Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2944: Leave imprisoned world!

Chapter 2944 Leaving Imprisoned World!

Under the guidance of Yun Yimeng, the three of Shi Feng went up along the imprisonment and came to the side of the rock wall that looked very common.

As Yun Yimeng broke in with a trick, ancient Taoism of Taoism appeared on the rock wall, "Master, you can enter!" Yun Yimeng said.

The emperor's bell immediately moved into the rock wall.

Immediately afterwards, a fairly large space appeared in front of the three of Shi Feng.

"Who!" And then, just listening to a somber yelling, came from in front of them.

Shi Feng immediately looked at him and saw an ancient skeleton strong, holding an ancient spear, facing this side.

"Ancient Skeleton, Skeleton Fate, it's me!" Yun Yimeng recognized the skeleton strong and said loudly.

The protoss access to this world is important, and the twenty-one clan who imprisoned heaven and earth will take turns to send the strong among the clan to guard.

This time, it's this ancient skeleton family.

"Master Yun?" Hearing Yun Yimeng's voice, looking at the broken body and the **** face covered with cracks, the ancient skeleton tribe strong shouted with uncertainty.

Yun Shaozhu!

Since the last battle of Tianjiao, Shi Feng professed himself to be the master of imprisoned heaven and earth with a powerful force, and the souls who imprisoned heaven and earth later called the apprentice Yun Yimeng as the master of Yun Shao.

Then, the skull saw Shi Feng next to Yun Yimeng, and the skeleton immediately moved, and said in a respectful voice: "See my lord!"

On the day of the war, he, an ancient skeleton tribe, also attended the battle.

On this day, I saw this unique style of this skeleton!

Skull followed and said congratulations: "Skull has heard of my Lord returning to imprisoned world a few days ago, but he has to be on his own, and he cannot visit our Lord, and I hope my Lord forgive me.

I didn't expect this skeleton to be able to say it.

But think about it, the strong people who can reach this level of imprisonment are all old guys who have lived for many years and naturally know how to be "human".

"Get up!" Shi Feng said.

"Thank you my lord!" Skull edged a deep voice, and then slowly got up.

Shi Feng said, "Where is the seal?"

"Master, right behind Skeleton Margin!" Yun Yi dreamed.

"Oh?" The power of Shi Feng's soul gathered in the past.

At the same time, the Heavenly Emperor's Bell under him flew again and flew towards the skull.

When the three of Shi Feng approached, Skeleton turned and pointed at the rock wall behind him and said, "My lord, this is the Protoss passage sealed by the ancestors."

Shi Feng was on the rock wall, and saw only a very small crack.

In this tiny rift, a mysterious invisible force surged in it.

This rift is the entrance of the protoss into Tianheng.

And the surging mysterious invisible force is the seal power!

Looking at the rift, Shi Feng frowned slightly.

The seal here is completely different from the dead volcano.

Presumably it can't be repaired with the secret method taught by the Red Moon Demon!

It can be said that the strongman who sealed the seal at the death volcano is not the same batch of spirits as the strongman who laid the seal under the imprisoned heaven and earth.

"The seal in the Death Volcano, that day, as long as I urge the secret method, I can resonate with the ancient forces hidden under the magma and repair the seal!

And this secret place ... "

Thinking of this, Shi Feng concluded a handprint with both hands, and the ancient secret method was performed again.

Seeing Shi Feng like this, Ling Yefeng also learned the appearance of a master and concluded handprints, which began to change constantly in an instant.

"Goo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo ..." Then, weird words continued to spit out from Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng's mouth, echoing in this world of fire.

Looking at the master and brother, listening to the strange sound of the echoes, Yun Yimeng just watched quietly.

He could see what secrets Shi Feng and his elder brother were doing.

It should be the secret method related to this protoss channel and this seal.

The secret method, although I heard it, felt strange, but gradually, Yun Yimeng and Skeleton gradually felt mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

As if at this moment, the world returned to the ancient desolate world.

But soon, the voice stopped, and the constantly changing fingerprints of Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng also stopped.

Shi Feng said slowly, "Sure enough."

This result was already expected by him.

I just tried it, and I think there may be some miracles.

However, here, there is no force that can resonate with that secret method.

"Let's go." Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng and Yun Yimeng again.

Since he doesn't understand other seal secrets, and since this seal cannot be repaired, it's no use staying here.

And has left a tribal king for the tribal elders of the human race, the ordinary protoss invasion, imprisoned world can already cope.

However, when Shi Feng said the words, "Boom!" A thunderous thunder raged on him, and the Thunder God of War showed.

The next moment, I saw something of thunder, appearing on his hands.

Mine objects, magic thunder flashes, as if destroying everything.

The fire, the scarlet flames were burning, exuding an extremely cold atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the thunderstorm poured from his hands to the rift.

Soon, the power of thunderfire began to compress and gather, condensing at the rift into two thunderball **** the size of a finger, just like a yin and yang fish, slowly spinning.

After doing this, Shi Feng put away the power of the thunder, and the Emperor's Bell under him followed, flying away.

"Leave the power of those two fires, hoping to block the Protoss, too," followed the secret road.

"Congratulations to my lord!" Watching this left, the skeleton of the ancient skull tribe immediately gave away.

Until watching the three figures disappear completely here.

Then, his gaze turned again to the slowly turning black thunder and blood fire, two powers that could make him fly away instantly!


Leaving the land of the seal, Shi Feng saw that Yun Yimeng, who was seriously injured, was slightly tired, so he returned to the blood stone monument and continued to recover from the injury.

Then, Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng left the imprisoned world directly.

As soon as the imprisonment was lifted, the outside world was shrouded in thick gray and white mist.

However, at this moment, Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng suddenly felt that an extremely hot breath rushed around, and in a moment, they enveloped them.

"Flame?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Today, they are in a blazing purple fire.

The sudden flame, Shi Feng's body in the imprisoned world changed into a short black robe, and then burned into ashes in this purple fire.

Ling Yefeng is the same!

Among the blazing purple flames, two handsome men, naked body instantly, the picture looks beautiful, like a dreamy world.

"Broken!" And at this moment, Shi Feng drank in a deep voice!

(End of this chapter)

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