shi Feng and Ye Zifei just have a certain favor with her. I think this woman is nice.

In terms of friendship, they are not far enough to burn each other's jade for the sake of each other.

However, Ye Zifei did it for him at this moment!

The relationship between the two was instantly sublimated.

And Shi Feng knew that she did it wholeheartedly and did not pretend.

If she didn't stop her at this moment, the consequences would be hard to imagine.

A person who is willing to burn with others for his own sake, from this moment, Shi Feng has regarded Ye Zifei as a true friend who wants to make a deep friendship.

"Are you all right?" Ye Zifei said again.

She had to confirm that this could be related to life and death between them!

If he is all right, she and him will be fine.

And if he only pretends, then yin and yang have to be reversed.

She had to fight those people!

But if you look closely, he does seem to be fine.

The scorched flesh had recovered, and even the hair had grown back, shaking his spirits.

It's not like back light.

Shi Feng grinned at Ye Zifei, then smiled, turned around, and glanced at the fifteen people.

When they saw the man glancing at them, they suddenly felt shocked.

This horrible blood demon son seems to have fully recovered.

"Withdraw!" I don't know who shouted so loudly, like a beast like a bird, flying hurriedly in all directions.

There was also the steel clone that rushed to Ye Zifei, which should have been rushed long ago, but it has long since disappeared.

Not only that steel avatar, but also the man with the steel mask on his face, has long since disappeared.

When Shi Feng glanced at those people just now, the figure was only fourteen.

"On it!" And just then, Shi Feng said coldly.

He immediately looked up and looked up.

I saw a huge steel giant appearing on the sky where they were, and then, slamming down, the power was amazing, as if a steel mountain burst into fury.

"I can't help it!" Shi Feng said these words indifferently.

A finger punched up and greeted the steel.

"Oh!" In the extremely horrified eyes of the distant void, people saw the **** demon with only one finger, and the violent and powerful steel giant was so explosive.

"This blood devil son has really recovered his injury!"

"God of Blood Devil, it really wasn't pretended!"

"This ... Fortunately, those people run fast, otherwise it would be unlucky!"

When someone just said this, they heard it, and the four parties rang a loud roar.

The 14 warriors who fled just now were blocked by an invisible force at the same time and could not break through.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!" Then, they continued to violent attacks, but still useless.

"God of the blood demon, unconsciously laid an enchantment, trapped all those people in it!"

The warrior in the void in the distance found the situation and said in shock.

"God of Blood Demon, he is going to ... kill them all!"

"They, kill the demon! Do you want to be killed by fiends like that? Then, the flames of the devil will be even worse!"


"No! No! No!"

Attacked by invisible forces trapped in the void, the attackers became more and more violent, one by one more and more shocked.

A sense of despair rose quietly in their hearts.

"Give me, come down!" At this moment, Shi Feng shouted loudly.

Above the sky, a shadow of a white finger flashed.

"Eh!" Then a painful moan sounded, and a figure wearing a steel mask appeared.

There are three more posts in the Book Review District that have been over 100 likes today!

It seems that Jieli has to work harder to update again at night!

No matter what, today will not be two more!

Take a break, wait for a break and continue writing!

(End of this chapter)

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