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Everything in the giant volcano has instantly appeared in the power of Shi Feng's soul.

At this moment, there is no protoss figure in the Death Volcano.

Soon, Shi Feng saw the magma inside the volcano, a huge rotating magma vortex, exuding magnificent space power.

Needless to say, this huge magma vortex is the channel for the Protoss to enter Tianheng!

Death Volcano, once called one of the four forbidden areas in the Southern Region, should have been filled with endless danger.

However, at the moment Shi Feng's soul power swept through, not only did he not feel the slightest danger, even half of the creatures in this volcano could not be seen.

However, Shi Feng did not feel the slightest surprise.

The four forbidden areas were listed by the people of the Southern Region when Emperor Jiuxing was the strongest. For the former Tianhengshengling, this death volcano may be an endless danger.

However, the Protoss opened the sealed passage and kept pouring out from here.

All the so-called fierce danger here may have been conquered by the protoss long ago.

"Some of you, follow me in." At this moment, Shi Feng said slowly, and said to everyone beside and behind him.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Shizu!"

"Yes, the Great!"


When they heard the words, everyone yelled in unison.

"Master, wait a moment." However, at this moment, Qin Rufan suddenly called Shi Feng.

"Oh? Why?" Shi Feng frowned and asked him when he heard his shout.

"The two inferiors of the trump are here and haven't seen you yet." Qin Rufan said.

"Oh, are you here?" Shi Feng said.

Just now, the power of his soul entered the Death Volcano with all his heart, and he was not swept away in other directions for a while.

Soon, in his mind, two young people appeared in the power of his soul.

One, thirty.

One looks twenty-seven, two, and both are very handsome.

As the first pharmacist in the world, I am also a pharmacist, so I am also proficient in staying in the face.

Soon, the two flew to Shi Feng's body, bent their knees, and drank in unison:

"No wind!"

"Flowers are perfect!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

The next moment, they saw these two handsome and extraordinary figures, Qi Qi kneeling in front of Shi Feng.

To this patriarch, they are extremely respectful!

Sincere respect.

This generation is almost always hearing about this big name growing up, Tianheng continent, the first strongest under the sky.

"Get up," Shi Feng said to them.

"Thank you, Master!" The two greeted them again, then stood slowly.

And when they got up, they looked at him with awe.

"It turns out that you are windless." At this moment, Shi Feng said suddenly to the windless.

The Holy Dragon City often refined Linger's rock candy gourd. The last gift of Linger's rock candy gourd was made from six sky snow polar fruits.

So for his apprentice, Shi Feng had a good impression on him even though he met for the first time.

"Yes, Shizu." Facing Shi Feng's words, Feng Wuxuan grinned broadly and replied.

Shi Feng looked at him and nodded, and said, "Sure enough, you have the style of a teacher."

"Xie Shizu praises," Feng Wuxuan said with a smile and a fist.

Shi Feng said that he has the style of his master and naturally praised him.

Master is his goal.

With the appearance of these two disciples, Shi Feng's gaze was almost on this unconstrained body, and for a moment, his eyes were quietly squinting.

Three words murmured in my heart: "Wind! None! Xuan!"

"Why! Why are you the one who grabs the limelight every time!"

"On talent, on pharmacology, on temperament, I have no shortage of flowers. What's the point?"

"Why! Why is it that every time, you have the wind to steal the limelight, and I spend everything, every time it looks like your foil!"

"This time, Shizu, didn't look at me for a few moments, and you have no wind, but you talked and laughed with Shizu, and behaved in front of Shizu!"

"The hypocritical wind is not declared! Have you ever thought about it? I have no problem and I am five years younger than you, but my soul and medicine are on your side?

In a few years, I will spend all things, regardless of the way of the soul and the way of medicine, he will be above the wind and wind! "

"But I'm such an excellent person, but ... it's always being stolen by him! Is it because he's the master's disciple?"

"Master, as soon as he saw that the wind was unreported, he noticed him! And he even ... spent me without any defects and ignored them!"


Shi Feng smiled, nodded to the wind of saluting, and glanced aside slightly.

Just now I thought that the flower that was ignored by the ancestor was flawless, and immediately saw the ancestor looking at himself, and a smile appeared on his face.

In his heart: "Shizu heyuan ..."

Immediately afterwards, the smile on Hua Wuqian's face became extremely stiff.

I thought I just thought that the ancestor did not ignore himself, but found that he really thought about it too much.

He only glanced at him so inadvertently, and then looked away. At this moment, he lowered his head and said, "Well, you all follow me into Death Volcano."

He intends to enter the Death Volcano and seal the passage.

After saying this, his body took the lead and flew down.

"Yes!" The crowd responded again and followed him, falling down the death volcano.

The flower was flawless and the figure was flying off, but at this moment, he slammed, he felt his shoulder and was patted.

"Huh?" Hua Wucai frowned suddenly, turning her head slowly.

Immediately after, he saw a young, white face, smiling gently at himself.

He seemed to be like an old friend he hadn't seen in a long time. However, he had never seen him at all, and he didn't know him at all.

"Brother!" Suddenly, the man shouted these words very kindly to him.

Hua Wuchang smiled indifferently, nodded to him, and shouted, "Hello, brother."

He naturally knew that those who fell into the Death Volcano with his ancestors were his own masters, a few ghosts under the ancestor's seat, and a few of his peers.

The same vein of Jiuyou, also counted as the same brothers.

"Brother, you look so good." However, at this moment, Hua Wucao heard the man in front of him, and said this to himself.

"This ..." For a while, I spent no time wondering what to return, but only felt that the whole person was not very good.

The same man, but so kindly and kindly said to himself ... you, really, good, look ...

Jiuyou Yimai, also that one?

At that moment, Hua Wuqian heard that person and said again: "But sir, under your beautiful skin, you have a heart of good jealousy!

This is not good, um ... not so good ... "

(End of this chapter)

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