Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3013: Lin Yu killed!

Chapter 3013 Lin Yu Killed!

Ziyi also told Shi Feng that after the Jiangjia Tianjiao competition that year ended, the Jiang family had not held any more in recent years.

It is said that the arrogant girl of the Jiang family has been in retreat for many years and has been concentrating on the practice of art.

Until recently, the Jiang family informed the outside world that the arrogant girl had gone out of the customs, and the practice of refining had gone further. The Jiang family would hold another Tianjiao competition.

Although it was said that in the last Tianjiao comparison, the Jiang family rejected Lin Yu and even mercilessly counted that he had lost to Shi Feng, but this time there are still many Tianjiao who came to this Jiang family, and it was very mean to participate in this Tianjiao is much better.


"Lin Yu won the first place last time, Jiang Ning refused to marry him. If that first time was Xiao Fengzi you, it is estimated that Jiang Ning had already run away with you." Zi Yi laughed at Shi Feng again. This time, he smiled strangely.

"You think too much," Shi Feng said.

Regarding Jiang Ning, he only felt that the girl was pretty good, and had no other thoughts.

"If this time, that Lin Yu won the first place, and that Jiang Ning had to marry him, would you end up fighting that Lin Yu?" At this time, the son asked again.

"No." And Shi Feng answered him directly.

He never thought of participating in this Jiangjiao Tianjiao ratio.

"Oh, is that it?" He smiled strangely.

As if I don't believe Shi Feng.


Two hours passed gradually, and in the void, the Tianjian Godzong Shaozong, who had recovered his wounds and strength, seemed to have recovered to his peak state.

After all, the Jiang family is one of the superpowers of the wild, and the elixir shot must be the best in the best. For the cool warrior Yan Yan, it is enough to return him to the peak.

At this moment, the broken shirt on Yan Liang's body had been quietly changed. He wore a white robe with a sword on his back and stood proudly, like a white sword fairy overlooking the world.

The breeze blows, and white robes and long hair drift slowly with the wind.

Immediately afterwards, he only heard him proudly say, "Who is going to fight me cold!"

The floating young voice echoed in this battlefield.

"The Sword Master of the Sword of Heaven Sword is cool. I did not expect that he has now entered the realm of six stars and demigods."

"Yeah! The gift of coolness can indeed be called the current genius."

"Outstanding talents and outstanding manners, in my opinion, Yanliang and Jiang Jiajiang Ning are also very good!

Although it is said that the strength of the Heavenly Sword King Sect is incomparable with that of the Jiang family, but his Heavenly Sword King Sect has a young master saying cool, which is a sign of rise! "

"Yan Liang, who dare to fight him Yan Liang?"


Talks and talks continued to sound in various stands.

It seems that this word is cool, and is optimistic for many people.

"My Lin Yu, fight against you!"

At this moment, everyone in this grandstand heard a cold drink from the distant sky.

Each look was immediately attracted by that figure.

Soon, people saw a young black figure, carrying a billowing magic mist, rushing towards this side.

As if the devil came!

"Lin Yu! The heir of the evil abyss, the three old demons!"

"Lin Yu is here!"

"Last time, Lin Yu won the first place. This time, he's here again!"

"Lin Yu, he has only been defeated once in this life, and the one who defeated him is the one ... ruthless!"

"Lost to that cruel man, that's not a shame!

Then ... but with their own power, the evil three old demons, the throne of the Holy Land, the royal family, the tritheism, Gu'ershan, Han family and other extreme forces will be destroyed!

That ... is the evil that should not exist in the world at all! "


As soon as Lin Yu appeared, the burst of cries suddenly echoed.

Seeing Lin Yu, many people naturally remembered Jiang Ning's refusal, and those who lost him.

Because of him, people think of that year, the peerless demon who was born in the wild continent suddenly.

It was only later that I did not know where the demon monster had gone, as if suddenly disappeared in this world.

Some people say that the evil devil in this world can't find the enemy, so he went to a stronger world.

Some people also say that the person who is not in this world, who does not belong to this world, has long returned to his high-level world.

It was also said that the peerless demon went to an ancient ruin, and as a result ... even he fell there.

Some people even said that the peerless monster has found his true love in this life, a woman who is more beautiful than Jiang Ning, so she returns to the mountain forest and no longer cares about the world.


Anyway, over the years, the topic of that evil has never been broken, and there has been a lot of debate.

"Lin Yu, will this year be the first in this arrogant battle?

Then, was rejected by Jiang Ning and the Jiang family? "Someone said again.

"Lin Yu's strength is strong. He used to be a disciple of the evil old demon master, but now, his three masters have been killed by that evil spirit. Even if he wins this battle, the Jiang family directly ignores him and he again any idea?"

"Well ... how about Lin Yu, in front of Jiang's house, he can't turn any waves!"


"Lin Yu!"

In the void, the main character of the Sword God Sect Master Shao was cool that day, and when he saw Lin Yu rushing out with the monstrous demon mist, his complexion suddenly moved and he slowly spit out the name.

But then, his complexion changed again and he drank in a deep voice: "Battle!"

"Oh!" A sound of swordsing echoed across the world, only to see the long sword that Yan Yan was carrying behind him suddenly burst out of the sheath and flew into the sky.

The next moment, I saw the long sword turned into a sword light, stabbing down towards Lin Yu, as if a meteor was across the sky, the speed is very fast, wherever I pass, the void is cut off, and a long dark rift follows Appearance.

One of the heavenly sword Shenzong skills, Meteor Excalibur!


However, in the face of the sharp sword, Lin Yu only made this impatient drink.

The magic knife in his hand suddenly slashed fiercely towards the excalibur.


A loud, crisp sound echoed.

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw the sword light under the sharp stab, suddenly burst under the sword.

The whole excalibur was ... ruined!

In the stands, there were bursts of shock, all faces appeared.

"That Lin Yu's sword not only broke Yanliang's sword tricks, but also destroyed the Excalibur. That sword, it is said that ... the rank is not low!"

"This Lin Yu is really terrifying!"

"Lin Yu, what level has it reached?"

"See through! Not through!"

"This battle has been divided! Lin Yu, worthy of Lin Yu, although his cool talent is good, but his rival is too fierce!"


The magic sword was broken, and a touch of horror appeared on that cool face.

At this moment, he really realized that his opponent was powerful.

After that, another extremely cold voice came: "Get out! Three breaths! At your own risk!"

(End of this chapter)

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