Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3035: Boundless Hell

Chapter 3035: Boundless Extreme Hell

"Why, I'm not disrespectful to you!"

Upon hearing a strange word, the woman in the black dress quickly spoke again.

The cheeks were puzzled and even begged.

The word of the person in front of me will really determine his life and death.

"From the moment you appeared, a good-looking sneer was hanging on your face, and you had already committed the death penalty!" Ziyi said.

"This ... I was born to laugh like that ... I really ..."

The woman hurriedly explained, and just when she wanted to say something more, the child began to speak again, interrupting her words to continue: "Do n’t stop talking nonsense, Leng Yanrong, all three of you, kill myself Come on! "

His voice was cold and could not be refused.

As soon as Ziyi said this, the black dress changed his face again, with a look of surprise, and said again, "You ... Do you recognize me?"

In her impression, she had no impression of the man in front of her.

But he knew his name.

"Is it a coincidence?" It was Shi Feng, all shocked, said secretly in his heart.

In this underground world, I randomly encountered a woman in hell, and this child even knew her name.

If it was a coincidence that he happened to see this woman, it would be better.

If he ... sees someone in this **** casually, and knows the name of the other person, then ... what a terrible thing ...

"Coincidentally?" Shi Feng said to Ziyi, and asked him.

"Guess!" And Ziyi returned the words.

This guy!

"Self-destruction!" Ziyi didn't answer the woman's question either, but spoke those two words with an irresistible tone.

"The king of runners ..." Listening to the man's decisive words, the woman named Leng Yanrong knew that it was useless to talk to him, and then she begged again to the runner.

"Do it yourself, or you will be punished!" Said the runner, and his voice suddenly became extremely cold at this moment.

These guys came to their door to die first, and the guy said that they were allowed to commit suicide, and there was no room for discussion.

The runner did not want to provoke himself into a dangerous situation because of these people.

Although one of them was the son of His Majesty's First Guardian, despite the Guardian's killing, he paid so much for Hell so many years ago.

Under the icy voice of the runner, the three young people only felt that this world would condense into ice and snow.

As hell, they knew exactly what capital punishment would mean.

Just thinking about that, the bodies of the three of them shivered involuntarily.

That's ... too painful, too painful!

In contrast, how wonderful it is to die by ourselves.

"I ... I know ..." Leng Yanrong slowly spoke, sighing deeply.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the whole body began to move fiercely, and then a sudden shock, "Uh!"

A yell, a moment of exhalation from her mouth, and then a splash of red blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and then the body was completely breathless.

The **** woman Leng Yanrong died, and Jiao tou lay down slowly.


A really dull sound sounded, deeply shaking the hearts of the two men beside him.

I saw the bodies of the two men trembling with the dull sound.

"Okay, you're done." The runner ordered death again.

"Ah!" Bai Bai lamented.

He had no idea that as the son of His Majesty the Majesty the Great Guardian, he would face such a tragedy today.

He also knew that the reason why he did this was entirely because his father had died.

If the father is not dead, if the man in front is not a true god, the runner king will meet him with a smile on his face here.


"Father, I will become a great figure like you in the future!"

"Father, will no one dare to provoke our family in **** from now on?"

"Father, you are amazing. I'm proud of you!"




The scenes that once appeared in the mind of Bai Bai.

"Father." At this time, Bai Bai murmured, but the next moment, I saw his body, and it was a shock.

"Eh!" A moan sounded from his mouth, and then he saw that his body was still still, lying on his back, "Oh!"

Hell's great protection method to kill the son of the cricket and kill the white, has also fallen.


The man in a black suit, opened his mouth and shouted again.

Leng Yanrong is dead and Bai Bai is dead. The rest is herself.

But he ... didn't want to die at all.

But ... there is no choice at all.

"Ah!" Suddenly, the man in the black outfit lifted his head for a long time, all over his body, and suddenly a fierce storm broke out.

Under the storm, the green mist of this world was violently involved. The storm, just in an instant, turned into a green poison hurricane!

Then the three of Shi Feng saw the man carrying the storm of green poison and rushed straight up.

He even urged the strongest force in his body and started to flee?

"Really, I'm looking for hardships!" The runner uttered such a sentence, watching the storm rising from the sky.

Then he looked up with his right hand.

Suddenly, in the void, a large invisible palm print appeared, covering the green poisonous hurricane, and then suddenly pressed.


There was a sudden blast of sound.


At the same time, an extremely painful and roaring bell sounded, the green poisonous hurricane burst, and a seemingly embarrassing corpse fell from the sky and crashed to the ground.

"Oh!" The earth groaned again, shaking slightly.

In the earth, I saw the wolf howling body, continually twitching at this moment.

He must be extremely uncomfortable after being hit by a runner.

"Enjoy capital punishment!" The runner told him coldly.

Later, an invisible hand appeared, grabbed the next person, grabbed the person in his hand, and mentioned midair.

The so-called capital punishment has not yet begun, but the face of that person has been shown with extreme horror, and the roar of horror continues to sound: "Oh! No! Do n’t ah the runner! No, I will kill myself, I will kill myself! No!"

The runner did not want to talk nonsense anymore. An ant, for the sake of killing Bai Bai, gave him the opportunity to commit suicide. He did not cherish it.

With a slamming blast, the grasping invisible man suddenly squeezed, "Ah!"

"Ah! Aah!" The screams of screams were extremely fierce, and under this pinch, the man was not pinched to death, and he continued to suffer endless pain.

Subsequently, the runner's right hand moved again, and the invisible hand and the person were all sucked into his space mystery.

According to legend, in the mysterious space of the runner king, there is a layer of boundless hell, the real capital punishment ... just started!

(End of this chapter)

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