Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2913: God of War, kindness?

Chapter 2913 God of War, have you been kind?

"See Lord Ares! Long live Long Ares!"

"See Lord Ares! Long live Long Ares!"

"See Lord Ares! Long live Long Ares!"


When one of them reacted, all the people at the door of the room also reacted, kneeling towards the figure behind the room, and shouted respectfully.

In the Yunlai Empire, Lord God of War can take precedence over everything. If you are disrespectful or indifferent to God of War, it is a death penalty!

"Zhang Yan has no eyes and is offensive to God of War. He also hopes that God of War will forgive him! Hope that God of War will be for my father's sake and forgive Zhang Yan for his sin!"

At that moment, the eldest son of the Zhang family became pitiful, and said to Shi Feng lamented deeply that his head was deep.

He knew very well that even if the Lord God of War did not kill himself, but if the matter expanded, if it was made known to the Holy Spirit today, not only would he receive the Holy Wrath, but even his father ...

I'm afraid my father can't be the big commander of that royal embargo.

The closer one is to the saint today, the clearer the position of that God of War in the mind of the saint.

"God of War! Lord God of War! See Lord God of War!" At this time, another cry came out of the room.

After learning about the amazing event upstairs, the shopkeeper of Tianhong Restaurant immediately rushed upstairs from the downstairs, immediately rushed to the door of the compartment, and knelt in the room full of piousness.

He really didn't expect that after working for a long time, worrying about these things for a long time, the result ... turned out to be Tianhong!

Since this is the work, then who dares to pursue it all.

"All the evil slaves in the family have eyes and no beads, and the God of War is forgiven!" At the same time, the grandson of the Qin family was also mourning sadly.

This wailing sounded as if he were the victim.

"Master God of War forgive me!"

"Master God of War forgive me!"

Yan Lao and Yin also lamented that the three masters and servants had their heads deep in their hearts to get that forgiveness.

At this moment, all he looked at was the figure of kneeling.

This can be seen in the cabin. At this time, after the identity was really "exposed", a number of figures continued to flood into the second floor, and then they all bowed down on the second floor aisle and shouted respectfully.

After the battle of the Protoss, the one in them was already a god.


Among the elegant rooms on the third floor, Yan Wucheng's master Qin Lun was still sitting alone, and his anxiety was getting worse and worse.

The young owner of Wanbao Commercial Building went down, but it had been so long, and there was still no movement, and Qin Lun became increasingly disturbed.

From the beginning, he always felt restless, as if something big was about to happen.

And at this moment, Qin Lun suddenly heard the sound of extremely loud noises coming from the second floor continuously. Even when this room was there, he heard bursts of rapid footsteps.

"What's up?" He said again.

The restless mind became more irritable.

Secretly, he seemed to hear the word "God of War".

"Master!" At this time, when the door suddenly opened, a gray-haired slave entered the room and shouted to Qin Lun.

"Why is it so noisy outside? What happened?" Qin Lun asked him quickly.

"Master, it's not good! God of War, Lord God of War!" The old man looked like a calamity, and said to Qin Lun.

When he saw his appearance and tone, Qin Lun, who felt bad, was even more uneasy, and then quickly asked, "Old man, give me a good word, what happened? What happened?

Also, what's the matter with Lord Ares? "

"The protagonist, the two offended by the eldest son, one of them is, Lord God of War!" The old slave named Lao Miao mourned again.

"What!" At this moment, the mighty face of the city owner Qin Lun changed suddenly and suddenly, his eyes widened extremely, and the sitting body suddenly stood up at this moment.

Now, where is he still sitting?

"God of War ... Lord of War ... Lord Qin Cheng's small animal offend is ... Lord of War!" At this moment, Qin Lun's voice was shaking.

One is trembling with anger, and the other is scared!

Who in this world is not good to offend, even ... offended this one!

Qin Lun felt that the Qin family might really be in trouble.

"Master Shao! Ah! Right! Master Shao!" But at this moment, Qin Lun suddenly remembered something and said.

He had heard, however, that the young master Shi Wanbao was really intimate with Lord God of War.

The Master Shao had previously accepted what he had given, and had also promised to intercede with the boy from Qin Cheng.

Things may not be so bad!

"Lao Miao, go! The second floor!" Then Qin Lun quickly said again.

After saying this, Qin Lun strode toward the door of the room immediately.


In the corridor, the old Miao also told Qin Lun that originally, under the entreaty of Shi Shaozhu, the owner of Wanbao Commercial Building, Lord God of War, was willing to forgive Grand Duke Su.

As a result, the eldest son of the Zhang family in the imperial city appeared, and I do not know when to come to Yanwu City, anyway, the old Miao and Qin Lun did not get the slightest wind.

"The eldest son of the Zhang family did not know at that time that he was the Lord of War.

He also threatened in the name of Lord Ares many times. As a result, he completely angered the Lord of Ares and made him Zhang family. From now on, do n’t use his name to spoof the tiger! Otherwise, never forgive! "

Lao Miao expresses clearly to Qin Lun at the fastest speed.

"The protagonist, the God of War, and the imperial city Zhangjia do not seem to have such a great friendship in the rumors!" Lao Miao said again.

"Huh!" Qin Lun nodded, listening to Lao Miao's words, he was thinking in his heart.

At that time, the Qin family leaned on the Zhang family, no doubt because of the superficial friendship between the Imperial City Zhang family and that war god.

And now ...

Although I was thinking of those in my heart, Qin Lun said so to the old Miao: "It's not the time to say these things. We must do everything to put out the anger of the War God on my Qin family."

"The lord is bright!" Said Lao Miao.


Among the unicorn rooms on the second floor, Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, and Shi Jinshuai quietly looked at those who bowed down.

"You don't have to be polite, you all get up." Shi Feng said calmly, his voice echoed immediately.

"Thanks to God of War!" The cry echoed outside the chamber, and those who bowed in worship followed.

"Thank God of War ..."

"War ... God ... Master ..." However, not everyone at the door was up.

The Qin family surnamed slave only left him there on his knees. The whole body was trembling with great vigour, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cellar.

He already understood that he was really a calamity, coming!

Even if the God of War is kind, letting him go, the Qin family will certainly not let him go.

However, the **** of war, to kill the earthquake, is he kind?

(End of this chapter)

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