Reference 3115

"It is rumored that those who died in the hands of the Lord of the Nine Phantoms ... will indeed be drained of blood and become dry ... corpses!"

A female disciple of Wuliangfeng remembered the legend and spoke with a trembling voice.

At this moment, the disciples of Wuliangfeng were even more aware of which one was really the legendary one.

Nine Wraith Lord!

"Jiuyou Lord! I have no eyes and ask for forgiveness!" After seeing Qing Feng's corpse, Brother Cang no longer said anything to him.

Start asking for mercy directly.

He, and this infinite future, he doesn't want to die like Qingfeng.

Immediately afterwards, the disciples of Wuliangfeng saw that Brother Cang, who had a high mind in his mind, bent his knees at this moment, and even went straight to the knee.

This kind of picture, they used to be hard to imagine.

They have never seen Brother Cang at all, kneeling at him.

It is said that because Brother Cang's talents are outstanding, it is Wuliangfeng's hope for the future. Even the head of the company has allowed it.

Throughout Wuliangfeng, he is the only one!

But now I didn't expect ...

"But that one, after all, that one!" Someone thought secretly in his heart.

And then, I saw all the disciples of Wuliang Peak. At this moment, all of them bent their knees, kneeling at the one, and yelled in his mouth:

"See Lord of the Nine Demon!"

"If I'm offended, I hope the Lord will offend a lot." Someone shouted this sentence again.

Just now, although they were provoking the nine ghost masters, although they were Qingfeng and Brother Cang, there were also many people who verbally offended that one.

Some words, even shame.

For other kneeling people, Shi Feng didn't pay much attention, and only stared at that Cangjie, saying:

"Your sin cannot be forgiven, die."

When the word "dead" came out, everyone immediately heard, "Ah!" A loud scream resounded.

However, the screams came to an abrupt halt.

The disciples of Wuliang Peak have sensed that their brother Cang, their first genius of Wuliang Peak, has no breath, it has fallen ...





At this time, several people involuntarily took a breath.

Not long ago, Brother Cang was still proud of his face, walking with them and walking among them was like standing in a flock of chickens.

Not long ago, he and others were constantly courting this Brother Cang in order to win his favor, and he could eat more in Wuliang Peak in the future.

It was not expected that such an ending would turn out.

As soon as Brother Cang died, these disciples of Wuliangfeng became more frightened.

The Lord of the Nine Demons is really as cruel as the legend says, if you want to kill, kill.

And they heard that these nine ghost masters are going to kill ... but they are all going to kill.

For example, it is rumored to kill Gu'ershan, the royal family, and the strong men of the Trinity.

Then, a splash of bright red blood spurted out of the seven holes of Cangjie, and spewed towards that one.

Under Dao Dao's eyes, their brother, Cang, was constantly drying up, and finally, like Qing Feng, reduced to a dead body.

A dried corpse still kneeling on the ground.

The people who got the immeasurable peaks became more cold.

"Jiuyou Lord forgive me!"

"Jiuyou Lord, from the beginning, I did not show disrespect to you!" At this moment, Wuliangfeng, the youngest little girl, began to cry.

And she did, from the very beginning, just watch it quietly, and did nothing and said nothing.

"Lord of Lord!"


After killing Cangjie and devouring the power of his death, the power of his soul, and his soul, Shi Feng looked at the people at Wuliangfeng.

Then he spoke again and asked them, "Where did you get here from?"

When Shi Feng said that, a young disciple of Wuliangfeng immediately replied: "Yu Jiu You Mo Zhu, my teacher Qingfeng, that's him ..."

He said, then pointed at Qingfeng's dried-up corpse, and then said:

"Just a few days ago, he found a cave in our Wuliang Peak, and we walked along that cave all the way, and finally came here."

"Wuliang Peak? Sure enough, in addition to the dumping family, there are other places in the Manghuang continent that can enter this Tianmo ancient ruins." Shi Feng secretly said.

Then asked again, "Which kind of drought do you have?"

"Zhonghuang!" The young man answered immediately.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded secretly, "How long have you been here? Did you find anything here?"

At this time, a female disciple of Wuliangfeng rushed to answer: "It didn't take long for us to enter here, but I met you and found nothing."

"Oh, it looks like I just entered here," Shi Feng said secretly again.

When I saw these people from the beginning, they looked good.

However, the danger of this Tianmo Ancient Ruins may even be unexpected.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng looked at these immeasurable peak disciples again.

Seeing this again and again, one by one tightening his nerves, life or death, as if waiting for the verdict.

"Well, you are all gone!" Shi Feng said to them suddenly.

"Let's all go? This one, are you willing to let us go?" Someone said in his heart.

"Does he really want us to go this way, or let us go west?" Some people began to doubt his words.

"He doesn't want to kill us, right? But I heard that the fierce Lord of the Nine Demons, that kills the whole family as soon as it is killed.


Although Shi Feng said to leave, several of them were still embarrassed and felt that things were not so simple.

However, some people didn't think that much. The youngest female disciple of Wuliangfeng immediately thanked that one:

"Thank you Jiuyou Lord! Thank you Jiuyou Lord!"

Then she stood up.

At this moment, the eyes of Wuliang Feng crowd almost all gathered on her.

However, when they saw her standing up, the Lord of the Nine Demons didn't seem to hit her, and didn't want to hit herself and others.

Immediately, one by one, I immediately thanked the one who said, "Thank you, Lord of the Nine Youmo!"

"Thank you, Lord of the Nine Spectres!"

"Xie Jiuyou Lord!"

After thanks, everyone at Wuliangfeng also stood up.

"If you don't want to die, you should leave here as soon as possible." Shi Feng told them again.

"Get out!" Someone shouted.

"Retreat down!"


However, after a while, those people at Wuliangfeng started to rush.

(End of this chapter)

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