Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2865: Mo Xiaoyao's Adventures!

Chapter 2865 Mo Xiaoyao's Adventures!

"... This is the second brother's birth, which is exactly the same as him."

After hearing Qin Rufan's words, Shi Feng said to Mo Xiaoyao again:

"Tell me about this romantic thing about your teacher. I'm still curious about your teacher. What kind of woman is it that makes you fall."

"Ah!" At this moment, they suddenly heard, Mo Xiaoyao sighed.

This guy, really, is rarely like this.

Followed him and said, "In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and now I feel that it is a dream.

However, the child did indeed flow my blood, and it did exist! "

"It should be twenty-eight years! Twenty-eight years ago, I didn't know how I got into that place, that dreamy place ..."


The people of Shi Feng heard Mo Xiaoyao said that twenty-eight years ago, an ancient ruin was born, and that ancient ruin was rumored to be a grave named "Great Emperor" in ancient times.


Listening to this title, you know how arrogant a character is under that sky.

And with this title arrogance and strength, it must be not simple.

"At that time, there were many people who entered the ruins of the Peerless Emperor with me. Many people were different in their realms. However, it was only me who stepped into a giant sarcophagus and entered a piece, even me. world!"

"I just entered there. It's a dark world. Above the earth, all dark creatures are creeping. Every dark creature suffocates me. However, they don't seem to see me. There is no one. Dead creature, attack me.

Time seems to have passed a long time, and it seems that, just for a moment, even myself, I ca n’t tell, the darkness quickly receded, and soon, the whole world was screaming, all the horrible wind monsters appeared. world.

They don't seem to see me.

Next, there is a world of flames, a world of thunder, a world of death, a world full of ferocious beasts, a world of violentness and destruction ...

The world is constantly changing, and I, just like a passenger in that world, no matter how violent the world becomes, no matter how horrible creatures appear, I still won't be harmed in the slightest.

At that time, it was as if I had fallen into a long, long dream!

Until one day, she appeared in that world.

At that moment, I was stunned by her beauty.

Her beauty does not seem to belong to this world at all, just like that world, so unreal.

And she is the only one who can see me in that world! The moment I saw her, she was also curiously looking at me.

I asked her what her name was.

She said she didn't know.

I asked her where she came from and she still answered me, she didn't know.

She seemed totally unaware of everything she had.

Maybe she didn't have it at all. She seemed to appear in that world out of thin air.

She was like a blank piece of paper. She felt curious about what I said to her. She said that she was eager for our world.

In this way, we have been living in that dream-like world, feeling that the world has suddenly become extremely violent, and suddenly, it has become extremely calm and peaceful.

And we are always looking for a way out of that world.

In this way, I seem to have lived with her in that world for countless years.

At that time, I thought I'd spent all my life in that world, and that's it all my life. At that time, I even thought that if it was like this for a lifetime, it would actually be very good.

I was getting used to that world.

Gradually used to it, there was such a person around me that I would never give up.


In that way, we naturally became husband and wife, everything is really so natural.

The years seem to have passed countless years in a blink of an eye, and I can't say how many years in the end, I only feel a long time.

That period of time can be said to be the most peaceful period of my time.

One day, however, she suddenly told me that she was leaving.

I asked her where to go?

She said she didn't know, she just knew that she was leaving and she couldn't be with me anymore.

At that moment, I suddenly felt a feeling. I really couldn't see her, and that feeling suddenly became extremely clear in my heart.

When I woke up, she really disappeared like that, no matter how I looked for her in that world, I couldn't find her.

At that time I even suspected that she had never appeared in that world, there was no such person at all, everything was illusory.

However, one day, a baby floated down in the sky and came to me. The baby's body suddenly heard her voice. She said:

Our children, take good care of him.

With that voice falling, the imaginary and real world has undergone earth-shaking changes. I returned to the ruins of the Emperor, and returned to the moment I stepped into the giant sarcophagus ...

Time doesn't seem to flow at all.

And at that moment, there was no giant sarcophagus at all in that world. There was only a barren mountain under my body, and no grass was born.

At that moment, it really seemed like I had a long, long dream. In that dream, I seemed to have spent hundreds of years.

But I also knew that it was not a dream, because the baby was lying quietly in my arms at that moment, sleeping peacefully and soundly.

After that, I entered that barren mountain, which is a barbaric mountain that is no longer ordinary. After that, I almost turned over the ruins of the Heavenly King and never saw the giant sarcophagus again.

The warriors who survived into the ruins of the Great Emperor, I have inquired about them. No one has seen the giant sarcophagus.

Since then, I have entered the ruins of the Heavenly Emperor many times. From beginning to end, I have never seen her again. Naturally, I have never seen her again. "

Mo Xiaoyao told his past experience, facing Shi Feng, his brothers, and seven ghosts, from beginning to end.

And when he said these words, he was serious and sometimes sad. From this look, it looked as if he really did.

"Is there such a thing?" Shi Feng felt secretly surprised to hear Mo Xiaoyao's magical experience.

As time passed slowly, his original injury stabilized. At this moment, the rot on his face had almost disappeared, and he should be able to recover as before.

Shi Feng had some doubts and some beliefs about Mo Xiaoyao's words.

This boy, romantic, may be reluctant to reveal which woman, and making up such a mysterious lie is not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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