Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3012: Ginger family comparison


This is an extremely ancient battlefield for watchers, built from ancient bluestone. The entire battlefield and stands are full of the desolation of ancient times.

This breath is also the characteristic of this wild land.

In the battlefield, neither of them was very young, about twenty-six or six. In terms of the wild continent, their talents were also pretty good.

The martial realm of the two is in the six-star demigod!

At this moment, they saw two men rushing into the sky at the same time, and the violent battle hit the sky directly from the platform.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A thunderous thunder sounded.

"Xihuang, Jiang's family," Ziyi replied.

When he said these words, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Jing's family!" Shi Feng murmured these words secretly.

In his mind, the blue shadow that met a few years ago appeared immediately.

Jiang Ning, one of the eight gods and masters of Manghuang continent!


Shi Feng remembered that the genius cultivator woman had experienced danger in the desert ruins with herself, and because of him, she had a battle with the genius king of that royal family.

So, she and her had some rumors.

No wonder this strange saying, there is a beauty here, has a little relationship with himself.

I remember that time when I was different from Jiang Ning, he told himself that almost a year later, a sky-high contest would be held at his Jiang's house.

It seems that their Jiang family holds a Tianjiao competition almost every year.

Shi Feng had just thought about it, but Ziyi said, "This arrogant contest is extremely important to their Jiang family!

This is related to the marriage of your beauty. "

Hearing Ziyi's words, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, and said, "Competing to recruit relatives?"

Speaking of the four words of martial arts, his thoughts seem to have returned to a few years ago.

Dongyu, Tianlan Empire, the white shadow, floating like an immortal Linfan.

"Although there is no such thing as recruiting relatives on the Ming Dynasty, everyone on the wild continent knows that Jiang Ning stepped into the divine master and countless forces came to the Jiang family to propose marriage. When he became the first genius in the world, come to my Jiang house again and find me Jiang Ning. "Zi Yi also said.

"After that, should the Jiang family hold a Tianjiao comparison? Should they fight against the wildland first day?" Shi Feng said.

"The second year you left the wild and desolate continent, this Jiang family did hold a Tianjiao contest." Zi Yi said indifferently.

Then, I asked Shi Feng: "Guess, who was the first day of the Tianjiao match?"

"If you ask, it should be someone you and I know. This is guessing. It seems to be Lin Yu." Shi Feng said.

Lin Yu, the three great disciples of sin!

At that time, it was Shi Feng who fought hard. A decisive sword was definitely a genius recognized in Shi Feng's heart.

"Oh." Ziyi smiled and said, "It's really smart."

Actually, there is no need to guess at all.

"Yes, that year, Lin Yu won the No. 1 battle in this day and became the first genius in this nominally barren continent.

It stands to reason that it was this Lin Yu who married Jiang Ning!

However, at that moment, Jiang Ning appeared in person, and told the Lin Yu mercilessly in the presence of the people in the world, that your sin abyss is arrogant and lost to Shi Feng. One day is proud.

After speaking those words, Jiang Ning turned and left, leaving Lin Yu with a blue face. "

Shi Feng saw that Ziyi said that Jiang Ning said that Lin Yu was defeated by himself, and when Lin Yu was full of iron, he looked excited.

The same is true. At that time, he was defeated by the hand of Lin Yu, who wanted to slaughter him.

At that time, if it were not for him to stand in front of him, the consequences would be hard to imagine.

"During those years, haven't you been staying on the God War continent? Why is this so clear?" Shi Feng asked him.

"I have someone here." Ziyi said.

At that time in the abyss of sin, this guy seemed to be acquainted with information, as if he had secretly cultivated some people.

"Oh." Shi Feng said "Oh" and nodded.

Zi Yi's face still had that slight smile.

Subsequently, the two looked at the empty battlefield again and again.

Two geniuses, one is practicing martial arts of water, the other is practicing sword skills.

At this moment, the warrior who practiced sword skills cut out with a sword, Wan Jian flew, and Qi Qi flew to the water warrior.

The next moment, the raging waves in the void, contended with Wan Jian, between heaven and earth, suddenly became more chaotic and violent.

"Uh!" However, at this moment, the martial artist who practiced the martial arts of water suddenly gave out a moan.

I saw Nu Tao and Wan Jian, and at this moment they collapsed.

However, the genius of the sword of the sword had flashed in front of the martial artist of the water, the sword in his hand kept chopping, and the sword of the sword was devouring each other.

The water shield rises to compete with Jianguang, but the figure of the water martial artist keeps retreating.

It seems that while taking the upper hand just now, the swordsman of the sword continued to attack him, even though the power of water continued to flow on his body, his shirt was constantly broken, and the rifts appeared on his body ...

But he still gritted his teeth, and his sword continued to flutter.


An extremely crisp and crisp sound echoed, and saw the water shield in front of the water way warrior burst suddenly, the next moment, the long sword had already reached his throat.

"Ah! No!" A roar of incomparable roar, roared from the mouth of this water way martial artist.

He was really reconciled and just lost.

"Tianjian Shenzong Shaozong's main words cool win!"

At this moment, an old man in a white robe announced from the edge of the battle platform.

"Acceptance!" Said the young master, politely, holding a sword to the water martial artist in front of him.

"Ah!" So far, the genius warrior of the Waterway sighed deeply, and then flew away from the void battlefield.

"Take a break for two hours and recover your injuries and strength.

Two hours later, the geniuses could challenge Tian Jianzong Shaozi's cool words. "The old man in white robe said again.

Vigorous and powerful voices echoed this world.

Although it is a referee, it is not easy to be able to preside over such a arrogant battle.

After that, the genius who practiced Kendo was convenient to sit cross-legged in the void and began to recover.

Meanwhile, the Jiang family flew to the void and gave him three elixir.

These three elixir drugs are all demigods. In this battle of Tianjiao, the elixir that Tianjiao spent on healing and injury recovery will be provided by Jiang family.

At this time, Shi Feng suddenly heard the difference and then said to him with interest:

"Six-star demigod, um ... this battle is just beginning. Next, it should be more exciting.

I heard that Lin Yu is here again. "

(End of this chapter)

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