Chapter 3109: Black Land

However, Shi Feng also found that he had this night demon armor on him, and those magic mists did not affect him in the slightest.

That billowing magic mist, as if he was coming, is automatically separating, separating a avenue for him.

All of this is also due to this peerless monster!

From the moment when the shadow of the demon was overwhelmed by the evil night armor, Shi Feng knew that the ruins of the heavenly demons were either related to the evil night or the evil head related to the evil night.

It was like the demon Lord he saw in the land of demon, Mo Shuo.

Through the layers of magic fog, soon after, Shi Feng saw a severely damaged land.

The land of this earth is all dark, and the ground is covered with cracks and potholes.

This is like a battlefield where the peerless powers fought in ancient times.

Shi Feng's figure fluttered down, and fell on the messy ground.

Although this piece of land was in a mess, at this time, Shi Feng did not feel any danger from this piece of land.

The power of the soul has already swept out at this time.

"Tianmo Ancient Ruins!" Shi Feng's mouth murmured again and again in all directions.

"This land has gone through too long, and I can't feel a little bit of power.

However, these cracks and potholes should be caused by fighting in ancient times. "Shi Feng said.

This land, I don't know what the soil is, it is a black, and it feels weird to Shi Feng.

"Is the magic soil?" Shi Feng whispered these three words, suddenly lifted one foot, and then stepped suddenly towards the ground under his feet.

"Boom!" A peerless explosion exploded at this instant, and the entire land followed a slight shock.

"Well?" At this time, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved, sending a burst of consternation.

With the strength he just struck, ordinary land exploded naturally.

Shi Feng also just wanted to step on this land directly, and then grab the splashing black soil and sense it.

As a result ... my own step, the black soil was intact, but it can directly strike a small hill.

"What kind of soil is this soil? It's so hard?

Such a hard thing, if ordinary creatures use it to build weapons, it will be extremely hard. "Shi Feng said secretly.

Immediately afterwards, "Boom!" A sound of thunderstorm suddenly rang out in Shi Feng's body.

The next moment, I saw on his right foot, a wave of peerless magic thunder frantically, and the light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, his foot was lifted again, and then trampled hard towards the ground.

This step is enough to have the power of the God King.


There was a blast of blasting sound that was more violent than just now. This land was shaking more violently in an instant, as if the end of the world was coming.

And Shi Feng, the trample with the power of the **** king, blasted this black land, and the black soil flew wildly. Shi Feng immediately reached out and grabbed a piece of black soil into his hands.

Immediately, a **** light shone from his hand, and Shi Feng had transmitted the black soil into the space world of the blood stone stele.


Sky Mountain, in a secluded cave, saw a white figure sitting cross-legged there.

He is Xiao Tianyi, the first master of the Tianheng continent who closed his eyes and raised his soul.

On that day, Xiao Tian was also severed by severe means, but now, under his cultivation, and his unparalleled skill of refining, combined with magic potion, and Shi Feng's means of recovery, With the feet, he was trained again.

The injuries on his body have completely disappeared, and no trace of them can be seen.

However, the hands and feet he re-grown need some time to run in order to achieve the flexibility he once had.

However, this is not important anymore, it is just a matter of time.

"Huh?" At that moment, Xiao Tian also moved calmly and his eyes opened at the same time.

The next moment, a **** light shone in front of him, and when the **** light fell, a strange black earth the size of a fist appeared in front of him.

"This is it?" Xiao Tianyi stared at the black soil with a frown.

But the next moment, a voice came into his ear:

"Heavenly, for the division, he enters a site that is said to have been left by an ancient demon. This site is full of this black soil, which is extremely hard. It requires the use of divine power for the division to destroy it.

See if this soil is useful. "

"The black earth that needs your God-level strength to destroy?" When Xiao Feng heard Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tianyi's face was shocked again.

Today, he naturally understands what God's king-level power means, and what this earth means.

At this moment, looking at the black soil in front of the suspension, Xiao Tian seemed to see the treasure, his eyes glowed, and then he took it into his hands very carefully.

Then he slowly sensed ...


On the wolf howling the black earth, after Shi Feng handed that piece of black soil to Xiao Tianyi, her body moved fiercely and rushed forward.

The black land just entered here is so simple.

See what else you can discover as you continue deep into this ancient site.

And by the way, look for those who entered the Tianmo Ancient Ruins.

To see people in life, to see dead bodies in death.

After all, she was entrusted, after all, the woman who promised to dump the family.


Shi Feng urged them all and flew wildly, but at this moment, there was still a messy black earth, and no half figure was seen.

And, no half-bone horror is seen here, and the bone horror of people and other creatures is completely missing.

It stands to reason, if this is really an ancient battlefield, there should be some traces of bone horror ...

"Huh? That's it?" Later, Shi Feng suddenly found something.

He saw a figure standing on the black ground in front, wearing a blue shirt, looking a bit broken.

"Someone? It's the same guy?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Immediately speeding up the flight, approaching the figure at a rapid speed.

"I heard the woman say that they had entered the Tianmo Ancient Ruins together with dozens of people, but now he is alone?

If he is really a family member, what about others? It seems that something is not right. "

Then, Shi Feng said again.

"Roar!" And at that moment, suddenly, Shi Feng heard a roar that sounded like a beast, and it rang suddenly.

The roar came from the man, and he looked up to the sky, but there was such a roar.

Later, the figure seemed to have sensed Shi Feng's arrival, his body moved fiercely, he turned sharply, facing him.

"This is!" Shi Feng suddenly saw, that person ... It can be said that that person was not a human at all, that face was so embarrassing that it looked like a beast twisted.

The blue-faced fangs are like cruel evil spirits, evil beasts ...

Shi Feng even felt a mysterious and strange power from his body ...

(End of this chapter)

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