Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3114: The world calls me, Lord of the Nine Demon!

Chapter 3114: The World Calls Me, Nine You Demon Lord!

"Brother Cang!"

The powerful Brother Cang was defeated, and the disciples of Wuliangfeng were as if dreaming.

that person! The one who only looked like twenty years old, defeated Brother Cang!

"Soul cultivator, is it so horrible! His soul way is one star and a half demi-state, even Brother Cang is not ... his rival."

"This ... is really incredible! Brother Cang is ..."

"Brother Cang!"

"Brother Cang!"

"Brother Cang!"

At this time, three disciples realized what they were and immediately ran over to help Brother Cang, who was still lying on the ground.

With the help of the three men, I saw Brother Nagura slowly stand up again, and saw his face, covered with indifference, and said coldly to the person in front of him:

"You! You have actually hidden your martial arts practice! You just did not use your soul to attack me at all. Your martial arts practice is not in the state of martial arts at all."

"What! He's not Brother Cang hit with a soul attack!"

After hearing Brother Cang's words, Wuliangfeng's other disciples suddenly changed their faces.

"Isn't he attacking Brother Cang with a soul attack ... also ... that is ... his martial arts power, his martial art practice is above Brother Cang?"

"He! He is a martial genius more terrifying than Brother Cang?"

"He is so young, martial arts is above Brother Cang? In our wild continent, I am afraid that only those top forces ... the proud sons and virgins can reach that kind of practice?"

"Isn't it ... he's just the top son of the Son?"

"It's very possible! Just now, he just uttered a word, and gave Brother Cang Fei Fei. We didn't see how he succeeded at all!"


Shi Feng heard Brother Nacang's words and said, "Either martial arts, or the soul, or the physical, as long as it can defeat the opponent, it is kingly."

"You are a genius that I can't reach beyond the dust. Why do you ... cultivate martial arts to suppress people in Wu Zun's realm!"

Brother Cang said again fiercely at Shi Feng.

This person is so horrible that he makes himself ugly in front of so many people.

And if he did not hide his realm in Wu Zunxiu, he would not be like him at all.

On weekdays, in front of the elders, he was extremely humble, and he had seen the saints of the top forces.

After hearing the words of Brother Cang, Shi Feng dismissed her smile, and replied, "While martial arts, you can do whatever you want, whatever you want.

Ben Shao can be used to suppress martial arts in the state of Wu Zun, or he can be suppressed in Wu Wang and Wu Huang. "

In what realm, this is also their own business.

"I lost to you today, I am convinced to take it orally! Can you leave your name, the other day, I want to challenge you in a manly way!"

Brother Cang said again.

When speaking these words, his face looked abnormally determined, as if he had not lost his martial faith because of today's defeat.

Among Wuliangfeng's disciples, several people felt the undefeated war thoughts that Brother Cang showed at the moment, and could not help admiring them secretly.

After all, Brother Cang just now was defeated by one move in front of this person.

Shi Feng slowly opened his mouth and said to Brother Nacang, "I can tell you my name. Now in the wild continent, everyone in the world calls me, Jiuyou, Lord!"

"Jiuyou Lord!"

"Jiuyou Lord!"

"Jiuyou Lord!"

"No ... no! Jiuyou, Lord!"

"This ... this ... this ... is the legend ... the Lord of the Nine Evil Demon? With one person's strength, the existence of Gu'ershan, Wang's family, the three ... the three gods ...

And ... and the sins of the evil abyss ... the three demon masters ... "


When Shi Fengdao became famous, the face of Wuliangfeng suddenly changed dramatically.

They remember that not long ago, there were people who mentioned this legend.

As a result, he did not expect ... he ... at this moment ... actually appeared in front of himself and others.

This feeling is really dreaming.

"So young ... so imposing ... so horrible for ... and ... really ... probably ... the one!"

"Jiuyou Lord!" At this moment, not only are those disciples of Wuliangfeng, but even their brother Cang, when they heard the name, their faces changed greatly.

I just told such a horrible person that he challenged him in a man's way.

However, since it was said, Brother Cang does not feel regretful!

He feels that his talent is not worse than anyone. What he lacks is that he hasn't encountered chance and good fortune.

If one day, he really gains great fortune, why can't he really fight against his master of nine ghosts.

Thinking of this, Brother Cang strengthened his heart even more.

But just then, he suddenly heard a cold word:

"You just wanted to conclude a master-slave contract with the demon. You don't need to live in this world at all."


When he heard that sentence, Brother Cang suddenly gave a shock.

That man's sentence was tantamount to the death sentence.

"Jiuyou Lord, the reason why I offended you just now is that I don't know at all, your true identity and strength." Brother Cang quickly explained to that.

"I have this identity and this strength. You are bowing to me at the moment, and my martial arts practice today is that if you are really only in the state of Wu Zun, I am afraid that if you meet you, you will be tortured to death!

Shi Feng sneered.

"This!" Cangjie didn't know how to answer for a while.

If his martial arts are true in Wu Zun, and he wears such a peerless magic armor, really ... it will be what he said.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, all the disciples of Wuliangfeng were silent.

As soon as Qing Feng said, he let him take off his body armor and offer it, then knelt aside and talked.

"Qingfeng! Right Qingfeng!" Someone thought of Qingfeng at this moment, and suddenly realized something.

Just now, Qingfeng had been uttering a painful roar.

Now, unconsciously, the painful roar stopped.

"This! Qing ... This is ... Qingfeng?" At this moment, someone said with great surprise, his face full of horror.

"Qing ... Qingfeng!"

"This! Qingfeng!"

"How could this be! Qingfeng he ..."


Just now, the eyes of Wuliang Feng's crowd almost all gathered on their brother Cang and that one.

No one noticed the change in Qingfeng.

At this moment, Qingfeng had become an extremely dry corpse, just like a weathered corpse that had died for hundreds of years.

It's shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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