Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2864: Strong child

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"If it wasn't for the secret thoughts that constantly urged the power of Yin to the charm, she would also apply a high-grade Shendan to her. I'm afraid the charm is gone ...


Next, the ghost flame will be the situation of ghosts, and Xiao Tian also went to the land of demon, and there are thoughts about the ghost and sunflower seeds, tell Shi Fengyi.


"Ah! Damn! Damn! That bitch!"

A look of extreme anger appeared on Shi Feng's extremely soaked face, listening only to him, with a roar of anger.

With his roar, this world suddenly violently trembled.

It seems that although he is still injured, it is much better than when he walked out of Mo Lei for the second time.




"Master is awake!"

Hearing the roar of Shi Feng, he turned around and looked at him.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan, and Qin Rufan immediately flew in this direction.

Ling Yefeng arrived first and shouted in congratulations: "Master!"

Followed by Luo Qingchuan: "Master, are you okay?"

Then Mo Xiaoyao also arrived: "It seems that the master recovered well and should not die."

"Second Brother!" Upon hearing Mo Xiaoyao's words, Luo Qingchuan spoke again.

"Look at your crow's mouth!" Ling Yefeng said to him angrily.

But when they saw this alive, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the little cubs coming over, the anger on Shi Feng's face seemed to diminish a lot.

But the hatred in my heart has not diminished!

The **** dared to hurt the ghosts, and one day, it would naturally make her worse than death!


At this time, Shi Feng's eyes stared at the void in the endless distance, and there was a gray-white figure, which was flying towards this side.

It was a man in an off-white loose robe with a handsome face. At this moment, his gaze was staring at Shi Feng.

"Master ... Master ..." He had not uttered these words in his mouth far away.

At this moment, he looked a little excited.

Can make this world's first pharmacist so, this world, I am afraid there is only that one.

"Calculating carefully, shouldn't I have seen it for more than 30 years?" Shi Feng still looked at Qin Rufan and said secretly.

Although it is said that the past life of Shi Feng has fallen to the present, it has been around for 20 years.

But in the years before his fall, he rarely met the apprentice.

Pursue drug path all his life.


At this moment, Qin Rufan had flew to Shi Feng.

There were no other actions and no nonsense. Knelt directly on the knees, and said respectfully, "Rufan, see the master!"

"Qin Rufan!" Shi Feng bowed his head and slowly spit out these three words.

The scenes that once appeared in his mind again and again.

That immature but resolute face.

That unswerving figure of the year.

At that time, the promises made were undefeated and undefeated!


Thinking of all these, Shi Feng grinned suddenly and said, "Get up, boy."

"Oh," said the boy, how kind it was in his ears, Qin Rufan bowed his head and smiled suddenly.

In this world, only this fellow and you are calling yourself like this.

"Thank you very much, Master." Shen drank, respectfully kneeling, then slowly stood up, slowly raised his head, eyes, and then stared at the other.

The appearance is still broken and can't be seen.

However, the temperament exuded invisible can still feel the feeling of the year.

"In the blink of an eye, the last time I met you with the master was thirty-two years ago." At this time, Qin Rufan suddenly spoke again and said to this.

"Almost." Shi Feng said, "Your boy has been missing for a long time. Sometimes the teacher just wants to see you, but he can't see him.

Your brothers, you can meet a few times every few years, and please greet the teacher. You just ca n’t see it. Sometimes, you almost forget that you are such an apprentice. "

"Isn't that ... there are too many disciples." Qin Rufan smiled:

"And I also know that you have always disliked the ordinary etiquette, Master, please do n’t care, please."

"In the future, I start to care about your teacher. Your boy, you need to come to Nether Purgatory every year, and please give my teacher a peace." Shi Feng said.

"The master has changed!" Qin Rufan said again: "If the master wants Rufan to go to the Nether Purgatory once a year, then Rufan must do it."

After hearing Qin Rufan's words, Luo Qingtian Yichuan teased, "We remembered. By then, don't see you for years."

"He just talked in his mouth. At that time, he must not see him at all, I don't know him yet." Mo Xiaoyao also said at this time.

Upon hearing Mo Xiaoyao's words, Qin Rufan moved again and again, as if suddenly remembering something, and said, "Second Brother, you haven't seen it before, but it's not important. There is a person who really wants to see you.

And my brother thinks it's time for you to meet. "

"This ..." Upon hearing Qin Rufan's words, Mo Xiaoyao's brow frowned instantly.

In the face of Junlang, hesitation appeared.

"Who does this boy see? Why is this suddenly happening? Is there a mess?" Shi Feng said, asking Qin Rufan.

"Master, Rufan is a bad guy." Qin Rufan said.

"Your apprentice?" Shi Feng knew that he had four apprentices, who had met Yueshuang Yue, and one ...

"Oh, by the way, there is no trace of snow. It was carved out of a mold with this kid. I ca n’t even rely on it," Shi Feng said.

"No trace, Master." Qin Rufan nodded.

At this time, everyone's eyes were looking at Mo Xiaoyao.

Luo Qingchuan said again: "Second Brother, the child without trace is indeed very poor. The romantic debt you owed that year, after all, the child is innocent."

"Four brothers are right! And as a man, you should be brave and evade blindly, and you will lose face to us." Master Ling Yefeng also said.

"Who did this guy born with?" Although this boy is romantic, he can let the other party give birth to her. The origin of the woman should not be simple. Shi Feng said.

"Master, it must be that this guy's security measures are not in place." Luo Qingchuan said after hearing Shi Feng's words.

"No, I know this guy." Shi Feng said so.

And his eyes still looked at Qin Rufan. Since Qin Rufan was willing to raise a son for him, he explained what he might know.

However, he saw Qin Rufan also shook his head and said:

"I accidentally met the second elder brother that year, and the child without a trace was the one he forced on me.

It was said that a child had been picked up, and God had good vigor. After being forced to give it to me, people ran away. Later, as the child grew older, I saw that something was wrong ... "

(End of this chapter)

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