Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2995: Calculate, go!

Chapter 2995 Calculate, Go!

At that time, Shi Feng sent Ziya back to the Serpent Terrain, but saw that the Serpent Terrain had fallen into ruins.

Ziya told him that in this desert in the northwest, one day he killed the tree and knew everything.

So they started searching in the desert, and as a result, they were really found.

In other words, it was the day that the tree was willing to show up.


After breaking the residual snow, a third calculation was made.

Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, Gui Xiu, looked at him quietly, waiting.

White fluttering, dancing without the wind, this broken residual snow looks very elegant.

Slowly closed his eyes, as if sensing something, ten fingers again and again to gently click, just like playing the piano, the finger flashes, this action looks very beautiful.

After a long time, the ten fingers of the broken Can Xue nodded continuously, only to see his brow wrinkled again, and his face was struggling.

"Master, the situation seems to be bad." Seeing that Can Xue was so, Ling Yefeng immediately spoke.

"Yeah, something awful." Shi Feng nodded secretly.

That day, I was a wasteland tree. The last time I told myself that the person I was looking for was on God's Land, Shi Feng asked him when Leng Aoyue was still Jinmo, and he threatened him.

That old tree really doesn't necessarily see itself.

"Ah!" Thinking of this, Shi Feng sighed deeply.

I thought that today's return to Tianheng will be omnipotent.

I didn't expect ...

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng saw the broken frowning brows suddenly stretched out, and the strenuous color disappeared, his face gradually calmed down.

With his fingers in his hands, he kept moving, floating the ancient runes of destiny all over his body, suddenly spinning around him frantically.

"It seems like a turnaround?" Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.


Time passed slowly again, this snow and ice world has entered from night to night.

At this moment, I saw the broken Xue Xue's hands suddenly stunned, staying still in the void.

The runes of fate that swirled around him gradually disappeared into the void.

"How?" Shi Feng hurriedly asked him again.

At this moment, the broken Canxue's face looked abnormally dignified. After hearing Shi Feng's words, he nodded slowly to him after a while.

Seeing that he nodded, Shi Feng said quickly: "Nodding means that the tree was dead that day, would you like to see us?"

"Um." Duan Canxue nodded again and said, "I didn't expect that the existence was really willing to meet. If it was willing to guide, we should be able to enter the sky mountain."

"Okay!" When Shi Fengxue said this, Shi Feng smiled and asked him, "Destiny barren, where are we now? Let's go to him."

"A remote area in the eastern region." Bro Canxue said.

In the remote area of ​​the Eastern Region, the once small country in Yunlai was very partial.

The legend of the destiny barren tree has been circulating in the desert in the northwest, and that existence may have been there and never left.

"Okay, let's set off for Dongyu immediately!" Shi Feng said to the broken Canxue.

"Great Emperor!" And just then, he heard the ghost Xiu sing.

"Huh?" Shi Feng turned to look at him.

Ghost Xiu Shen said: "Great Emperor, since this place is here, his subordinates will return to Nether Purgatory!"

He didn't want to walk along with that person.

Moreover, that guy has now fallen into this hand.

After the princes and ministers have known each other for so many years, Shi Feng naturally knew the thought of the ghost repair at this moment, nodded to him, and said, "When you reach the teleportation altar, you will be returned to Nether Purgatory."


"Break Can Xue, lead the way." Shi Feng said to the remnant Can Xue again.

"Okay!" Bro Canxue answered.

Immediately afterwards, the white figure fluttered, and flew towards the depths of this glacial land.

The three of Shi Feng flew behind him, Ghost Xiu's eyes, staring at him tightly.

Hate can be clearly seen from his eyes!

Shi Feng said, and said to Gui Xiu, "Since you hate him so much, how about letting you kill him after you have finished using it?"

And his words were not low, even the broken snow that was flying in front of him also heard in his ears.

Seeing his body tremble suddenly, he secretly hated: "Ghost, you guy!"

"That bad boy! Damn! What a good thing, that bad boy must want to put me to death!"

However, unexpectedly, when he heard Shi Feng's words, Gui Xiu shook his head and said with a firm face: "I really want him to die, and I want to kill him myself!"

However, one day, I will kill him with my own strength. "

"This guy is very cunning, when you really have the power to kill him, you may not find him, you might as well end him as soon as possible, but you will be knotted." Shi Feng said.

Hearing this sentence, Bro Canxue clenched his fists.

"Nether, Nether, we are innocent and innocent!" Bro Canxue said resentfully in her heart.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Said the ghost.

What he said meant that he still chose to solve it by himself.

"All right." Now that he was determined, Shi Feng didn't say much. He stared at the broken Canxue flying forward, and said:

"Then let this guy live longer."

In this case, it fell into the ears of broken Canxue without fail.

Yourself, but still leading the way in front of you.

This way, he felt unable to take it.

Soon after, "Below!"

At this moment, just listening to the sound of this broken Canxue's deep voice, his figure fell to the top of a snowy mountain below.

At the same time as falling, a trick was hit by him and fell on top of that mountain.

"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the roaring sounds kept uploading from that snow mountain, and I saw that the whole snow mountain was shaking violently.

Immediately after Shi Feng's induction, an extremely ancient and thick space force burst out from the snowy mountain. At the same time, an ancient and huge altar slowly rose from the top of the snowy mountain.

This space altar in the Antarctic Lands is really hidden!

Later, the three of Shi Feng came to the ancient altar, and Shi Feng opened his mouth and said to the broken Canxue, "Send a ghost repair first, and return to Nether Purgatory."

Xuan Canxue did not answer, but he had begun to control it secretly.

Shi Feng said to Gui Xiu, "Go on."

The ghost nodded, wearing a dark armor, and fell to the very center of the ancient altar.

Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, broken Can Xue, flew aside.

And Bro Canxue started to adjust the coordinates of the altar, but afterwards, she saw that the snow-colored light shone from above the altar, followed by it, the snow light became more and more bright, and some people could not open it.

The next moment, he saw that Xueguang turned into a majestic beam of light, storming towards the sky, breaking through the sky, and in a flash, he rushed into the void.

"This boy!"

From the moment the beam of light rushed into the sky, Bro Canxue kept raising his head. At this moment, he spit the word back to the sky with hate.

(End of this chapter)

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