Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2879: Strange sound

Chapter 2879 Strange Voice

The ancient land of the meteorite dragon, seen from a distance, is a rubble ruin that stretches to endless distance.

This rugged land is said to be extremely vast. There are potholes on the earth, all of which are potholes.

It is because of rumors that in addition to the bones of true dragons, ancient meteorites also bury the extraordinary bones of countless fierce beasts.

Therefore, after countless years, countless people and countless creatures entered the ancient land of meteorite dragons, and when they saw the ground, they dug, and then they turned into pots and pans, which looked messy at first sight.

"Fogging." On top of the six-headed snake, leading millions of troops, Shi Feng approaching the ancient land of the Meteor Dragon, murmured suddenly.

The fog was weird.

Although it was early morning at this moment, it was only just mist, but when he approached the ancient land of meteorite dragon, the mist was obviously thickened several times in an instant.

But for them, the thick fog can't stop them a bit.

It just adds a bit of mystery to the ancient land of the meteorite dragon.

Soon after, the six-headed serpent and everyone entered the Meteorological Ancient Land.

Behind them, the Nine You Army and the Dark Army also entered in mighty ways.

Shi Feng glanced forward, at this moment, the power of his soul swept away quietly.

With Yu Zhi of the Dragon just shaking his soul, this time he was more cautious.

But this time, Long Yuwei didn't show up, and soon, the power of the soul swept out in all directions.

A large area of ​​ruins had already appeared in his mind, and it was also a pit.

Under the endless years, this forbidden ground has been dug out by creatures.

"Meteorite ancient land! Is this really a forbidden area?" The owner of Ziyun County looked at the Quartet at this moment and said.

In her subconscious, forbidden land should be a fierce land that is difficult for souls to enter.

And this forbidden land, at first glance, has entered many creatures and destroyed the land.

It's really terrible.

"I've heard that creatures who enter the ancient land of the Meteor Dragon will be cursed even if they go out alive, and no one will end well!

I don't know if it was because the creatures dug the bones and they were ordered by grievances? "Ning Cheng said.

Speaking of resentment, he looked at the seven ghost generals not far away, and suddenly spoke, shouting: "Seven generals!"

After hearing Ning Cheng's shout, the seven ghosts would turn their heads and looked at him.

Seeing this shouting himself and others, the seven ghost generals always felt that there would be no good things.

"There is one thing, and I want to ask the seven generals," Ning Cheng said politely to the Seven Major Generals.

The ghost interface moved and said, "Oh, somehow?"

But despite seeing this metamorphosis suddenly become so, the Seven Great Ghosts will still feel that this metamorphosis should be nothing good.

"That's it!" Ning Cheng said, "I just saw these potholes and thought of the curse about the ancient land of the meteorite dragon!

I think it should be those people who dug up the bones here, suffered enmity, and finally died silently.

Regarding the injustice, seven generals should know better. After all, are you the seven generals ... right?

So I would like to ask the seven ghost generals. If someone digs your bones, your souls are far away in the southern region. Can they be sensed? "

"This guy……"

"This is a curse on our bones being dug!"

"Sure enough! I know, this guy, there's nothing wrong with us!"

"Ignore him!"

"This is a pervert!"

"I don't know what this pervert is, and what's in my mind every day!"


The seven ghosts secretly rumored.

Then, they ignored Ning Cheng directly and did not answer his words.

But having said that, the soul and the body have a special and wonderful connection. If someone really moved their bones, they would definitely be able to sense it.

Maybe that's not much for Ning Cheng, but as ghosts, when they heard him, they were looking for something!

At this moment, they are all seven ghosts, and they don't even look at the metamorphosis.

"Well, seven generals, why don't you talk?"

"Seven generals!"

Ning Cheng shouted to the Seven Great Ghosts, but they had ignored the metamorphosis at all.

"Well, don't shout. You are perverted." At this time, even Shi Feng said, saying this.

"Ah!" When Ning Cheng heard the words of the ancestor, he was shocked, "Ah", followed by a sad look, and said:

"Master, how can you say that to others?" Looking at it, it seemed as if there was some grievance.

Shi Feng looked at him again and said, "This pervert!"

After saying these four words, he ignored him completely.

And from beginning to end, in fact, he felt in all directions with the power of the soul, and he never carelessly.

However, along the way, this ruined land is still quiet and can't sense anything abnormal.

If anything is to be said to be abnormal, it is this fog of heaven and earth that seems to have suddenly become larger.

However, Shi Feng's martial arts instinct did not sense any danger.

However, now they are just entering this ancient land of meteorite dragon, and they will not think that this is the ancient land of meteorite dragon.

As he kept moving forward, Shi Feng's soul power was still looking for the legendary ancient cross-region teleportation altar.

According to the night travelling ghost, the teleportation altar is not difficult to find. It is probably located in the center of the ancient meteor dragon. From here, it will be within two days.

Marching day by night, quietly descended on this ancient land of meteorite.

And Shi Feng, still did not encounter any anomalies and fierce danger in this meteorite ancient land.

"Master." At this time, Shi Feng suddenly heard Ling Yefeng's deep voice and called herself.

"What happened to Ye Feng?" Shi Feng looked at him and said.

Ling Yefeng's tone seemed to be dignified, and he seemed to hear something from his tone.

"I seem to hear that someone has been shouting at me." Ling Yefeng said these words suddenly.

Shi Feng suddenly changed her face and quickly asked him, "Someone is shouting at you? When did it start?"

"It started after entering the ancient land of the meteorite dragon! It seemed like someone was shouting at me, but when I listened carefully, I couldn't hear any sound, like an illusion.

From entering the ancient land of meteorite dragon to now, it has been so! Ling Yefeng replied.

"What is it? Are they male or female? Let me be clear." Shi Feng said again.

"Master, shouldn't you have any wronged souls to follow? You shouldn't have been wronged by the female ghost in this ancient land of the meteorite dragon. I see you as a master."

Ning Cheng has always stood beside Ling Yefeng. The words between Ling Yefeng and Shi Feng were naturally in his ears. At this moment, he also asked the master Ling Yefeng.

"Little nonsense!" Ling Yefeng said seriously to Ning Cheng.

Followed and said to Shi Feng:

"I can't hear it at all. The voice is male or female, old or young, because at this moment I can't be sure. The voice calling my name doesn't exist!"

(End of this chapter)

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