Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2943: go away! Go!

Chapter 2943 Leave! Go!

"My lord!"

When Shi Feng arrived, all the people in the tribe changed their faces immediately, showing panic and shock.

However, he yelled at him in a hurry, and his shape followed immediately, and he wanted to worship him again.

Looking at this hundreds of people, Shi Feng immediately waved to them and said, "Okay, that's not necessary!"

The sound echoed in this area.

Hearing this, the talents did not kneel, but one by one, still tense nervous, do not know what he was going to do.

Shi Feng ignored the crowd, eyes, and looked at the three old gods.

Terrans, took out three ice beds, suspended in midair.

At this moment, the three old men were lying on the three ice beds.

However, one old man's eyes have been opened slightly, and Shi Feng's gaze is also fixed on that old man's body.

The three old men are called Ru Xian, Ru Yi, Ru Chen.

The old man who opened his eyes was like dust.

"Predecessor Ruchen is awake!"


At this time, someone saw the dust as the one followed.

Although I woke up, I still looked very weak, my face was blank, my old eyes were cloudy, "I ... this is ..."

Weak voice, the weak voice, as if mouth with sand.

"Don't talk anymore!" Shi Feng had come to his side and said with an irresistible tone.

"You ..." As Ruchen spit out the word "you" with confusion on his face, Shi Feng condensed his sword with his right hand, and pointed at his brows.

Suddenly, every thought came to this dusty mind.

"He, what is this for?"

"Shouldn't it be the seniors who were as bad as the dust? Previously, it was the three seniors he rescued from the monster's hands."

"Did he pass on any other secrets to seniors like Ruchen?"

"This ... should be very likely!"



"God is above God's Realm. I leave you three old men and one God King to protect the imprisoned world!"

When Shi Feng introduced this idea and Ruchen's mind, a swordmang flashed quietly on Ruchen's broken arm, and a knife pattern emerged.

This knife pattern was transformed by the Salo sword, one of Salomon's top ten gods.

Subsequently, Shi Feng retracted the sword finger.

At this moment, the dusty eyes had widened, and he looked at the man in front of his face in shock, and then looked down at the knife pattern above his arm.

God King!

What a shocking thing!

This man even gifted himself to ... King of God!

"And this jade bamboo slip, if something happens in the imprisoned world in the future, crush it directly, if I sense it, I will rush."

Shi Feng is also unsure whether it can be sensed.

Because it won't be long, we should leave Tianheng again.

Subsequently, a white jade and a bottle of elixir floated from Shi Feng's body and fell into a dusty storage ring.

"That's it!" After speaking these words indifferently, Shi Feng's figure fluttered and disappeared in the void.

Left behind is still inexplicable Ruchen!

"Artifact above the true god! God king ... artifact!"

"God King!"


Regarding the God King Tool, it can indeed be a shocking and crazy peerless tool!

The reason why Shi Feng spreads his voice in Ruchen is because he is afraid that other people and other creatures will know it and become crazy!

The King of God is enough to make them crazy and desperate!


When Shi Feng appeared again, he had returned to Yun Yimeng and Ling Yefeng.

Yun Yimeng is still working and Jiuyou Immortal is recovering from injury, and master Ling Yefeng is still protecting him.

But now Yun Yimeng's injury has stabilized, there is no danger to life, Shi Feng no longer worry about him.

The voice said: "Yimeng, do you know where this imprisoned heaven and earth seal the channel of the Protoss?"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Yun Yimeng slowly opened his eyes and said, "Master, the students know."

"Take me to see it later," Shi Feng said.

Although he didn't know what the master was going to do, Yun Yimeng nodded directly and responded, "Okay!"

Followed by Shi Feng's thoughts, Yun Yimeng's blood flashed and then disappeared.

"Ye Feng, let's go!" Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng.

"Huh!" Ling Yefeng nodded.

The two flickered at the same time, and went away instantly.

"That one is gone!"

"Well, it's gone!"

"Greetings to my lord!"

"Greetings to my lord!"


Immediately afterwards, they shouted, and then exhaled in the mouths of all beings.

However, although he left, no soul left here.

Budo monument, but still here!


Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng were flying to the world when they first entered this gloomy world.

The space passage to this world is hidden there.

"Twenty-one clan in heaven and earth!" Shi Feng murmured along the way.

Think about how powerful those strong races were when they first entered this world of confinement.

The evil eye tribe, the blood eater, almost died in their tribe.

The last time the battle of the arrogant battles, the nine strong men suffered heavy losses.

It's not right, it can be said that the eight ethnic groups have suffered heavy losses!

The human race, the patriarch Duk Nebula and the elder Dongfang Hongshan, are dead.

And the eight races are now extremely rare in this gloomy appearance.

Maybe that hairy monster invaded, there is no strong person in the clan to fight, no strong leader to lead the command, die faster and more tragic.


Soon after, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng returned to the world when they first entered, and the soul power of Shi Feng swept through them. Soon, they found the invisible passage of the hidden space.

Rushing upwards with Ling Yefeng's body shape, soon rushed into the invisible passage and returned to the mountain wall.

In fact, with the strength of the two of them, they can directly break through the mountains and soil and rush outside.

However, the two of them did not do so. Ling Yefeng released the corpse again, and the corpse displayed the magical power of the earth to guide the way, and the figure traveled through the middle of the mountain.

Soon, they returned to that bright world, imprisoned the world!

At this time, Yun Yimeng reappeared.

At the same time, "Oh!" After a year and a half, the sound of that bell toll resounded in this imprisoned world, echoing for a long time.

Shi Feng, and then released the first artifact that once imprisoned the heaven and earth, the emperor **** bell!

The golden bell was suspended under Yun Yimeng, and then Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng also stepped on the bell.

"Yi Meng, take me to that sealed place." Shi Feng said to Yun Yimeng again.

"Master, all the way up!" Yun Yi dreamed.

"Huh!" Shi Feng answered, and the heavenly **** bell rose straight up.

Once, Shi Feng obtained the secret seal repair method from the Red Moon Demon.

He wants to give it a try here in the world!

The seal in the imprisoned heaven and earth has long been a problem. Protoss often entered. Once, he even broke out with the protoss and divine power who entered the imprisoned heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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