Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2919: Montenegro within the death penalty

Chapter 2919: Montenegro in the Forbidden Land


Ling Yefeng shouted to Shi Feng beside her.

"Knowing for your teacher, it seems you feel it." Shi Feng said.

With this remark, a forest white mark was immediately cast from his palm and turned into a forest white beam.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a scream like a rattle echoed behind them.

The bodies of Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng suddenly stopped at this moment, and they turned around and looked over.

I saw a huge shadow appearing in the thick gray fog.

Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng flickered again, flashing before the huge shadow.

They saw that it was a black monster, like a black monster fish, and a black beast, very fierce.

It has two black thighs, six black strange arms, and weird black weird patterns all over it.

"Imperial monster!" Ling Yefeng said slowly.

"Huh!" Shi Feng responded, and then said, "A very strange emperor-level monster, even me just now, felt like it was being followed by a mysterious monster, but it was so strange."

Ling Yefeng also felt that way. He thought he was being followed secretly by a god-level monster.

Jiuyou Gong is working, Ling Yefeng has devoured the power of death, and a blast of black blood surges out of the black monsters, rushing to Shi Feng.

Black monster, dried up instantly.

After Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng stared at the dried corpse again for a while, and confirmed that there was no strangeness in the strangeness, their figures flickered at the same time, and they continued to go eastward.

On this way, Shi Feng can already be sure that the topography of this forbidden land has indeed undergone a sea change once again.

But what hasn't changed is that from time to time, invisible forces will still drop from time to time. As ever, holy power, imperial power, and demigod power.

God-level power has not yet appeared at this moment.

However, according to the trend of the violent force descending from this ruined land, if you continue to go deep into the forbidden land, it is very likely that the true power of God will really appear.

That deadly artifact death sickle, at this moment appeared again in Ling Yefeng's hands.

Last time, Shi Feng broke through the suppression of the forbidden area and rushed into the sky. What she saw was a chaotic battlefield.

And those invisible forces that fell from the sky are leaked from the chaotic battlefield into this forbidden area of ​​death, and formed by the transformation of mysterious power.

As the body was moving rapidly in the ruins, Shi Feng slowly raised her head and stared at the rolling gray-white fog again.

The mysterious and chaotic battlefield was scared back last time because of poor strength.

Now, there should be this strength to make a break.

"Go to the imprisoned world first, and then look into that battlefield." Shi Feng said.

He has always been curious, what kind of mysterious world is on this mysterious death forbidden ground.

"Yeah!" At this moment, Ling Yefeng screamed suddenly, a skeleton monster blocking the way, the skeleton collapsed immediately under this drink.

"Death is forbidden!" Ling Yefeng murmured these three words secretly.

After entering this forbidden area, his complexion has been extremely dignified.

Here, the master found the sickle land of the ancestor's death.

Ling Yefeng has been thinking, why did the ancestor's death sickle fall here!

And he also heard the master say that when the sickle of the **** of death was first obtained, it looked like a full moon scimitar, which could evoke the same gray and white fog as the death forbidden area.

But then, as the sickle of death evolved into its original form, the off-white fog was long gone.

The death sickle is most likely to be obtained by which creature in ancient times, and then by some mysterious means, it is turned into a full moon scimitar, which contains the power of gray and white mist ...


And at this moment, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng's footsteps suddenly, a very strange black mountain, blocked in front of them.

Montenegro was bare, and they could not feel any breath of life from it. They were dead and full of ominous.

I have been to the death penalty area twice. For such a huge black mountain, Shi Feng met him for the first time, as if he appeared in the death penalty area out of thin air.

"Someone came from behind." At this moment, Ling Yefeng suddenly conveyed a voice to Shi Feng, said.

"Not surprising!" Shi Feng replied.

"Huh!" Ling Yefeng nodded.

Although it is a dangerous place, every dangerous place in Tianheng continent will be entered by adventurers in order to pursue its opportunities.

Fortunate, change your life in a hurry.

Most of them, falling into danger, have become a lonely bone that nobody cares about.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Shi Feng said suddenly, and said to Ling Yefeng.

Coming from behind, he has nothing to do with himself. In this forbidden area is life or death, he is naturally too lazy to bother.

"Two, wait one step first! Don't be reckless!" Just then, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng heard suddenly, an old voice sounded behind them, even anxious.

Shi Feng, who had originally wanted to fly directly from the black giant mountain, staggered.

Listening to that voice, come, you should have some understanding of this black mountain of death.

Followed by, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng turned slowly, looking through the layers of gray and white fog, looking at the passing group.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

The sound of footsteps ceaselessly sounded, and figures continued to appear in front of Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng.

There were eighteen people, men and women, mostly young men and women, but there was also an old man, an old woman, two middle-aged men, and a mature woman.

Looking at their costumes and their positions, the eighteen people should not come from the same forces.

Shi Feng, looking at the old man who just yelled at them, asked, "You, have you entered this Montenegro?"

This old man, since he just called them with such anxious voice, seemed to be full of worry in his tone, so Shi Feng felt that this person should be regarded as a kind-hearted person?

"Yeah!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the old man nodded and replied: "So, I advise you not to act recklessly! Just a few days ago, I had seven companions who died in this black mountain .

I am the only one who survives. "

"What did you encounter in this Montenegro?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"You are a martial artist who tells you that you don't understand." The old man said so.

In order to keep a low profile, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng not only wore black robes to cover their faces, but also the martial arts realm had been suppressed in the martial arts realm.

In the eyes of some of these people, naturally, they are just martial arts soldiers.

"It's really hard to imagine how the warriors in the Wuling Realm arrived here?" Here, a young man spoke to the people around him.

With his words, everyone seemed to realize something suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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