
The old man who broke the air is right. Shi Feng was not in Tianheng at that time, and if he had the power of the half-devil to enter the Nether Purgatory, Zhongzhou, and Shenglong City, no one could resist it.

The consequences are really unimaginable.

It was Shi Feng who thought of it at the moment, and felt horrified.

With a sigh in my heart, it's dangerous.

Fortunately that woman did not do that.

At this moment, Shi Feng looked at the look of the broken old man, but he eased a lot.

Then, just listen to him say again:

"As for your Majesty's female general, hey, you were seriously injured when you battled with the Protoss, and it was supposed to be the best time to kill you. As a result, the female ghost will have you in her hands. In the mysterious space, the falling child lost his goal and was really frustrated, so he started to attack the female ghost.

If it is normal, you will not start with other people. If you want to start, you would have already started. "

"What about heaven?" At this time, Shi Feng asked him again.

Disciple Xiao Tianyi, went to the land of demon, they broke their hands and feet, and tortured them in that dark space.

"Hey." Speaking of Xiao Tianyi, the broken old man sighed again and said, "Xiao Tianyi's hands and feet were broken by my teacher and brother.

And your apprentice is also very powerful, without hands or feet, even when she was unprepared, she took off her mask, made fun of her ugly face, constantly ridiculed, and wounded.

He was so angry that he suppressed him there. "

"You've both broken people, and you want him to talk to you politely?" Shi Feng asked him with a sneer.

"Nether, I admit, Xiao Tian was a little bit more involved in this matter, but Nether, we still left him dead after all," said the old man.

This is also true.

What's more, Xiao Tian is still alive and not dead. This is currently the best result.

"Broken, I promise your request." Shi Feng said to him, promised to let him die.

"Thank you, Nether. Hey!" Saying this thankfulness, the broken old man sighed again, a bitter smile on his old face.

They promised to completely kill themselves and completely disappear into this world.

He even thanked him.

It is sad to think about it.

"That's right." But Shi Feng didn't treat him directly, as if remembering something again, and asked him, "How can you tell at a glance that this magic armor on my body is the night magic armor."

There are thousands of armors in the world, and there have been many demon heads in this world, and there must be a lot of them.

But this broken old man directly said that this is the night evil magic armor.

The broken old man replied: "In the dark space, a golem is sealed. It is the golem of evil night.

The armor on the golem is exactly the same as the armor on your body, but the momentum is very similar! "

"Demon armor on the statue will have momentum?" Shi Feng was startled.

Moreover, it is similar to this true magic armor.

"That statue is definitely not simple, or it will not be sealed here by our ancestors. You will know when you go to see it," said the old man.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded, and then asked him, "One more thing, old Tianyong? Where did he go?"

At that time, Duan Canxue estimated the sky mountain, and learned that the elderly Tian Yong had made a move to prevent him from calculating the sky mountain.

But now, Shi Feng entered this sky mountain and did not see the old man that day.

"Brother Tianyong!" When Shi Feng said Tianyong, the old man's calm face changed again and again, he quickly said:

"Nether, this matter has nothing to do with Tian Yong. He has been persuading me not to be your enemy.

The relationship between me and him was just a trading relationship. I gave him something that could make him feel good, so that he could perform the mystery of destiny!

After the operation, he has already left, let me do it myself. and so……"

"Knowing that I'm looking for you, but this old thing is to help you hide the sky and cross the sea. You have already committed the following crimes of treason and injustice, and should be stunned!" Shi Fengman said with determination.

What's more, if Tian Yong is old and immortal, he must know that Xiao Tian was also suppressed here and suffered endless torture.

In this way, sin is a plus!

Seeing this broken old man, what else should he say, Shi Feng hurriedly spoke again, directly interrupting what he was going to say: "Well, you don't have to say anything more, you can go west."

Speaking of this sentence, Shi Feng's right palm slightly opened, aimed at the soul of the old man, and then slightly moved.

"Ah!" With a scream, the consciousness of the broken old man was wiped out.

Then, the power of the soul worked, and instantly swallowed up this soul.

After doing this, Shi Feng's eyes stared at the huge colored statue in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the figure slowly rose and flew towards the statue.

"Master, be careful." Seeing Shi Feng like this, Ling Yefeng reminded immediately.

"It's okay, rest assured," Shi Feng said.

It's just a statue, Shi Feng can't believe what else can be upset.

However, Ling Yefeng was still a little worried, and the sound of "crisp" echoed in the darkness, and the sickle of death appeared in his hands.

Later, Ling Yefeng's figure was also a move, after Shi Feng.

The last time in the land of magic, the death sickle, but killed the Quartet.

Except for that great demon, the demon head of that demon land can be slaughtered.

Shi Feng's eyes were still staring at the face of the statue, as if there was a mysterious temptation between them, forcing him to see exactly what this face looked like.

The rolling dark mist of the body also surged towards the statue.

And just then, "Boom Boom!"

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"


Under that magic mist, the statue seemed to resonate with it, but ... began to tremble slightly.

"Responded?" Shi Feng smiled coldly, "Go on!"

Subsequently, the magic eyes, fingers, and hands suddenly urged a more magnificent magic mist, rolling billowing, this space seems to have been swallowed up in the magic mist, even the rising Lingfeng All the same.

"Eh! Heh!" At this time, the sickle in his hand seemed to sense something and began to tremble continuously.

Through the magic fog, Ling Yefeng saw Shi Feng's rush to the statue's face, as if there was a mysterious force blocking him, and he continued to rush forward.

At this moment, Shi Feng looked a little crazy.

"The master doesn't look right!" Ling Yefeng exclaimed as if he had found something.

"For the emperor, get away! All for the emperor!" Suddenly, Shi Feng roared angrily.

The face of that young and handsome man, showing an extremely fierce look, seemed more and more crazy, as if he had done everything, but also to get close to the face of the statue, and to see exactly what it looked like.

"Boom", Kuang Lei also exploded on him, the Thunder God of War formula has already erupted.

(End of this chapter)

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