Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2880: Inexplicable death!

Chapter 2880 Inexplicable Death!

After hearing Ling Yefeng's words, Shi Feng looked at the others and asked:

"You guys, after entering this ancient land of meteorological dragons, do you feel anything unusual? Even the same situation as Yefeng?"

Followed, I saw everyone shaking his head slowly, no other abnormalities.

Later, Shi Feng stared at the Seven Great Ghosts and said, "You seven people sent down the order, and asked the ghost soldiers, who would have felt abnormality after entering this ancient meteorite!

If you have a paresthesia, report it immediately! "


"Subordinates understand!"

"Subordinates do it!"


Hearing Shi Feng's words, the Seven Great Ghosts will flew up and fly towards the millions of troops behind them, and follow the orders of their emperor.

After giving orders to these seven, Shi Feng looked at Ling Yefeng, Anyang, and Mie Tian, ​​saying:

"You also ask if anyone has any other abnormalities after entering this ancient land of meteoric dragon!"


All three nodded.

"Ye Feng, you are here, I can go down and give orders!" Ming Tian said to Ling Ye Feng.

"That's good!" Ling Yefeng nodded.

Subsequently, the figures of the dark and the dark sky also flew up.

The Jiuyou Army and the Dark Army, which are millions of troops, followed closely, listening to a burst of applause and echoing in the Jiuyou Army:

"The emperor has orders, and there are people who feel abnormal when entering this ancient land of meteorite dragon, please list!"

This is the ghostly ghost sound.


"Oh!" At this moment, a knife sound echoed.

A silver swordman flashed in front of Ling Yefeng, and the sickle of death had been sacrificed by him.

He knew, of course, that hearing the strange call in the forbidden area must not be a good thing.

It may be the danger of coming at any time!

I heard that none of the people who entered the ancient land of the meteorite dragon had a good end!

But he Ling Yefeng would naturally not believe these ghost words, otherwise he would not enter here.

His life is in his own hands!

Not only Ling Yefeng, but almost everyone who entered this ancient land of meteorite dragons did not believe any rumors.

"Ye Feng, come here as a teacher." Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng.

He was worried that his apprentice suddenly appeared dangerous in this forbidden area.

However, when he saw Ling Yefeng's steadfast complexion, he shook his head and said, "Master, Ye Feng is not a child, so I don't need you to take care of it! If it is really dangerous, Ye Feng will face it!"

"You!" After hearing Ye Yefeng's words, Shi Feng smiled and said, "Indeed! You are already a hegemon for one party, but you are more attentive for the teacher."

"Ye Feng! Master! One hegemon! I know! He! It turns out that he is who!"

At this time, sitting cross-legged on the side of Shi Feng ’s practice, the master of Yunyun County heard the conversation between them, and immediately thought of a character in his heart, and was shocked!

Ye Feng, that's the name of the dead emperor, one of the three overlords in Zhongzhou!

This apprentice again!

The man in the black shirt must be! Death Emperor Ling Yefeng is undoubted!

I saw a legendary character again. At this moment, the eyes of the owner of Ziyun County stared at him tightly.

Mighty and peerless, as if death had come!


Soon after, the Seven Great Ghosts will return to report, and the ghost soldiers who entered the Meteor Dragon Ancient Land in the Nine Army, did not sense anything abnormal.

"Ah!" However, at this moment, a scream of incomparable screams suddenly echoed from behind them.

"what happened!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the scream.

The shapes of Shi Feng, Ling Ye Feng, and You Nian suddenly flew up and flew away in the direction of sound.

Shrouded in the power of his soul, Shi Feng has already seen the dead person, who is a general in the dark camp, martial arts cultivation, in the state of one star and demigod.

The three were in shape, and soon fell. At this moment, the sky and the darkness were also there, and the men looked at the general. At this moment, his face was full of extreme horror. The body was motionless.

He, unexpectedly, is dead!

"What happened?" Ling Yefeng said immediately, and asked the dark soldiers beside her.

"Emperor Yun, just now I really don't know why, General Yuan suddenly made a scream, and then it became like this!"

A vice general replied to Ling Yefeng.

The others beside them nodded.

After hearing their words, Shi Feng said in a deep voice: "That is to say, there are mysterious things, among the millions of troops, who took the life of this general!"

Millions of troops, silently and silently taking the first rank of the general, no one notices, how terrible is this ...

Thinking of this, an inexplicable panic emerged.

In particular, Ling Yefeng, who still faintly echoed the call now, clenched the death sickle in his hand even more.

"When General Yuan died, was there anything unusual?" Ling Yefeng asked the vice general again.

"No ... no! I haven't heard anything abnormal from General Yuan." The vice general returned.

Followed by, Ling Yefeng looked to the annihilation sky and the dark concubine, and said, "how? Any one of our dark army, who feels abnormal after entering the ancient land of meteorite?"

"Not long ago, a soldier was in a coma quietly, and he has not yet woke up!

Another one is said to seem to be evil, but now he has lost his eyes and opened his eyes, but has been calling him without any reaction.

Lao Yuan, this is the third one that is abnormal! "Mitian said.

"Hey, in these years, Lao Yuan has followed us to battle the battlefield, and has made many military achievements. I didn't expect to die like this!" Looking at the general who died so badly, the secret prince looked very sad.

They have sensed that Lao Yuan wasn't just physically dead; his soul had been destroyed.

Ashes fly out!

Shi Feng's eyes only stared at General Yuan's body, secretly:

"Suddenly inexplicable, is similar to the time when the forbidden land was killed! However, the forbidden land is a force that cannot be seen by ordinary people from the sky and falls on people, so it will cause people to die inexplicably.

When Shi Feng entered the forbidden area last time, he could already see the mysterious power that ordinary people can't see!

"The millions of troops, plus Ye Feng, knew that four people were abnormal! Only the old one died," Shi Feng murmured again.

Then he looked at Ling Yefeng and said, "Bring those two people to see."

"Yeah!" Ling Yefeng nodded, then looked at the lieutenant next to him, and said, "The two people that Emperor Mingtian said just now, you can take them here."

"Final Admiral!" The Lieutenant immediately drank, and then flew up.

At this moment, Fen Tian frowned, then looked at Shi Feng, and said, "Is there any curse in this ancient land of the meteorite dragon?"

"It's hard to say!" Shi Feng said so.

At this moment, he couldn't see exactly what happened.

What exactly is this forbidden ground.

(End of this chapter)

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