Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2914: Necklace seal

Chapter 2914: Necklace Seal

The kneeling people all trembled, waiting for the hair fall.

"Sinner Yanwu City Lord Qin Lun, see God of War!"

"See God of War!"

At this time, Qin Lun, the master of Yanwu City, and his old slave, Miao, also came to pay homage to Shi Feng outside the room.

This supreme being, he did not agree to enter this room, and Qin Lun naturally did not dare.

"Master City Lord is here!"

"Um! City Lord! Qin Family Master, we the most powerful man in Yanwu City!"

"It's just that we have the highest rights in Yanwu City. When we meet Lord God of War, we still kneel."

"Of course! Who in this world can't even kneel when they see Lord Ares?"

"This is nature!"


Shi Feng's eyes swept those who were still on the knees again. He did not expect that after entering the territory of the Yunlai Empire with a low profile, he wanted to take a break with his apprentice Ling Yefeng, but in the end, these things happened.

There should be many people in this world who are bullying.

However, the ultimate potential of these people is themselves.

"Go to Emperor City and talk to Ben Long at this moment.

From now on, if you let Ben Shao know, who will still use the name of Ben Shao to pretend to be a tiger, and Ben Shao will never be spared! "

"Yes! The criminals understand! The criminals understand! The order of God of War, the criminals will not dare to slack off, and they will do their best to complete it."

Qin Lun quickly said.

When he said these words, he felt a sigh of relief.

If he ordered himself to do something, it meant that he no longer pursued himself or the Qin family.


For the stupid eldest son, the God of War could not pursue him, Qin Lun still had no idea.

"Everything, let it be yours! It was Qin Lun who was stupid and indulged his servants to provoke him, and even stupid enough to be a slave!

Everything he asked for! Even if Qin Lun really dies this son, I ... there are three more. "

Qin Lun was already thinking of the worst.


"Well, Ben Shao continued to eat, and everyone retreated!" At this time, only listening to Shi Feng said.

"Thank God of War! Thank you God of War! Thank you God of War!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, the first son of the Qin family responded.

God of War said, everyone retreated!

It means he no longer holds himself accountable.

"Thank you God of War Ron!"

Immediately after that, Yan Lao and Yin also responded.

"Thank you God of War Ron!"


Then, the Qin family owner Qin Lun, the Qin family old slave Lao Miao, and the Qin family surnamed man all got up after thanking the God of War.

But as he got up, Lao Miao looked gloomily at the man with the surname that year.

They had known for a long time that all this was caused by this idiot, because his foolishness and mischief had almost harmed the entire Qin family.

Therefore, this minion can never forgive, and cannot easily forgive!

In the mind of Lao Miao at this moment, a series of cruel means have emerged, and he began to choose which option to torture him after returning to the Qin family.


Soon after, Qin Cheng, Lao Yan, and Yin all quit the room at the same time.

But God of War spoke just now, and everyone retreated. At this time, people also began to retreat.

The order of the **** of war cannot be disobeyed, that is, the four emperors who followed Shi Jinshuai were afraid to defy the ruthless order, and all withdrew.

At this moment, it is said that Zhang Yan, the eldest son of the Zhang family, is still defying the command of the God of War. He is still kneeling there, and his head is still deeply lowered towards that one.

By this time, people were almost gone, and Shi Feng looked at him again and said, "What else is up with you?"

Zhang Yan slowly raised his head, looking up at Shi Feng with a pleading look, and said, "Master God of War, can you let today's Holy and my father know about this?"

If they let them know, his calamity ... will come!

With his fierce father, it is very likely that he wasted himself and interrupted his legs, which were all light.


"Do what you do, take it upon yourself, and retreat!" Shi Feng said coldly.

Under his icy voice, Zhang Yan just felt that the entire room was instantly cold.

His body could not help but tremble violently.

"Yes! Yes! Understand! Understand! Thank you God of War Ron! Thank you God of War Ron!"

Zhang Yan kept hoeing to that one.

Under that cold voice, he felt that if he stayed here again, the man would really kill himself.

Following this, Zhang Yan stood up, bowed, and stepped back, leaving the room with great respect.


Under Ling Yefeng's mind, the two open doors closed again.

Soon, Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng and Shi Jinshuai were left in this room.

At this time, Shi Jinshuai looked at Shi Feng again and said with a smile:

"I haven't seen it in five years. I didn't expect it. I came across you in this small city of Yanwu."

Once, Shi Jinshuai called him the little brother Shi.

Today, the identity strength of this person has been completely different, he no longer dares to call it that way.

It is not surprising that Shi Jinshuai is calling you by himself now, and Shi Feng followed, saying:

"Little Yanwu City, what attracts you, the young owner of Wanbao Commercial Building, is there anything necessary?"

"It's true, but I can handle it," Shi Jinshuai said again.

"Oh, right!" Then he suddenly remembered something and said:

"It really is something that may require your help."

With this remark, his right hand moved quietly, and the square gold box appeared in his hands.

When the power of Shi Feng's soul was swept away, he immediately swept out of the gold box and said, "I got another one."

He, of course, still remembers the golden battle armor that Shi Jinshuai wore that year, and the so-called deities suit.

However, from the gold necklace in this gold box, Shi Feng felt another strange power.

"Um." Shi Jinshuai nodded slightly when he heard Shi Feng's words.

Said: "In the legend, there are ten **** suits. With this necklace, I have gathered four! But now, I only have the previous armor and this necklace.

This necklace is a bit weird and should be sealed by some power, so I would like to ask you to help me. "

"Well, good." Shi Feng said.

Subsequently, an invisible force swept over, from Shi Jinshuai's hands, rolled the gold box upside down.

When she flew into her hand, Shi Feng pushed it with her right hand, and opened the golden box lid, and then saw an old golden necklace in the box, lying quietly there.

Reaching for his hand, Shi Feng felt this golden necklace wholeheartedly.

And then felt the strange power of the previous, it is this strange power, sealed this gold necklace.


"The power of the God King!"

Just as Shi Feng felt the strange force deeper, she suddenly felt the real power of that strange force, her face immediately moved, and she whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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