Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3143: Dianxuan save me

Chapter 3143: Point Xuan Save Me

Anyone who knows Dianxuan knows that when he cuts out the Ice and Snow Excalibur and spit out the word "dead", his opponent is when he killed Huang Quan!

Under the shadow of the ice and snow sword, the extremely arrogant figure just disappeared.


"This person has been transformed into nothingness under the peerless sword of Dian Xuan!"

"Well! Dian Xuan is at the same level as us, and even the sword he had just felt me ​​jealous!"


At this moment, everyone in this space can't sense the breath of that person.

It has been determined that the man has died under the sword of Dian Xuan.

"Duanxuan, what are you doing!" However, at this time, it was a very angry cry from Miss Jie.

That pretty face was also full of anger, and yelled at Xuan Xuan again: "He dared to hit me, but you let him die so much!

Dianxuan, are you doing this to me! "

"Miss Jie, I ..."

Hearing Miss Jie's words, looking at Xuan's handsome face, she seemed overwhelmed.

For her love, she beheaded the wicked man, but she did not expect to make her angry.

The young lady was angry, and at this moment, the space had become silent.

No one dared to talk anymore, even if he talked, he only dared to secretly pass on his voice.

"Duanxuan, I remember you!" Miss Jie spoke again in anger.

"I ... I ..." Dian Xuan, who was so impressed, just now, facing Ms. Jie, she had become sulky and wondered what to say.

She really made her angry.

Myself ...

Knowing this already, you should not have killed the person directly with the ice and snow sword shadow.

But at that time, Dian Xuan was so angry when she saw her being beaten. She just wanted to make that person completely disappear in this world.

At this moment, Dian Xuan really has some regrets.

But at this moment, they heard suddenly, a leisurely young voice suddenly sounded:

"Just like that, is it that Young is dead?"

When the words came out, Daodao's face changed again.

One by one, they raised their heads again, and soon, they saw the young black figure again.

He didn't die!

"Just now, he avoided the sword of Dian Xuan?"

"When we all thought he was dead, in fact ... he performed a wonderful stature? He deceived us all?"

"Bingxue Yingjian shrouded him, I didn't expect it to be avoided."


"Okay! Good! Just die!" Seeing the undead Shi Feng, Miss Jie's pretty face was smiling now.

A cruel smile!

"I didn't die!" And at this moment, even Xuan Xuan was a corner of his mouth, and a cold smile appeared.

Just now I do n’t know how to explain to my beloved, but now it ’s easy!

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Xuan Xuan's figure moved, as if a sharp excalibur rushed up towards the man.

Shi Feng still had her hands behind her, looking calm, and looked down at those people.

He only thought about the one who had rushed up.


Just listening to another scream.

Dian Xuan who fought for love, Shang Chong's body suddenly fell down.

Under the gaze, "Boom!"

I saw him fall wildly and stirred up the sky.

And their eyes had penetrated the dust and saw the figure.

Dian Xuan, already lying motionless on the ground, unknown to death.

"Duanxuan ..."

"Somehow even Xuandu ... he ... what did he do?"

"Just like when he dealt with Miss Jie, I didn't even see when he did it ..."


"You guys, all shot together, destroy him, and cut off his hands and feet!"

Seeing that Dian Xuan was so easily defeated, Miss Jie yelled at these dozens of people.

She knew that Dian Xuan was a strong man who had stepped into the demigod.

The people here are geniuses carefully selected by his father and his brother.

And what they said just now, none of them could see through how that person succeeded.

She knew to deal with that guy alone. Should not work.


Abandon him, cut off his hands and feet ...

When Miss Jie shouted, no one rushed in for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Miss Jie's voice rang again: "What? My order doesn't work for you? Need me to go to Brother Shuo?"




Hearing Miss Jie's words, one by one went up.

They all knew that Lou Zun had a close relationship with Ms. Jie, and even someone secretly said that the leader had intended to assign Ms. Jie to Lou Zun.

Lou Zun, today is indeed the most trusted person of the leader.


"Okay, everything, let's stop there." Shi Feng uttered this sentence.


Suddenly, an extremely dull voice burst.

A bright red flame was already burning in this mid-air, and an incomparably cold breath swept out immediately.


"OK ... good horrible flame."

"This ... this fire ... this fire ..."


The martial arts fighters flying up, their faces suddenly changed, and their blood couldn't help shuddering madly.

This is horrified from the depths of the soul.

At this moment, they really understood how terrible the man was.

A rushing figure rushed down immediately, and some even shouted:

"Bloodfire! Lord of the Nine Demons! He doesn't look like him, he is the Lord of the Nine Demons! He was deceived by both the boss and Lou Zun! He is, Lord of the Nine Demons!"

"Jiuyou Lord!"

"Jiuyou Lord!"

"He ... he ... ah!"




Although they rushed back one by one, making them less fast than the fierce blood flames.

The blood flames rolled down and rolled down, and in an instant, these dozens of figures were swallowed up, screaming again and again.

It looks terrible.

And Miss Jie, still looking up at this moment, looked at it all.

Muttered in his mouth: "Nine You Lord ... Nine You Lord ... Nine You ... Lord ..."

"He ... he is ... that ... Jiuyou ... Lord ..."

At this moment, she was a little hard to believe.

Not long ago, Wu Zun ants, who she looked down upon, turned into the most powerful man in the world.

And myself, it was this man who slapped him hard.

The flames of blood were still burning, and the shouting sternly had disappeared.

Dozens of demigod warriors have been turned into ashes.

At this moment, Miss Jie was shocked to see that in the blood flames, the black figure descended from it, moved, and was falling towards her.

"Ah! No! No!"

"Save me! Come on! Save me!"

"Father! Save me! Save me! Father!"

She immediately shouted in the direction of the great darkness in the distance.

However, she suddenly found that she was looking in that direction, and she could not see the dark statue.

That is ... this man, in fact, has been here for a long time, and he quietly laid an enchantment.

No wonder the movement here is so big that my father has never appeared.


"Ah! Don't come over!"

"Ah! Save me! Dianxuan save me!"

Helpless Ms. Jie, in extreme helplessness, remembered the surviving and breathable Dianxuan below ...

(End of this chapter)

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