Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2977: The old devil is laughing

Chapter 2977: The Old Devil Is Laughing

The voice of strong and overbearing echoed in this vast darkness, secretly, as if a roar came out in the land of magic, as if a mysterious creature in the darkness roared and was about to move.

Presumably, these are the so-called "magic"!

Shi Feng, already stepping forward step by step, a mysterious force of bewitching became stronger and stronger, bewitching him deeply.

Behind him, Ling Yefeng and Fang Ya have already kept up. Shi Feng's soul is powerful and calm, but he is worried that Ling Yefeng will be affected, and he asks, "How does Ye Feng feel?"

Ling Yefeng replied: "Master, rest assured, the sickle of death is one with me, and the mysterious power that deceives me is constantly being cut off by it!"

Previously, in the deep passage, the sickle of death and trembling constantly swept out of the sword.

At that time, Ling Yefeng forcibly stowed it and combined the physical body with one of the secret manipulation techniques taught by a dead soul.

Followed Ling Yefeng and said, "It's the girl who looks more and more abnormal."

What Ling Yefeng said was naturally Fangya.

At this moment, Fang Ya's shameless complexion seemed to be at a loss, and her mouth was calling:

"Father, Yaer is here, father, where are you, you call Yaer, and Yaer has come to see you."

Shi Feng nodded silently, saying, "This girl can't compete with that deceptive force."

The world completely devoured by darkness suddenly became extremely silent, silent.

Shi Feng's soul power swept wildly, but strangely, it was an endless darkness.

The power of soul induction is nothing but darkness, and Ling Yefeng behind him cannot be sensed in this dark place.

It seems that the power of his soul has been suppressed by this mysterious force in the darkness.

"Submit! Demon!"

Suddenly, a sound like a thunder rang from Shi Feng's mind, and even Shi Feng's heart was suddenly shaken by this voice.

"Go!" And immediately followed, an extremely cold voice drank from Shi Feng's mouth.

He immediately guarded his mind and was not deceived.

"Ah!" However, Fang Ya's soul strength was not as strong as he did. After a loud shout, Shi Feng suddenly saw that her whole body had begun to shake violently.

Immediately after, Fang Ya turned abruptly, muttering in the darkness behind Shi Feng:

"Father ... you are finally here ... father ... my ... father."

Then she was seen walking back and forth.

"Come back!" Shi Feng sang coldly at Fang Ya.

With his shout, Fangya's soul shook again. Then, the moving soul body stopped.

Turned around and looked at Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng, shouted: "The emperor ... I ... just ... seemed to be lost? What happened?"

"Even the bewildering power, even this emperor was shocked and failed to protect you in time.

Your soul is weak, and in this strange place will be very dangerous. Or, you first enter the mysterious spacecraft of the Emperor, wait until you find your father, and then the Emperor will call you. "Shi Feng said to her.

"Emperor, you don't know my father." Fang Ya said.

"You can record your father's image in Yujian and give it to me." Shi Feng said.

"I ... the emperor, for so many years, it has been a human being for a long time. My father is in such a place, I am afraid that it has become different from before. I just burned my father's appearance to you, and you may not recognize it. Come out."

Fang Ya said again.

It's ... well, that's true.

"Ye Feng, what's your situation?" Shi Feng turned his head and looked at Ling Yefeng. He already felt that Ling Yefeng was in excellent condition.

"I felt a horrible and mysterious power landing before, but it was still killed by my death scythe!" Ling Yefeng replied.

Death sickle is in his body, Ling Yefeng seems to be invincible!

Just now Shi Feng was shocked, but he was fine.

"That's good!" Shi Feng responded to Ling Yefeng.

Followed Fang Ya next to him, and then said to them, "Go ahead!

I can feel that we are just now at the entrance.

This place of devil can suppress the power of my soul and deceive the mind. It seems not as simple as I thought before. "

As for what's in this demon's land, Shi Feng wouldn't fully believe the words of the Dark God.

The legends and legends of the great demon that Heitian Modi said are just ancient legends, which can be used as a reference and cannot be fully believed.

However, thinking about it now, Shi Feng still can't figure it out, Xiao Tianyi, why did he enter this magic land in the end.

Subsequently, the three of Shi Feng continued to this endless dark place.

Occasionally, in the quiet darkness, I heard a faint roar, as if it came from a long distance.



On the Colossus of Dragons at the entrance to the Demon's Land, at this moment an extremely old figure stood proudly, looking ahead, and suddenly in this darkness, a burst of eerie "he" laughed.

This old body is naturally the old demon lord.

After Shi Feng left, the previous humility had already faded on the old face of the old demon.

At this time, the old demon sneer sneered and spit out the phrase: "Jiuyou Emperor, Youming!"

But at this moment, the old demon old man suddenly smiled and said something inexplicable: "Are you satisfied with this result?"

However, just as the words of the old devil fell, a voice like a man and a woman resounded: "Very good!"

The sound was stranger, I didn't know where it came from.

Gradually, I saw a white fairy-like shadow that quietly appeared beside the old demon.

This figure is really beautiful, as if the fairy has fallen into the world and has not seen its appearance, it makes people naturally think that this is a peerless beauty.

It was just above her face that she wore a white smiley mask so that she could not see her true face.

"Thank you!" Followed her again and thanked the old devil.

"Why thank you between me and you," Yu Mo said again.

With these words, his eyes turned to the endless darkness ahead, saying, "Xiao Tian has been in the land of demon for so long, I'm afraid, it's already a demon!"

This dim, thinking that after defeating the protoss, he thought he was the best in the world, but he didn't know it at all, the horror of the realm of demon!

Hum, I believe, this dim, will regret it, and enter this realm of demon!

Those who have not entered the realm of demon will never understand the horror of realm of demon! That ... it's not something he can compete with!

Hehe, hehehehe! "

Talking, the old demon old man smiled very happy.

After hearing the words of the old devil, the woman wearing a smiley mask nodded in agreement, and said in a deep voice, "The realm of demonism is indeed ... horror."

/ \ '; ..

(End of this chapter)

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