
"Dianxuan, save me!"

Although knowing that Dian Xuan could not be that rival at all, helpless Ms. Jie, at this moment, had no idea what to do except to call.

However, under the cry of Miss Jie, that little Xuan was still lying on the ground, motionless.

There was still breath in him, and he had not yet died, he should still be in a coma.

Even the calls of love and help in her heart are indifferent.

"Ah!" Miss Jie raised her head, and exclaimed again in her mouth.

She had already seen the one who came floating, and had flew to her.

This one's complexion was still indifferent and calm, so he looked at himself quietly, but Ms. Jie had felt cold all over.

Cold through the bones.

Ms. Jie shivered and said with a quivering voice: "Nine ghost masters ... you ... don't kill me ... you, don't follow me in general."

"Stupid girl, don't think about it more, you must die if you die." Shi Feng, however, said this to her.

When the word "stupid girl" was spoken, this lady Jie thought he was about to let go of herself.

But he didn't expect that, after that, he said to himself like this.

You must die.

"Ah! No! No, Jiuyou Lord. No!" Miss Jie begged hard for him.

That Qingling's face now seemed to be full of pitiful, talking tone, with a crying voice.

The look of a beautiful woman is really very affectionate.

However, Shi Feng was completely indifferent to this.

No matter what he said or died, the person he determined to die could not change his original intention.

Later, I saw Shi Feng's right hand, and slowly leaned forward, toward the little pitiful little face.

"Don't! Don't! Don't!" Ms. Jie bit her lip and begged the person constantly.

Retreat back.

However, at this moment, a scarlet blood flame rushed out of Shi Feng's palm.

The beautiful cyan shadow was immediately caught in the **** flames, "Ah!" Blood flames burned the whole body, and an extremely fierce scream sounded.

At this moment, Miss Jie really felt extremely painful.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Let me go, Jiuyou Lord, let me go, Jiuyou Lord, I am so miserable! Ah!"

With screams of pain and screams, Miss Jie really felt regret at the moment.

Originally, it was just that this man took up some of Brother Sho's time, and he just wanted to teach him something.

However, I did not expect that in the end, I was brought to such a tragic state.

Whoever is not good at provoking, it ’s just ... it provokes the people who should n’t be provoked the least.

"Ah! I ... I am ... sorry ..."

There was a louder voice than it was just now. This was the last voice of Miss Jie in this world.

Immediately afterwards, all voices came to an abrupt end.

Ms. Jie, she was burned to death under the fiery flames.

Jiuyou Demon Gong works, and the fiery flames carry the power of death, blood, soul, and rush out towards Shi Feng.

His body melted at the touch.

At the same time, the fiery flames still burning above him also rushed towards him.

At this time, Shi Feng turned slowly, then lowered her head slowly, looked down at the oblique downwards, stared at the body still lying on the ground, and slowly spoke to that point Xuan:

"Okay, you get up."

Hearing that voice, I saw the body lying still, and now it moved slowly.

That Dianxuan has woke up?

Dian Xuan took the lead in looking up at the supreme black figure, then stood slowly on his body, then saw him immediately kneel on both knees, and bowed to the one above him:

"Subordinates have eyes and no beads. I do n’t know if your Lord is here, and I hope forgiveness."

"You say that you are from the Ximu Institute, can there be evidence?" Shi Feng asked him.

Just now, this guy suddenly heard a message to himself, saying that he was the undercover sent by Xi Mu secretly.

"Yes, my lord!" Xuan replied.

Later, he flipped his right hand and saw a token like a purple thunder in his hand.

As soon as Dian Xuan sent it up, he saw the purple thunder token flying up to Shi Feng.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has gathered on the purple thunder token.

On the front of the token, twisted words are written, which is the word "Xi".

Xi Mu's Xi!

However, a token could not explain anything, but at this moment, a voice burst out from the token.

Xi Family Army, Xi Xuan!

Shi Feng can sense that it was Xi Mu's intention to stay in this token.

Then, a purple light flashed on the token, and a figure wearing a purple thunder armour appeared.

That figure is exactly the same as this one.

It seems that he really is from Xi Mu.

In other words, this mysterious underground world and these people are actually in the understanding of Xi Mu!

"Well, let's get up and talk back." Shi Feng said to that point, right, it was Xixuan.

With that said, Shi Feng moved her right hand, and the purple thunder token in her hand flew towards Xixuan.

"Thank you, my master!" Xi Xuan drank in a deep voice, then slowly stood up.

At the same time, he grabbed his right hand and grabbed the flying purple Thunder token back into his hand.

Xi Xuan still looked up, but at this moment, his eyes moved a little, behind Shi Feng, to the place where the previous flame of blood was burned, where the previous suspension of the path has always made him very hearty Figure.

Although she is the leader's daughter, although Xuan knows that she doesn't have herself in her heart at all, she only likes that Lou Shuo.

When it was Mo Shuai who said it to him personally, after killing these people, the woman would be his Xixuan woman.

As a result, Xi Xuan has long regarded her as his own woman and wife.

She really fascinated him. Her beautiful face, beautiful posture, and her every move deeply attracted him.

So much so that after seeing Shi Feng hit his beloved in his heart, he made him mad and went into a state of rage.

But I didn't expect to hit the beloved one in my heart ... it turned out to be that one!

In the end, Xi Xuan could only watch secretly watching that his love was burned to death by the flame. At that moment, his heart was really uncomfortable.

Although there have been countless nights fantasizing with her, but if you think about it, you have not even touched her hand.


"How long have you been in this place?" Shi Feng said, asking Xixuan.

"Shit my lord, it's been half a year!" Xixuan answered.

"These people have always been the people of the evil abyss?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"Where exactly do they come from, their subordinates don't really know.

Their leader, and the core people, seem to have mingled in the magic city from a long time ago. At that time, they existed in the evil demon city and the era of the three evil demon masters ... "

(End of this chapter)

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