Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2918: Into the forbidden area again


An extravagant and luxurious feast unfolded in the Golden Hall.

It is said that Emperor Longchen has always been frugal. This is the most solemn feast he has hosted since he succeeded.

Just to meet that person.

During the banquet, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Yunlai Empire learned that the one who came with the God of War was actually ... the death emperor Ling Yefeng, with a countless face, suddenly appeared extremely surprised.

Immediately afterwards, it was extremely exciting.

Shouts of surprise burst through the entire Jinyu Hall.

They knew that the person who came with the God of War was certainly not simple, but did not expect that it was so simple.


This peerless feast of the Yunlai Empire for several years has been held until midnight.

In the night sky tonight, with stars and sky, on top of the palace, Long Chen led the civil and military officials to see off those two.

"God of War, Emperor, do you really no longer live a few more days? Since you are here, stay a few more days." Long Chen was still persuading the two.

Shi Feng waved to him and said, "I have something to do with me, so I don't need to persuade it."

"Okay!" Long Chen knew this, and since he said so, he stopped persuading.

"Congratulations to the God of War! Congratulations to the Great!"

Later, he said to Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng at the same time.

"Congratulations to the God of War! Congratulations to the Great!"

The civil and military officials behind him, like Long Chen, fisted.

"Goodbye!" Shi Feng said. After saying this, I saw that he and Ling Yefeng flickered at the same time, leaving the top of the palace.

"Go away, God of War and Death King!"

"Tonight's events can also be recorded in the history of the Yunlai Empire?"

"That's inevitable! This is a terrible event! Our God of War, then, Jiuyou Emperor and Death Emperor!"

"In this world, I don't know how many forces, how many gates, how many empires, and envy our Yunlai Empire to be good with that one!"


Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng flashed onto the open-air altar of Yunlai Emperor City instantly.

Last time under the operation of Xiao Tianyi, the ancient teleportation altar in the death penalty area was repaired by him, and can be directly transmitted from this altar to that ancient altar.

However, that ancient altar has been banned by Xiao Tianyi that year, and if you want to transfer it directly from here, you must know how to manipulate the secret law.

However, Xiao Tian has naturally given that secret method to Shi Feng.

"See God of War!"

"See God of War!"

"See God of War!"


The guards guarding the altar, after seeing the two peerless figures on the altar, immediately kneeled.

Imperial City is naturally the most prosperous city in the entire empire with the largest population and flow of people.

However, today the Holy Lord has ordered that during this time, the teleportation altar is forbidden unless the **** of war comes.

At this moment, the square where the open air altar is located has long been lined up in all directions, waiting for the teleportation altar to open.

"Ah ... I don't know when we will wait until it is opened, and my shipment will be subject to a large amount of liquidated damages."

A businessman said anxiously.

Originally everything was under his control, but he did not expect that the imperial city was so changed.

"Don't worry, wait a moment," someone said.

"Hey, I'm so desperate! I hurried back tonight and had a good fight with my newly-married three-room sister-in-law, but didn't expect ... hey ..."

An old man who looked at Yongronghuagui and was slightly fat, sighed deeply, and looked at him, the more impatient he became.


"Where are you going?" At this moment, the leader of Jinjia asked Shi Feng.

"You fill the altar with Yuanshi, and I control the rest." Shi Feng said to them.

"Yes!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the leader of the armor immediately responded.

Then they ordered the guards to fill a large number of Yuanshi to each notch in the altar.

Followed, Shi Feng doubled up and saw a white hand shadow of Dawson, all of a sudden appeared, there are hundreds of ways, dazzling.

Extraordinarily beautiful.

Following that, hundreds of Dao Sen white hand shadows suddenly fell into the altar.

"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Immediately afterwards, he saw the teleportation altar, suddenly violently shaking.

"what happened?"

"What happened to the altar? How did the riot?"

"No, you want to blow yourself up?"

"But ... but ... God of War ..."


After seeing the teleportation altar, the surrounding guards suddenly changed a lot and looked uneasy.

But soon, he saw a golden beam of light burst out of the altar, instantly devouring the two peerless figures, and then rushed into the night sky under the eyes of everyone.

As the golden beam of light rose, the violent altar stabilized instantly.

The guards hurriedly searched, but found nothing abnormal in the altar.

Check the coordinates to see where Lord Ares is going and why is there such a big movement.

But seeing ... the coordinates refer to ... is empty ...

The whereabouts of God of War did not leave any traces, and it has become an eternal mystery in their hearts ...


Dead Forbidden Land, a deserted ruins area, shrouded in heavy gray and white mist.

And at this moment, I saw a golden beam of light appearing in the billowing fog, and then ... plunged down.

"Boom!" A violent roar broke the tranquility of this abandoned land, echoing for a long time.

Among the ruins shrouded in the fog of this area, there is this extremely ancient altar. At this moment, there are two black figures standing on the ancient altar.

Shi Feng, Ling Ye Feng.

"Death, forbidden ground!" Looking at the familiar abandoned scene in front of him, feeling the scent of cold death flowing in all directions, Shi Feng said secretly:

"Back again."

"However, something is not right!" But soon, Shi Feng found the clue.

Although the land where they are now is also a ruin, it can be seen from his memory that the land of the ruins today is not the same as the land of the previous ruins.

The terrain changed dramatically since the last time he entered the forbidden area.

After that, he came out of the imprisoned world, and the terrain was completely different from the previous one, especially the entire black river at that time completely disappeared.

However, with the last incident, Shi Feng did not feel much accident this time.

Said Ling Yefeng: "Go!"

Immediately, the two flickered, moving quickly towards the east, shuttled in the thick mist.

Dead forbidden area, very quiet!

The silence was disturbing.

Ling Yefeng, today's martial arts repair, although in the eight-star demigod, but at this moment after the rapid shuttle in the death forbidden area, he was disturbed.

"It can make me feel this way. Is it that I have just been here, I have been secretly eyed by the fetish here!" Ling Yefeng said secretly.

When he thought about it, the feeling became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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