Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3036: Training poisonous beasts


After the runner finished these things, they looked at Shi Feng and Zi Yi again, and said, "Can the two be satisfied with the next treatment?"

"It's okay." Ziyi replied so, and then said, "Your old thing is quite capable of living, and it's worth living 587 years."

When the child said something different, the old face of the runner immediately moved again, eyes opened.

Throughout hell, few people know the true age of his runner.

However, he directly stated his age, not bad for one year!

The root bones of a person can be seen at about the same age.

At the age of sixteen, seventeen, and seventeen, these ages are fairly recognizable.

However, at the runner, it has waited for hundreds of years of existence. The root bone can only be seen about five or six hundred years old. However, the person in front of him ...

Hearing Zi Yi's words, and then seeing the expression on the runner's face, Shi Feng has seen that this Zi Yi tells the true age of the runner, and the runner is surprised and surprised.

With Shi Feng's own eyesight, he can only see through the roots of the old man that he lived for five hundred years, but Ziyi ...

Just now, Ziyi called the name of the **** woman, and the **** woman didn't seem to know him at all.

At this moment, the age of the runner is directly stated.

"Who the **** are you?" The runner said in surprise at Zi Zi.

When Ziyi shouted Leng Yanrong's name, his runner was also present. At that time, he didn't realize anything, and at the moment ...

"Me?" Zi Yi grinned suddenly and said, "My name is Zi Yi."

"Why do you know my age?" The runner asked him again.

Ziyi didn't answer, but asked him instead: "If I say I guess, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it," said the runner.

"Oh." Ziyi smiled again: "I knew you old guy wouldn't believe it."

Wheel: "..."

The runner can see that this person is turning corners with himself and should not answer his question just now.

He didn't want to answer. He couldn't help it, so he saw the runner silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, his eyes were looking at the green treasure still in his hand.

This poisonous snake abyss, did not expect that there is really a treasure.

For so many years, no one found it, but he found it.

"Let's go." Shi Feng said at this time, and said to Ziyi and the runner.

"Well ... wait a moment." Zi suddenly said again, and said to Shi Feng.

"Huh?" Shi Feng looked at him again.

Zi Yi smiled indifferently and said, "In the rumor, the green pheasant is divided into a female and a male, a yin and a yang, and yin and yang alternate!

Every land where green pimple poisonous grows must be a pair! "

"A pair? In other words, this baby, is there another one here?" The runner said in surprise, his heart tingling with it.

"Well, nothing is wrong." Zi Yi nodded and smiled back.

Then, his eyes glanced at the place again, glancing at the green weird rocks, while slowly sensing.

Shi Feng's soul force swept out again, but the next moment, he shook his head again.

Despite his powerful soul, he couldn't detect any abnormality in these green strange stones.

"I found it!" Soon, I heard something different.

Immediately afterwards, his empty left hand looked into the void, as if Yaoyao was facing the half-air ahead.

Suddenly, I saw that the mid-air ahead suddenly boiled. In this boiling air, a green gem exactly the same as Zi Zi's hand appeared.


Seeing another piece of green pheasant appearing, Zi Yi smiled coldly, and the power on his left hand increased sharply.

I saw that the half-empty ground became more intensified, as if the piece of green pimple poisonous, was struggling with strange strength.

"Oh!" And at this moment, I only heard Zi Zi sip a strange sound.

Under this voice, the power of boiling in the mid-air was violently annihilated, and another piece of green poisonous poisonous flew towards him, like a green shooting star.

Ziyi grabbed his left hand, and already grabbed the piece of green poisonous poison in his hand, looked at it in front of his eyes, showed a satisfactory color, and then handed it to Shi Feng ’s Shi Feng, saying:

"One person."

When he saw something different, Shi Feng would no longer be polite with him, reached out to take over, and when he started, he immediately felt a fiery, as if a small fireball was burning.

Ziyi said to him, "This green puppet poison is a top-quality material for refining poisons and a top-quality treasure for feeding poisonous beasts. It is precious and rare, so it is best not to use it arbitrarily."

"Can feed poisonous beasts?" Upon hearing these words, Shi Feng's face moved quickly.

Then he asked, "What happens when the poisonous beast eats it?"

"It is said that the poison will increase greatly, it will become more poisonous, and even more poisonous!

However, if you want to train poisonous beasts, it is best to cultivate poisonous beasts with outstanding talents and horrible strengths, and it is best to reach the level of God King, otherwise, it is a pity. Ziyi said again.

"You can try." Without knowing Ziyi's words, did Shi Feng listen to it and muttered the words.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a movement, an extremely bright **** light, suddenly flashed above them.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the roar echoed, the blood fell, the six-lily snake appeared, the six-headed riot, opened his mouth and opened his mouth, exuding an extremely fierce atmosphere, as if originating from the ancient.

"This!" At the sight of six fierce snakes, the runner's old face changed fiercely again, and under that terrible breath, his body continued to tremble uncontrollably.

He had a feeling that as long as the six horrible creatures in the sky moved, he could smash himself completely.

"This is ... a beast?" He exclaimed again in surprise.

"Huh?" Ziyi's eyes were staring at the six beasts at this moment.

The red snake contains the power of fire, the orange snake, he can't see clearly, yellow, the power of sand, the green snake, showing a poisonous breath ...

After understanding something, Ziyi turned his head and looked at Shi Feng: "Are you going to eat the green snake and give it to the green snake?"

"Well, yes!" Shi Feng nodded.

"You little lunatic, go crazy." Ziyi disagreed, saying:

"You know how precious this green pheasant poison is, and you have used it to cultivate a demon snake of the double **** level of the true god!

If you know your behavior, the world does n’t know how many people who repair poisons will be annoyed by you, really, it ’s too violent! "

"You want to train poisonous beasts. When you return to the Divine War Continent, I will get you a **** king rank! It is ten thousand times stronger than this poisonous snake."

"This snake is not that simple." Shi Feng said to him, and then said, "I didn't know how to explain it to you for a while. My pet, I always think that the growth potential will be unlimited! "

(End of this chapter)

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