Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3031: Feeling immeasurable!



Shi Feng nodded slightly, followed, and an invisible force swept out of him.

In midair, the little girl who wanted to leave there suddenly felt an invisible force and bound her body.

At this moment, she was very difficult to move.

"What are you doing, let me go!" The girl chuckled coldly.

Shi Feng didn't bother, and with a moment of thought, the girl turned into a **** light, and he was forcibly sucked into the blood stone monument.

Even Ziyi calls it the legendary red demon pupil, and he can see if he can cultivate it.

In any case, it should be better than nurturing this hell.

The girl had just intended to kill herself just now. The dagger was stabbed at herself. She had already committed the above crimes. If it was an ordinary person, she would definitely be executed.

But now, instead of killing herself, she wants to train her, which is a big favor!

"Let's go," Shi Feng said again, and said to the runner.

"Subordinates meet the runner king! I do not know that the runner king is coming, and we are far away and hope to forgive us!" But at this moment, they suddenly heard a very respectful voice coming from them.

Later, a man in a black suit was seen quietly appearing in front of the three of Shi Feng, who was already kneeling on the knee of the runner Wang.

"Oh, feel immeasurable." Looking at the person who appeared, the runner slowly spit out his name, then nodded secretly to him.

"It turned out that you were in Diyan City, leading these next-generation assassin training."

"Yeah!" Kuan Wuliang nodded solemnly and said, "This group of children is a one-million-mile existence. The talents are extremely simple. The future achievements will be boundless!

In particular, one of the children with a red pupil is extremely outstanding, and it can be said that there is no talent in one billion! "

"Uh ..." Hearing this immense amount of words, the runner said "Uh" softly.

Such a genius was just taken away by the man. Although he knew that the child's talent was extremely extraordinary, he felt a little bit of pain in his heart when he heard the words.

I feel so saying at this moment, it seems that he has just arrived and should not have seen the child. He has just been taken away by that guy.

"Huh?" And at that moment, I saw the countless complexion suddenly move, frowning, as if seeing something very bad.

And immediately followed, he saw his eyes glared suddenly, and then spit out coldly: "You are really wanton!"

The person who glared at him, and the words that spoke out coldly, was Shi Feng among the three.

Afterwards, I just listened to him and said coldly again: "What kind of thing are you in the middle and the distinguished runner king is on the side?

You know, you have already committed the following crimes and deserve to be severely punished ... "

"I depend!" The runner uttered these words to that one, and the runner trembled physically and mentally.

This feeling was so immense that he dared to speak to the mad monster like this.

Standing in the middle, this, let him stand in the middle.

Why is this guy so blind-sighted!

Have you ever seen this seat next to others!

If this seat is willing to be beside others, there must be a reason!

Seeing that there was nothing to think about, and then, after listening to the runner yelling at him, "Thinking, I'm so restless!"

"Ah!" When I heard the runner scream, I was shocked. "Ah!"

He hadn't figured it out, it was obviously that person who committed the crime, the runner-up king ... why ...

"But the runner, he ..."

I felt so immeasurable that I still wanted to speak. The next moment, I saw that the shape of the runner had flashed in front of him, and his right hand was raised high, and he fanned toward the immeasurable face.

"Pop!" An extremely crisp and crisp sound echoed in this silent world.

The speed of the runner is really too fast, and this slap is too sudden, and I feel that I haven't responded yet. On the left face, there is a deep five-finger palm print.

At the same time, he saw the distinguished runner king staring at him fiercely.

"Wheel of the runner, why?" With such a slap, the senselessness didn't even understand what was going on!

Even the runner felt that he was really stupid.

But this feeling is infinite, but it is the first king of assassin training in hell!

It is even called the **** of training!

Any assassin who has been trained by him will be proud of him.

But at the moment ...

"Stupid goods! The reason I am standing beside him is because he is better than me! Your slap is really worthless!" The runner hurriedly made a loud noise to this feeling.

He didn't feel clear, this guy would not understand.

"Better than you?" At this moment, the countless complexion suddenly changed dramatically.

In his mind, the top ten Yan Luos were supreme and most powerful beings.

Even better than him?

And ... so young!

"How is this possible!" However, this feeling is still a little hard to believe.

"This is the first strongest man in the wild continent today, the Lord of Nine Youmo, the existence of true gods!

Well, stop talking stupid, it doesn't matter if you lose your life yourself, don't affect this seat! The runner spoke again.

"Jiuyou Lord? True God!"

Jue Wuliang has been in this underground world training a new generation of assassins. This is the first time that he has heard the title of Lord of the Nine Spectres.

However, the word true **** has deeply shocked his soul.

In this world, there is really ... there is God!

In the infinite mind, God, that only exists in the legend, that ... But it is above everything!

However, the man in front of him ... No wonder even the runner ... willingly walked beside him!


After really understanding this, Ju Wuliang also trembled physically and mentally, and then quickly whispered to the runner: "The genus ... subordinates understand! Thanks to the runner king for reminding."

At this time, the runner turned back slowly, and on the way around, I saw that old skinny face just looked fierce, and now suddenly filled with laughter again, said to that one:

"This person is stupid and disrespectful to you, and I hope you don't take it seriously."

"I'm convicted, and I hope you forgive me!" Just now I felt infinitely kneeling on one knee. At this moment, my knees were already on the ground, my head was deeply lowered, and I prayed to him.

"Forget it." Shi Feng said this lightly, and then said, "Slap your own mouth, and then step back."

"Yes! Thank you for your forgiveness! Thank you for your forgiveness!" Ju Wuliang thanked him again, and then right-handedly fanned his own mouth fiercely.

"Slap!" Another loud, crisp sound, even louder than the slap of the runner just now.

"I'm cheap!"

"I **** it!"

"I'm stupid!"





Jue Wuliang kept talking to himself while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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