Chapter 2869 Mystery Technique

"... Hiding a heart of good jealousy!

This is not good, um ... not so good ... "

The flower with a smile on her face was completely flawless, her face suddenly froze!

This person ... speaks like this.

"Hey hey, brother, don't look at me like this, brother, I will be scared, hey, hey!"

This man was talking, and suddenly Yin and Yang laughed strangely, and the laughter sounded extremely abnormal.

Then, he suddenly accelerated the speed of his fall and moved away from Hua Wuque.

Afterwards, I just heard Hua Wuqi coldly spit out the voice: "Master Boling Yefeng, disciple, Ning Cheng!"

At this moment, it goes without saying that it is also known who the flower is.

However, at this moment, Hua Wucai, with her head down, suddenly saw the abnormal shape of her body, raised her head suddenly, and grinned at herself again.

This look, this smile, the more you look at the flowers, the more you feel the pervert, and the heart is full of disgust.

"I have such a pervert in Jiuyou Yimai. I really lost all face to Jiuyou Yimai. These abnormalities should be expelled from the teacher. I don't know what they think."

Flowers flawlessly said in the heart.

Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan, Qin Rufan, Ning Cheng, Whimsical, Wind is not declared, Flowers are not missing, Snow is not traced, Sky is destroyed, Darkness, Seven Great Ghosts ...

A group of people, as the stone maple fell on the rolling magma of the dead volcano, this fiery world was full of heat.

At this time, Jiuyou and all the people gathered their eyes in the huge magma vortex, and they also felt the force of a majestic space.

"This is the space passage for the Protoss to enter our Tianheng!"

Staring at the magma vortex with both eyes, sensing the spatial force contained in it, Ling Yefeng said in a deep voice.

Since the Protoss invaded Tianheng continent, while their dark camps battled with the Protoss, they also kept in touch with the powerfuls of Tianheng. I hope everyone can work together to find the entrance of the Protoss into Tianheng.

The entrance he once wanted to find is now under him.

"Protoss, enter our Tianheng from here, do not know where we can reach this space passage?" At this moment, the dark face showed curiosity, said.

However, I'm afraid no one will try to do that!

Including the most powerful stone maple and whistle in this fire-colored world.

There is a limit on the strength of the seal in the space passage, and the truly powerful strong of the Protoss cannot enter!

The true power of the Protoss is extremely horrible, especially this time the Protoss army has retreated from Tianheng. I am afraid that another world has already deployed an incomparable horrible power. If they really pass here, they may be turned into gray in an instant gray.

"Okay, next, I will show mysteries, the power of repairing the seals of ancient times, you guys, please show me the good, remember!"

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly spoke, her voice echoed and said to everyone.

He naturally wanted to pass on the secret method of the "Red Moon Demon" to him, not only to them, but he also wanted to pass it on to the Tianheng continent in the future.

In that case, if Tianhengshengling sees the damaged passage of the seal in the future, he can try to repair the seal by this secret method, and maybe stop a catastrophe.

Subsequently, the Jiuyou people saw Shi Feng's hands forming an extremely weird handprint, and then quickly moved, each handprint changed, looking extremely strange.

In just one moment, the handprint changed hundreds of ways. At this moment, it was still changing, and the white afterglow of Dawson kept flashing.

Jiuyou crowd, his eyes were staring at his strange handprints.

"Go! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo ..." Then, weird words spit out from Shi Feng's mouth constantly, echoing in this world of fire.

Listening to that strange sound, this sound does not belong to this era at all, or in other words, it does not look like a human voice at all.

At the same time, Shi Feng's thoughts, containing the thoughts of the secret method, continuously swept out of his mind, and entered the minds of the people of Jiuyou.


Subsequently, the Jiuyou people also concluded handprints, and the handprints began to change continuously, and their mouths also rang out strange noises.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The entire dead volcano suddenly violently exploded. The rolling magma beneath them suddenly rolled like a giant wave in a storm.

Not only that, the temperature of this flaming world is constantly rising, as if to melt everything here.

"With this secret method, the power of all the elements of this heaven and earth is surging towards it!"

Where he said, it was naturally the magma vortex.

The power of all elements refers to wind, fire, thunder, electricity, water, earth, light, darkness, life, death, and so on!

And in this volcanic world, the other elemental forces that rush to the magma vortex are weak, the strongest, naturally belongs to the flame force.

"But, even if the power of the elements of this heaven and earth, even such a strong flame force rushes to that channel, it will not be able to repair the damaged seal power?"

Immediately following, Wynn's brows frowned again and quietly.

Not only did you miss this, but Shi Feng also sensed it.

The power of this surging element is still too weak! Too weak!



However, at this moment, Shi Feng's face and Wong ’s face changed violently at the same time, and the Wong ’s feeling was again felt, and suddenly exclaimed a terrible shock: "What a terrifying flame power!"

"This is it?" Shi Feng's brow froze again.

The magma vortex underneath became more and more turbulent, and this death volcano has also become more and more shocking.

In that magma, there was indeed an incomparable horrible flame force, which was violently surging upward.

And Shi Feng and Wandering can feel that the flame power is pulled by their secret method!

"Master, if this flame power is used to repair the broken seal, maybe it can really be done." You thought again and said in a loud voice, saying to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng nodded and said, "It seems that the ancient people of Tianheng have already prepared for us."

"One of the four forbidden areas in the southern region, death, volcano!" Shi Feng murmured again.

The speed of the surging flame was also extremely fast, and at this moment, he was crazy into the magma vortex.

Immediately after that, the huge magma vortex, the speed of rotation suddenly accelerated, getting faster and faster, looking extremely crazy, even violent.

(End of this chapter)

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