Chapter 3005 Troll

The dark and mysterious place, the huge colored statue, should be famous.

And with the scream of the broken old man, the origin of this colorful statue is more difficult.

"Say, what exactly is this statue?" Shi Feng asked the old man.

"Ah!" In the endless pain, the broken old man kept screaming. After hearing Shi Feng asking again, he said again:

"This statue ... It is said that a demon build in the ancient times ... is full of magic ... If you contact it for a long time ... you will be deceived ... become a demon!"

Hearing the words of the broken old man, Shi Feng stared a little, then said, "Why is this statue here?"

"It is one of my ancestors ... Sealing this golem here!

In ancient times ... my door has been fighting with the demon all the time ... the endless demons of the demon land were slaughtered a few years ago ... finally suppressed in that ... our ancestor ... is also one of the demon-blockers. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng nodded slightly at the words.

The old devil is his teacher, and the old man has been staying at the entrance to the land of demon, so this vein should be related to the resistance to demon.

"Magic!" Following Shi Feng's thoughts, the third magic eye widened suddenly above his forehead, as well as the magic hand and two magic fingers.

Billowing magic fog, suddenly burst out from the demon's remains, a flash of **** light, dark magic armor, also instantly wore on Shi Feng's body.

Just a moment, this mysterious place was swept away by a world of magic.

"Nether, you!" In the blood flames, when Shi Feng suddenly became so, the broken old man was followed by a shock.

Then, he exclaimed, "My brother said you were demonized, and even the great demon who became a demon landed on his knees. You ... are you ... the night evil armor?

Nether ... What do you have to do with that evil night ... Uh! "

"Oh, do you know evil night?" I didn't expect that the old man who broke the sky was actually called evil night.

"Of course I know!" Said the old man.

But at this time, Shi Feng's thoughts moved again, and the blood flame that burned the soul of the empty old man suddenly disappeared.

The translucent, seemingly fragile soul appeared, as if a gust of wind was blowing, the residual soul could be blown away.

"What do you know about that evil night?" Shi Feng asked.

"Evil night ... Lord of the World Demon! Strong and strong troll!" Said the old man.

However, although Blood Flame had stopped burning him, the sound made by the soul of the old man sounded extremely weak:

"But before the endless years, a timeless strong man was born and defeated the troll with his own strength!

But the troll body, no matter how powerful the bombardment, could not completely destroy it, so the strong man, combined with the powers of that era, shot together to separate the troll body and seal it around the world. !!

Nether, your demon eyes, fingers, and hands are the remains of trolls, right? "

"That's right," Shi Feng said, and then asked, "What kind of strong man is he that can defeat the night?"

It's really hard to imagine how powerful it is.

Not to mention anything else, now he is wearing this night demon armor, but he knows that the power of this demon armor is not yet realized in Chengdu, but it is so powerful.

He used to think, if this magic armor really exerts its power, what other powers can it break in this world?

But ... in the extremely ancient period, there was such a person who defeated Shaye and split his demon body.

"It's ... it's not clear." The old man also said, "The strong man is said to be very mysterious at that time. No one knows who he really is or where he comes from.

According to the legend, in that battle, the magic mist shrouded the whole world, and the whole world has fallen into darkness and fear, but a golden light broke through the magic mist, and the light shone through the whole world. "

"This battle happened in our Tianheng?" Shi Feng asked again.

This evil night demon armor, he obtained from the **** war continent, and in the **** war continent, he encountered the spirit of the devil who calls himself evil night.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the broken old man said with a natural face: "It happened naturally in our Tianheng.

However, in the legend, the strong feared that the evil spirits of the night would return together, so they sealed them in various worlds.

And all his magic weapons, magic armor. "

"You know all about this evil night." Shi Feng asked him again.

"Well, that's almost it." The old man nodded.

"Well, Ghost, all you want to know, I told you all, if you can, let my soul fly away. It is too painful for you to burn with your blood."

This broke, and then begged Shi Feng.

"I knew today, why did you do that?" Shi Feng asked him instead.

"Ah!" He sighed deeply when he heard his words, "Everything is because of love!"

Falling child will become like that, not because you are dim, killing his beloved. "

"The Emperor cares about her beloved. The people that the Emperor killed were **** people." Shi Feng said so.

Everything he kills is to death!

"That being said, Nether, it's too cold-blooded to kill my apprentice. Although you have memories of previous lives, in terms of blood, he is still your brother, after all." Road.

"What brother? That woman, how did she become my brother again?" Shi Feng was somewhat unknown.

"I'm right, it's not a fall." The old empty man busy said, "Your father in this life has a second son. Do you remember another person?"

"Another person?" Shi Feng frowned.

His father in this life was that of Shi Jinxuan, and his mother waited for fifteen years before waiting for a paper divorce. He was killed by himself a few years ago.

He also has a son.

"Oh, it's him!" Soon, Shi Feng thought of the boy in silver armor and holding a spear.

"Originally, he is your apprentice!" Shi Feng also remembered, that was several times in that year, but he could beheaded and killed, and the power of space appeared, and he fled in front of himself.

It turned out that he was this old and immortal disciple!

Then, the reason why the woman willingly turned into a half-demon and found her revenge was because of that person!

That's it!

"I wasn't in Tianheng then, and he attacked my Nether Purgatory with others, then he is, **** it!" Shi Feng said to the broken old man again.

"Probably." The old man said, "But Nether, when the Protoss attacked Tianheng, you weren't in Tianheng. At that time, the falling child could actually go to Nether Purgatory, Dongyu, Zhongzhou, and kill everything with you. Concerned people.

At that time, my brother-in-law even encouraged him, but he didn't do it!

She only said at the time that you killed his brother with your own hands, and she wanted to kill you with your own hands, sacrificing her brother to the spirit of heaven ... "

(End of this chapter)

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