Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2996: Angry body!

Chapter 2996: Angry Body!

"This boy!"

Shi Feng turned his head to look at Bro Canxue, and said, "Broken Canxue, speak to me! Please understand your identity and situation at the moment!

That slap was really not a waste of words. If you let the Emperor hear those two words in the future, you will be at your own risk! "

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Bro Canxue froze at this moment and said nothing.

He knows what to say to this person, and he who suffers will be himself.

Gentleman does n’t suffer from loss!

"Go directly to Dongyu?" Bro Canxue said in a deep voice and asked.

"Well, Dongyu." Shi Feng said.

Broken Can Xue then manipulated the ancient altar, and the white figure first fell on the ancient altar.

Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng also followed.

Broken Snow continued to manipulate, and the way he manipulated the altar was different from that used by some ordinary people to manipulate the altar.

Dao Dao space power, Dao Dao space runes, Dao Dao subtle power, constantly rushed from him to the altar under his feet.

Coordinate alignment, Eastern Region, that remote place!

Snow and white light shone on the altar once again, and quickly swallowed the three of Shi Feng.

"Get up!" Suddenly listening to the sound of this broken residual snow, and suddenly, another majestic column of snow-colored light rushed up from the altar, and followed the storm towards the sky.

When the snow light disappeared in this world, in the dark night, the top of the snow mountain was empty, and the ancient teleportation altar had disappeared.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The roar of snow beasts echoed from time to time in the snowy mountains.


Tianheng continent, eastern region, the realm of the Yunlai empire, and the western deserted city.

In the early morning, Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, and Broken Snow all appeared on the teleportation altar in Xihuangcheng.

For long-distance cross-domain transmission, it is difficult for ordinary people to control where they will fall.

But I did not expect that this broken residual snow was so precise in manipulating the transmission of the altar across the territory. Although it did not land directly in the desert in the northwest, it was between the three cities of the west desert city.

Last night, they teleported overnight and already entered this border city, Xihuangcheng!

Shi Feng did not expect that after a few years of absence, he returned to this small border town.

However, the shape of the three of them immediately flashed and disappeared on the altar without anyone's notice.

In the rapid speed of the city, no one could capture the shape of the three of them.

Someone may feel a gust of wind passing by himself suddenly.


"In recent days, it is said that the one from the Wang family has gone out of customs!"

"The one from the royal family! Are you talking about the angry body of the royal family?"

"Well, there is nothing wrong! That one! That one, it is said that the origin is very simple. When he was still weak, the one who was the strongest in Tianheng continent was overtaking him!"

"A body of anger! It is said that once he is angry, his infinite potential and infinite fighting power will erupt! Such a **** body is rare in the world!"

"As an angry body, he is destined to become a strong generation!"

"The one from the Wang family heard that it was only a few years ago that we came to Xihuangcheng!

It is said that he used to be the most powerful fellow of Tianheng! "

"No wonder, his origins are so simple! I heard that the Wang family who is out of customs today is going to battle the top of the main city with our Lord!"

"The King's family fought against our Lord of the Western Wasteland? This ... this battle is absolutely wonderful! When does the battle begin?"

"I heard that it's about to start! Come on, check it out!"


A few days ago, no matter where I was, I was talking about that peerless emperor who repelled the protoss and saved Tianheng.

But over time, these topics gradually disappeared.

In recent days, people in the deserted city have been talking about the one in the Wang family and the peerless war today.


As Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, and Duan Canxue shuttled through the West Waste City, they suddenly saw two figures standing above the tallest building in the West Waste City.

One of them appeared in a red coat and looked very coquettish and familiar.

Fat short?

The owner of the Wang family, one of the four big families in Cangyue City, was short and fat, Wang Yao!

Shi Feng didn't expect that he had entered this wild city this time and saw him again.

He still remembers that the last time he came to the West Waste City, the short man was extremely fat and miserable.

The son seemed to be beaten by the man because he saw the daughter of the owner of the city at that time.

The next day, the owner of that little city wanted to beat him, too. If it wasn't for himself, then the dwarf was fat, and now he might not be dead.

However, I did not expect that this year, the dwarf fat Wang Yao, who looks like this coquettish, will not be seen this year.

The most important thing is his martial arts realm ...

This guy, once a two-star Wuling Realm, was useless to think that in just a few years, he has now reached the Samsung Wu Huang and has become a powerful Wu Huang strong.

"No wonder so coquettish!" Shi Feng secretly said.

And his target is a middle-aged man in a purple dress, with his hands behind him and looking at the short man in front of him.

The martial arts realm of that one is also the samurai emperor, but the breath is longer than that of Wang Yao, and it is obviously many years longer than that dwarf stepped into this realm.

"Qu Junyi, come on, you and I will fight!"

On the top of the city's main house, Wang Yao said arrogantly to the man, the strong man was full of style, as if he could already be proud of the world.

"Fight it." The other said only slightly.

Immediately, in front of the eyes, they saw that the two figures moved at the same time and stormed forward.


"That's it!"

"A World War I started like this!"

"Okay ... so powerful! So powerful!"

"The Emperor Wuhuang is truly worthy of the Emperor Wuhuang. I can feel my heart trembling just by feeling the power of these two people at this moment."

"Too ... too strong! I ... I'm afraid I can't achieve these repairs in this life, I'm really envious. The Emperor Wuhuang can break free and fly to the sky!"


In the battle between the two powerful men, the sound of shock and surprise continued to echo in this deserted city.

However, for that battle, Shi Feng had no interest in glancing at the soul alone, and Ling Yefeng and Bro Canxue entered the northwestern desert, and his body flashed rapidly in the northwestern desert.

Looking at this vast desert again, Shi Feng said with emotion: "That girl, go home again!"

The girl he said was naturally Ziya.

But now that she is back here, Shi Feng hasn't bothered her so as not to evoke her sad memories.

"Break Canxue, how far is the fateful tree away from us at that moment?" Shi Feng said, and then asked the Bake Remnant Road leading the way.

(End of this chapter)

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