Chapter 2920 Elderly Panlong

Wu Ling can reach here, either, they are proficient in avoiding evil, or they have hidden mysterious treasures to help them come here.

These people thought of this, and looked at the eyes of the two men in black robes, and then they became different.

And these two men are so weird in their bodies, like strange people.

The old man who spoke earlier looked at the two people again and said:

"Okay, hand over the things on your body. If I hadn't stopped you just now, it would have been entered by you two. At this moment, it is estimated that I have already died in Montenegro, and it is old and saved you A life. "


"This one……"

When those people heard the old man's words, their faces moved again.

One of the young women wanted to say something. The middle-aged man next to her quickly grabbed her and said, "Xi'er, don't bother."

After hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the young woman named Xier looked up at the middle-aged man and sighed softly, "Well, leave your uncle."

Everyone else just looked at it, and nobody said anything.

Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng originally thought that the old man was a kind-hearted man. The reason why he called himself because he was afraid that the two of them would be in danger, so he reminded him.

However, he did not expect that from the beginning, the old man was fighting his own idea.

"Hehe!" A burst of laughter suddenly sounded from Shi Feng's mouth, saying:

"You are really a robber thinking! You shouted at me and you wanted us to give you the treasure? If we really give you something, then it is true in the forbidden area of ​​death, it must be dead!"

"Sure enough!" And when he heard Shi Feng's words, the old man's old face was suddenly happy.

That sentence of that is already saying that he really has treasures.

At the same time, everyone else was moving.

A mysterious treasure that allows two martial arts warriors to come here, many people are naturally excited.

"Uncle Li, are we really sitting by? He's right, if they surrender the treasure, then they will be dead by their martial arts practices."

At this time, the young woman named Xier heard again and asked the middle-aged man next to her.

"Xi'er, you have to remember that the outside world is so cruel! This is a world where people can eat people, only strength comes first." Said the middle-aged man named Li Shu.

"But ..." this young woman wanted something more.

But then, I was interrupted by that uncle: "If only Panlong is the old man, I might be able to deal with it.

Or maybe, don't think about this person's treasures, maybe the situation will not be as bad as it is now!

But now, it's not just the old Panlong who wants the treasures of the two of them! Even if I really shot, I couldn't stop them at all. "

"Don't say more nonsense, if you don't want to be tortured to death, give up the treasure." The old man said again.

As he said this, he walked forward, the person had not yet arrived, and his right hand had been extended forward.

Seeing this old man doing this, for a moment, a few people among the crowd were also eager to move.

The oldest of them, the middle-aged beautiful woman, and a young man in his early thirties all moved forward and approached them.

Feeling the movement, the complexion of the old man called Panlong suddenly became abnormally dignified.

However, this was also expected by him. These guys were not the masters of peace.

Eighteen people are mostly in martial arts.

Only the old man, the old man, the middle-aged man, the middle-aged beautiful woman, and the young man in his early thirties entered the martial arts.

Among the martial arts, there was only the middle-aged man named Li Shu, who did not move at this moment.

But his eyes kept staring at the side, as if thinking about something.

"Oh, these guys, I really thought we were going to eat us." At this time, Ling Yefeng quietly spoke to Shi Feng, saying.

"Oh." Shi Feng just smiled and said nothing.

"Oh, it just so happened!" Just then, he said suddenly.

He suddenly felt that an invisible force had fallen from the sky.

And this invisible force is extremely horrible, at least for these people in front of them, it is an extremely horrible power that has reached demigod.

But looking at what they looked like at the moment, they had not discovered that the invisible force had come.

If it followed the normal fall trajectory, that force should fall on the Montenegro behind them.

However, at this moment, Shi Feng's mind suddenly moved, and that invisible force instantly changed the direction of the fall, and the speed was extremely fast, but in an instant, it fell on the old man of Panlong.

"Ah!" Suddenly, the old face of the old Panlong suddenly changed, and a scream of incomparable screams rang from the old panlong's mouth.

When they heard the screams, everyone looked shocked. When they looked at the old man of Panlong, they saw that his body had fallen to the ground, there was no breath left, and his spirits were scattered.

The old face showed extreme pain and extreme terror, and his eyes stood out, as if he was unwilling to die like this, and as if he had seen something terrifying before he died.




Seeing this powerful and horrifying old Panlong man suddenly died like this, those young men and women who had only Wu Zunjing suddenly burst into a breath of cool air.

"Smoke old lady? Didn't you say it was good, the horror of death forbidden land came, did you tell everyone the first time? Why not say this time!"

Suddenly, just listening to the sound of incomparable anger, sounded from that uncle's mouth.

This was their agreement before entering the forbidden area.

The smoking old lady has a magic weapon on her body, which is said to be able to avoid the fierce danger of the death penalty.

It was also because of the magical instrument and the agreement that some of them dared to enter this dangerous area.

And at this moment, in their opinion, it was clear that the old man in the smoke had not complied with the previous agreement.

Obviously, he didn't notify the elderly Panlong just now, he wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of them, and get the treasures from them.

"No ... impossible ... this ... impossible ..." However, at this moment the old wrinkled old woman's wrinkled face was incomparably surprised.

She said: "The power that just fell into that place should be the Montenegro. Impossible, it fell on the old man of Panlong! I can be sure that it should not fall here!"

"Hee!" However, the middle-aged beautiful woman smiled when she heard the old lady's words.

"Dark lady, what do you mean by this laugh? Don't you believe me?" Hearing the laughter, the smoking old lady was immediately angry!

She smiled, obviously against herself.

(End of this chapter)

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