Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3108: Congratulations to the Lord

Chapter 3108 Congratulations To The Demon Lord

"Why ... what happened? How could ... what?"

When the troll's shadow appeared, even the falling leaves turned wild.

When her father and the elders in the family opened the ancient site, there was no such terror.

Under this shadow, her pampered body was extremely trembling, and the whole person was extremely uncomfortable, as if she was about to die under that terror.

Although Shi Feng is unwell, she is much better than Qiye.

"The demon ... the demon ... when the elders ... opened this ... the site of the demon of the sky ... and this ... devil ... shadow did not appear."

Yip Ye Jiao's body shivered more and more fiercely, and then she stared at Shi Feng above, a trembling voice said.

At this moment, she suddenly felt horrified to see that the forehead of the Nine Phantom Lord suddenly opened a black eye, "The Lord ..."

Then, he saw the rolling mist of magic, and suddenly surged out of that magic eye.

At the same time, both ears of this ...

At this moment, Shi Feng's demon eyes, demon ears, demon left hand, and demon right hand both manifested at the same time, and the black demon armor was instantly worn on the body, replacing the original black robe.

When this evil night magic armor appeared on the body, Shi Feng suddenly felt that all magic powers were completely resisted at this time.

All the anxiety and discomfort disappeared instantly.

"Shaye! Demon armor!" Shi Feng murmured secretly, staring at herself.

Followed, looked up again, looking up at the huge shadow again.

"Will this be ... the shadow of that evil night?" Shi Feng murmured softly.

Although he had seen the evil spirits in the night, and the shadow was vague, he could not see it at all.

Although, it contains the terrible demon coercion.

"Devil ... Demon Lord ..." At this time, Shi Feng heard a grumbling cry again and again, looking at the falling leaves getting weaker, and quickly spoke to her:

"Go on!"

With these words, Shi Feng rushed down.

And at this moment, there is still power to move the leaves, but when Shi Feng passes in front of her, she immediately pulls out her hand, grabs her wrist, and then pulls her to continue the rush.

The two figures, at this moment, rushed down violently, when they were getting farther and farther away from the giant shadow, when the eyes could no longer see the shadow, they felt the horrible power The pressure disappeared.

Then she felt that the whole person was light.

At this moment, there was a dark cloud rolling over their eyes. Although they couldn't see the shadow, they could clearly feel that the world was obviously more gloomy than before.

Later, Yiye looked down and saw that she had returned to the home of the Yi family, and under the body, it was the huge stone monument of the Yi family.

At this moment, Qingye suddenly realized that his wrist was still being grasped vigorously.

"The Lord ..." Qing Ye Jiao shouted, on the cheeky face, showing the color of shame, two crimsons appeared quietly.

"Oh!" Shi Feng also realized at this moment that Xuan was about to release the hand holding her wrist.

Qingye said again, saying to Shi Feng: "Demon Lord, I don't know why, when I opened the Tianmo Ancient Ruins at that time, the horrible ghost did not appear.

But this time ... "

When I saw the horrible ghost just now, Qingye was thinking about it now, all feeling terrified and shaking.

"It's okay." The evil night magic armor is on his body, but he can resist the supreme magic power. At this moment, Shi Feng doesn't care about the shadow.

Followed him and said, "The demon should be a residual image left by a demon head a long time ago. In the presence of the demon, it can't turn upside down.

You stay here, this time the Lord can go up alone. "

The reason why Shi Feng came down just now is to bring the woman down.

At this moment he already knew the exact location of the Tianmo Ancient Ruins, and he could do it alone.

"Trouble Lord, you!" Qing Ye said humbly.

"Um." Shi Feng said in a deep voice and nodded.

The next moment, he saw another madness in his body, and then rushed up.

"Congratulations to the Lord! Long live long live my long live!"

Qingye faced the sky, and then gave a very respectful shout.

Although, at that moment, the figure had already disappeared into her eyes.

However, her eyes were still gazing tightly, and murmured secretly: "Father, you ... want to be alive! This one is going to save you."

Although she felt that her father and her elders were more fierce and less fortunate, Yiye still had such a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Pray for them all these days.


Shi Feng quickly, and soon, he returned to the sky again, and saw a huge shadow again.

Under the Night Slayer, now, it is still completely unaffected by the shadow, and at this moment, Shi Feng again flicks his hands, the whole body is empty, and once again there are ancient runes appearing and printed into the void.

Previously, he opened the Tianmo Ancient Ruins, but the ancient ruins did not open, but he opened a ghost shadow.

And this time, as the ancient runes were imprinted into the void, I saw the huge shadow in the sky, which started to disappear.

Immediately afterwards, the void in which Shi Feng lived began to boil violently.

As before, as his runes continued to infiltrate, the void became fiercer and fiercer.

"Open!" Then, Shi Feng drank in a deep voice again, then looked up again and looked at the sky.

This time, the giant shadow of the demon did not reappear, a very blurry image appeared slowly above his head.

Slowly ... Slowly ... the image became more and more clear, this ... it looked like a piece of ruin, like a piece of land, suffered a great disaster.

At first glance, it looks a bit similar to the death forbidden land of Tianheng Continent, although Shi Feng is sure, it is not the death forbidden land.

"Tianmo Ancient Ruins?" Shi Feng murmured for a while.

And the next moment, seeing his body move again, he stormed into the ancient ruins without hesitation.

The moment he rushed in, he saw the image of the ancient ruins, and he shuddered slightly.

But it soon subsided, floating and motionless.

Until a long time later, the huge image of the ancient ruins slowly disappeared into the void, and this void then returned to calm.

Everything seems to have never happened here.


"A lot of magic!"

The moment Shi Feng rushed into the ancient ruins, his brow frowned suddenly.

At this time, he did not enter the ruins he saw, but was in a thick black mist.

And this mist is very similar to the magic mist that surges out from his magic eyes, fingers, and ears ...

(End of this chapter)

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