Chapter 3030 Red Demon Pupil!

After Ziyi said that sentence, this figure moved and chased Shi Feng.

And he moved very fast, and after a while he passed the runner and came to Shi Feng.

Behind him, the runner's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the figure beside Shi Feng, whispering secretly:

"Previously, this person has not been followed.

Who is he? "

"I ... can't see this person at all, is it because of his martial arts practice, and also for the divine realm?"

"It must be! This person is never easy!"

"The nine ghost masters are really not provoking. This time he was brought to the realm of hell. I don't know what will happen, hey!"

"Especially my stubborn big brother, I heard that I have been looking for a prostitute who will conceive his baby girl. Even threatened that no matter who it is, if it is caught, it will be broken!

I don't know when he sees these nine ghost masters, what will it be ...?

That guy, a long time ago, no matter who the opponent was, whether he could fight it or not, he would rush up and fight, hoping ... this time, you can be more rational, not so reckless.


The runner secretly said these words and shook his head secretly.

That skinny face still looked full of worry.


Diyan City, a great city built in this underworld.

This **** is said to be close to an underground volcano, and as soon as it was approached, it felt a hot wave coming.

Therefore, many years ago, this hot city was also named as Diyan City.

At this moment, Shi Feng, Zi Yi, and the runner stood in front of the gate of this Diyan City.

Shi Feng also did not expect such an underground world to have such a city. His powerful soul force swept out, but he saw that there were few people in this city.

This can be said to be a dead city!

However, judging from the architecture of this city, this city should have been prosperous.

The runner said to Shi Feng:

"I do n’t know what year the underground world was developed by, or who has developed it. This city has also existed in this underground world for countless years. In fact, from all traces, this underground world should have been very prosperous, but I do n’t know what happened."

"Disaster?" Shi Feng asked.

The runner nodded and said, "From the signs, there should be a catastrophe."

He later said, "When our ancestors discovered this underground world, it was dead."

"Come into the city." Shi Feng said.


Followed, the three of them flashed again, flashing into this earth-flaming city.





Secretly, Shi Feng only heard the sound of drinking and killing.

The strength of his soul has been swept away. There are more than a dozen children who are constantly moving and hiding in the city of inflammation, as if training.

This should be **** training the next generation of assassins!

And the dozen or so children should be carefully selected from hell, and they are all very talented.

"Dead!" But at this moment, Shi Feng, Zi Yi, and the runner suddenly heard, a tender drink, passed from above them.

Hearing the sound of drinking, Shi Feng and the runner's complexion moved at the same time.

There was a smile on Shi Feng's face.

The runner suddenly changed suddenly.

He wasn't afraid that the person above would hurt him, but he was worried that that sudden assassination would misunderstand him.

"Presumptuous, get away!" The runner yelled in a cold voice, an invisible and thick intention to kill, suddenly burst out from him, straight up.

"Ah!" There was a sudden shout of surprise.

The runner's supreme killing intention, that is, the warrior in the demigod state, can be wiped out instantly.

Not to mention, it was just a child, a child only seven or eight years old.

"Stop it." Just then, Shi Feng said the words suddenly.

With these two sounds, the involuntary killing rushed from the runner disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that shot, the runner turned his head and looked at him.

Shi Feng looked up slightly, looking up, looking at the little white face, which was a little girl, looking very delicate.

However, Shi Feng found that the girl's pupils were actually red and looked a bit strange. In her right hand, she held a dagger and glowed with cold light.

At this time, Shi Feng even saw that, in addition to the shout she had just uttered in the runner ’s supreme killing, her complexion at this moment looked abnormally calm, so she hovered in the air and looked down at them quietly. .

"Aren't you afraid?" Shi Feng asked, asking her.

"Why am I afraid?" And she asked back.

Although the sound sounded so immature, the tone seemed cold.

Not like a child's tone.

It seems that under the cultivation of this hell, the personality of these children has changed.

"Aren't you afraid we will kill you?" Shi Feng said.

"Not afraid," she replied.

The girl felt very different from the beginning.

In particular, they and their group were moving in this city of Yanyan at an extremely fast speed. It was difficult for ordinary people to capture their bodies.

But she was able to see and even wanted to assassinate directly.

"Is it her red eyes?"

In particular, the eyes of these red pupils also gave Shi Feng a very different feeling.

"If I'm not mistaken, these eyes should be the red monster pupils in the legend! I didn't expect to see the red monster pupils here.

At this time, Ziyi suddenly said, saying.

He also looked at the figure above with a smile on his face.

"Red demon pupil?"

Hearing Zi Yi's words, Shi Feng and the runner were both surprised.

Although they have not heard of this title, they can hear from Ziyi's words that the red demon pupil should be very powerful.

Shi Feng even knows that today's differences are absolutely extraordinary, even he is like this, then this so-called red monster pupil is absolutely extraordinary!

It seems that her three people's moving figures were captured by her because of her eyes.


The girl suspended in midair, seeing the three of them staring at herself, said suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, she saw her body move and wanted to leave.

"She, I want it." Just then, Shi Feng said suddenly to the runner.

"Ah!" The runner sighed at hearing what he said.

I just knew it was a "treasure", but he just left.

"I rely! You ask me if I dare to refuse!" The runner cursed secretly.

Hey, blame it, you do n’t have enough knowledge to hide it.

"Since you like it, then she is yours." The runner's old face was full of smiles, and smiled respectfully at Shi Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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