Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2978: Demon Lord?

Chapter 2978 Demon Lord?

"Realm of Demon, indeed ... horror."

The woman wearing a white smiley mask could not see the slightest emotion in her voice just now.

However, when she said these words, it seemed as if she remembered something, her voice trembled, as if ... she was afraid.

A real fear came from the heart.

After hearing her words, even the old demon with a smile on his old face put away a smile and said:

"Old decay almost forgot, you, but for so many years, the only one who came out of this demon domain.

If it were n’t for your master ’s unparalleled approach to space, you would also run that ancient space array to pick you out of the land of magic in time. As long as you are one step behind, you'll probably never come out. "

"Well." This time, she only responded softly, and her voice sounded sullen.

"Ghost, will be a demon!"

"It will become, like a livestock ... a demon slave!"


The three of Shi Feng went deep into the endless darkness, but as they went deeper, Shi Feng felt more and more uneasy.

"It seems that I really underestimated this place of magic!" Shi Feng secretly said.

The face of Lengjun hiding in the black robe has become more and more dignified.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard the sound of growl coming from all directions.

In the endless darkness, there was a faint green light.

"The monster in the land of demon finally appeared!" Shi Feng said.

"Roar! Roar!"

Suddenly, the roar grew louder and louder, and then they saw the faint green light of all directions moving rapidly.

The speed is extremely fast, and people can be dazzled instantly.

"Ye Feng, be careful!" Shi Feng told Ling Yefeng.

"Master, rest assured!" Ling Yefeng responded.

"Oh!" The Death Scythe hidden inside appeared again, and he clenched his right hand tightly.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yefeng saw a huge black figure rushing towards her.

It was a monster, but it looked different from ordinary monsters. The whole body was already dark, covered with black tentacles, and the head was covered with dense black horns.

It's like ... a demon monster!

"Huh, an emperor-level monster, dare to arrogantly in front of the emperor!" In the face of the huge beast, Ling Yefeng gave a disdainful hum.

The death scythe did not contain much power, and slashed directly towards the demonized monster.

Emperor-level monsters are now in front of the death emperor, but they are no different from ants.


At this moment, however, only a loud roar sounded through.

"Ye Feng!" Shi Feng was surprised to see, Ling Ye Feng was suddenly hit by the monster and flew out.

"A brief ants, die!" This time, the demonized beast uttered words, the beast claws had been lifted up, and Ling Yefeng and Shi Feng, and Fang Ya's were still flying The soul's body was enveloped, and then it was shot hard.

"Ah!" Fangya exclaimed again and again with a horrific force, and her face changed again with great fright.

"Mingming is just an emperor-level monster. After being demonized, he has the power of true God!

Enchanted! What happened to the flesh after demonization! "

Shi Feng was indifferent, whispering in his mouth.

In the face of that peerless claw, Shi Feng just clicked out with one finger.

In the middle of the air, a white finger of Mori appeared, touching the giant claw that looked like a hill.

"Oh!" For the next moment, I heard the painful wailing echoes between the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that huge beast body suddenly collapsed, the black magic blood sprayed wildly.

The bloodthirsty power of the torch runs, Shi Feng's figure slowly floats up, and the terrible and powerful invisible power immediately swept out of him.

An invisible force was relatively gentle, and then Ling Yefeng's body was stabilized.

However, behind Ling Yefeng, there was a bald man with black long horns on his head. He was unusually burly and covered with dense black magic scales.

At this moment, a cruel smile appeared on the man's face. This man's martial realm was only in the state of Wu Zun, but after Ling Yefeng felt the power behind him, his face in the black robe was again And suddenly changed.

He already felt a more horrifying force blasting himself.

"True God!"

"True God Double Sky!"

"Even the creatures of the Five Gods of the True God!"


At this time, Shi Feng, who was floating in midair, said the words blandly.

Immediately after, "Oh!"






The painful roars kept echoing in this darkness, and suddenly became extremely chaotic.

Even the bald-headed man who banged Ling Yefeng with a punch, his face had changed greatly, showing an extremely terrifying and shocking look.

"Uh!" Zhuang's body shook, and blood spewed from his mouth.

The blood he vomited was even dark, and then he saw that this mighty body collapsed, and the demon body seemed to have lost all its power.

Only at this moment, Fang Ya saw that those black creatures that were extremely scary in her eyes even broke, fell, and died.

A stream of black magic blood continued to surge towards the peerless emperor.

At that moment, all creatures demonized by other creatures were killed by Shi Feng.

Only the demonized human race is left, more precisely, the former human race.

Previously, there were dozens of monsters, and there were only three monsters.

"Look if your father is here or not." Shi Feng said, the other party said.

These three people, including the bald head with black magic horns, are all middle-aged men!

Fang Ya looked at the three, but slowly shook her head and said, "My father is not there."

"I see." Shi Feng nodded.

He saw that the three demons were staring at himself at this moment.

Looking at their eyes is not like losing reason.

"If you want to live, Bendi will ask you what you will answer, otherwise, you will die after endless pain." Shi Feng said coldly to the three demons.

At this time, he saw the three demons suddenly grin at the same time.

Seeing them like this, Shi Feng frowned, and said, "You have become a demon in the land of demonism, and you have peerless magic. Why don't you stay in this demon land?

"You can serve the Lord here, why go out?" At this time, a middle-aged man with long hair and unusually messy hair said.

The tone seemed to ask Shi Feng rhetorically, and showed a full disdain.

Not only him, but even the other two, their faces were almost the same.

"The Lord of Lords?" Shi Feng looked again and asked, "The Lord of Lords in your mouth is the Lord of the Devil's Land?"

(End of this chapter)

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