Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3160: Strange relationship


"Of course!" Zi Feng replied outside the magic lamp:

"After I returned to the Tianheng continent, you rushed back to the God War as soon as possible to help me see how the elders in your door cracked the seal."

"You're not here, I'm bored, and naturally go back to war." Ziyi said to him.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded, followed, and he said again: "Yes, I heard that you have a place in the mainland where you can produce ghost Yin sunflower seeds. After you return to the war, you communicate with me and let me return to the war. Go to that secret place. "

"Guiyin Sunflower Seeds! You're going to that ghost place!" When he heard Shi Feng's words, Zi Yixun was suddenly surprised.

It seems he knows that place.

"I have to go. I have to get the ghost-yin sunflower seeds!" Shi Feng said firmly.

"You know how dangerous that secret place will be. Don't mention you, even the old guys in our Yinling Temple, dare not enter easily." Ziyi persuaded him.

"I've heard it, but I still want to go there, Guiyin Sunflower Seeds, I must get it." Shi Feng, however, still said such a thing.

"You little lunatic." Ziyi, who was suspended in the forest of evil, looked at the Solomon's lamp in front of him, listening to Shi Feng's words, and shook his head secretly.

But he knew the little madman's temperament, and what he insisted on doing was no use in persuasion.


At this time, Ziyi suddenly thought of something, and then conveyed to Shi Feng:

"Little lunatic, if you really want that ghost-yin sunflower seed, we at Yinling Temple seem to have one. When I go back to the warland, I will rush back to see it."

"Really!" In the raging flames, when she heard Zi Yi's words, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved violently.

"I remember an old guy got one before, but it's still not in Yinling Temple. I'm not very good at it. I'll see it when I go back." Ziyi said again.

Shi Feng nodded:

"It will trouble you. If it does, you must get it for me, the ghost sunflower seeds are really important to me."

"I see." Ziyi said.

At this time, Shi Feng, Xiao Tianyi, and Yun Yimeng were already suspended in front of a purple flame door.

Shi Feng felt a familiar atmosphere from this purple flame door.

The last time he was in the Dragon Blood Sea area of ​​the Divine War Continent, he returned to Tianheng through this purple flame gate.


A roar rang out suddenly, and the door of Ziyan suddenly opened at this moment. A dark and gloomy world appeared in front of the three stone maples.

This is the world of Nether Purgatory!

Last time, Ziyi took Shi Feng away from the Nether Purgatory, but now he is more and more proficient in the control of the Solomon's magic lamp, and he locks this Nether Purgatory to take away the Shi Feng just by urging.

"Go, go home." Shi Feng said to Xiao Tian and Yun Yimeng.

For him, no matter what world he walks into, Nether Purgatory is his home.

After finishing that sentence, Shi Feng stepped forward directly, stepping into the Nether Purgatory.

Suddenly, I just felt the familiar gusts roaring and whistling on myself.

In the distance, there were sounds of ghosts, and the cry of female ghosts.

These sounds must be felt in the ears of mortals, but they are warm in their ears.

"Nether Purgatory, come back." Every time Shi Feng went home, Shi Feng couldn't help feeling this sentence.

Subsequently, Xiao Tian and Yun Yimeng have also stepped into this world from within the magic lamp of Solo.

Now that he has personally experienced and saw himself returning to Nether Purgatory, Xiao Tian also laments the magic of that fetish.

Turning his head, staring at the purple vortex behind him, he felt the extremely thick space power flowing in it.

Xiao Tian also secretly lamented that he was in the Tianheng continent and was known as Tianheng's first master of cultivating, but compared with the real avenue of cultivating outside, he was just a frog at the bottom of the well.

"Well, little madman, if there is anything else in the future, call me through my rosary!"

When the son left this sentence to Shi Feng, the purple flame vortex behind the three of Shi Feng suddenly scrolled and disappeared.

Xiao Tian also turned his head, looking to Shi Feng and said, "Master, next time you go to war on the mainland, be sure to bring a disciple."

Xiao Tian is also very clear that he wants to make a further breakthrough in his practice. I am afraid that he will have to see a better practice.

See the wider sky.

"The next time I go to the war for the division, I planned to take you there." Shi Feng told him.

In addition to letting them see the lonely Liao Aoyue, Shi Fengben also planned to let them see the divine warfare far beyond Tianheng regardless of martial arts or skill.

"Ziyi should be able to return to the Divine War in the near future. You can also go back and prepare for it." Shi Feng told Xiao Tianyi again.

Let him prepare, let him go back and see his own loved ones.

Wan Yimeng of Yun Yimeng was destroyed by the son of the demon emperor that year. Only Yun Yimeng survived the entire Wan Jian Shanzhuang.

And Xiao Tianyi, there are many people in the family.

Since the Protoss invasion, he has never been reunited with his family.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tian nodded.

And Shi Feng, this time after the quilt different from Tianheng, some time.

He also planned to meet his mother and sister to enjoy the warmth of family reunion.

Mother, these years I have been thinking of getting married as soon as possible, always thinking of hugging my grandson, this time I went to see her, just to let her see her son.

And his son's biological mother ... Xing Yue.

However, regarding Xingyue, the relationship between the two is still somewhat unclear.

Although the two had their own children, they did not accept each other as their partner.

There is already one person in Shi Feng's heart, but for Xingyue, it was only a last resort and did not produce love.

And she should be almost the same.

From the moment they realized that they haven't had much time together.

However, Shi Feng has been wondering what she did to her that year, but she helped herself out of the hands of the evil three old devil.

Well, it's really risking your life.

At that time, she helped herself to escape successfully. After returning to Tianheng, she fell into the hands of the three old demons.

Fortunately, the three old demons did not kill her directly.


Thinking of this, Shi Feng's heart raised guilt and gratitude again.

He actually wondered if she helped her at that time because she wanted her body, and she had some kind of affection for herself.



"Master, the apprentice left first! Seven days later, the apprentice returned to Nether Purgatory." Xiao Tian also fisted and said respectfully to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng, who was lost in thought, was immediately awakened by Xiao Tianyi's words, then looked at him and nodded secretly to him.

"By the sixth master, do you remember the little girl at home?"

(End of this chapter)

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