Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3011: Sub-transmission


Time passed about one day and one night before Shi Feng mobilized the energy expended by the magic, and gradually recovered, returning to its peak state.

In the end, the two evil night magic ears were still melted by him, and also integrated into his ears!

Shi Feng's thoughts moved again, and all the remains of the demon were manifested instantly, and the rolling mist was more violent than before.

Shi Feng felt it. After having two demon ears, the defense force of this demon armor really became stronger.

It is estimated that the forces under the peak can be resisted.

As for ascension to the peak, God Wang Tianzhong and Wuzhong Tian are a watershed, one day at a time. If it is the power to climb the peak, Shi Feng believes that it is still difficult to resist.

In the following days, Shi Feng continued to cultivate in the Nether Purgatory.

Jiuyou's enhanced version of combat skills, heavenly eyes magical power, heavenly demon slaying magic array, and magic power "return", also continue to comprehend and cultivate.


"Da da! Da da! Da da!"

After Shi Feng returned to Nether Purgatory, a few months passed as soon as he practiced. On this day, a burst of sounds were heard from his storage ring.

"Huh?" After hearing the sound, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved. Between the movement of thoughts, a string of golden rosary appeared in his hands.

This golden rosary is exactly the same rosary that was given to him when the world sent him back to Tianheng.

It has been more than a year since Shi Feng returned to Tianheng now, this rosary has finally reacted.

"Xiao Fengzi, can you hear me?" Immediately, a thought came out of this rosary.

"Yes," Shi Feng responded quickly.

"Good!" Ziyi's voice came again, and he said:

"I have spent more than a year. This Solo lamp is now basically under my control. At this moment I have locked your goal with a rosary. If you want to come to my side now, you can come anytime.

"Can one of those three sealed passages go to the realms of the gods?" Shi Feng quickly asked him, which was what he wanted to know most.

"Xiao Fengzi, those three seals are really not easy. Some of my old guys can't break the seal at present.

However, an old guy who has lived for many years has burned the seal, and now several old guys are slowly studying it.

An old guy vowed to reassure me that it won't be long before the seal can be unlocked. Ziyi said again.

"It won't be long, how long will it be?" Shi Feng asked again.

Now, a year has passed.

I don't know what happened to her in that world.

She, a person, has been in what is called a higher-level, more dangerous world for so many years.

"With that old guy's temperament, if he can't say long, um ... maybe a year ... or maybe ... um ... ten years," Ziyi said again.

"What, ten years!" Shi Feng looked, and moved quickly.

If it is ten years, or even longer, then she ... can she really stay in that dangerous world for so many years?

"Gods! Goss! Really! What the **** is going on!" At this moment, Shi Feng was extremely annoyed.

"Xiao Fengzi, you don't have to worry, I believe those old guys, they are not simple." As if feeling the emotion of Shi Feng, Zi Yi comforted.

"Oh!" And at this moment, Zi suddenly gave a surprise, and then passed the rosary to Shi Feng:

"Xiao Fengzi, I'll tell you the good news. The old guy just sent me a message, saying that as long as you give him three months, within three months, he can unlock the seal!"

"Really?" Shi Feng's face moved again.

If it is really three months, it will be returned ... you can wait for a while.

"Well, really! That old guy is a little different from the other old guys. He has always been serious. Since he has been talking for three months, he should not be able to live for three months."

"If so, I will come to the door and thank myself personally," Shi Feng said.

"Ah, what thanks are there between you and me?" Ziyi said.

Followed him and said, "Yes, Xiao Fengzi, come over to me now, here, it's still very interesting now."

"Go to war now?" Shi Feng said.

"No, no, no! I'm not in the Divine Warfare Continent now, I'm here, reckless." Ziyi said.

"Are you back to the wild?" Shi Feng said in surprise.

Ziyi said, "I have a magic lamp in my hand. These worlds, including yours, I can shuttle freely.

Well, Xiao Fengzi, you are here too. There is a beauty here, and it has something to do with you. Come and save the hero with a hero. "

"Related to me? Woman? Senrou?" Shi Feng asked him.

"You'll know when you come." Ziyi said, but he sold it.

Then urged again: "Xiao Fengzi, come quickly! More and more exciting. If you missed it, it would be a shame!

Come on! "

When Ziyi said this sentence, Shi Feng suddenly saw that above her head, a purple flame swirl appeared, and an incomparable force of space came out from it.

It seems that Ziyi's control of the Solomon's magic lamp is indeed more and more proficient. It can directly pass through his string of rosary, opening the space channel here.

And listening to Zi Yi's words, Shi Feng frowned deeply.

Senrou, a woman related to the Manghuang continent, is her friend.

There is also a daughter of Madam Frost, whose relationship is not bad.


"It should be Senrou." Shi Feng said secretly.

Immediately following his shape, he rushed straight up into the purple flame swirl.

Rushing into the vortex, Shi Feng has entered a burning world of purple flames, this is the world of the magic lamp of Solo.

Immediately afterwards, he heard only a low-drinking voice: "Come out!"

With this drunk, a purple flame came down suddenly, rolled down, and then rolled on Shi Feng's body, with his body, curled up and rushed towards the sky of purple flames.

The next moment, Shi Feng saw a change in the world before him, and the noise came along, and there seemed to be a lot of people.

Immediately after, he heard the familiar voice, sounding beside him: "Little Fengzi, you are here."

Following the sound, Shi Feng looked at the familiar and smiling face, his eyes moved again, and now ... they were in a stand of a battlefield.

In the field, at this moment, there were two warriors fighting fiercely, and the battle was extremely fierce.

After that, Shi Feng took a look at the battlefield and then looked away, then turned to look at Ziyi, and asked him, "Where is this? What other woman do you mean that I have?"

(End of this chapter)

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