Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3161: League of White Haired Poisoned Women

3161-Red Star

"Xiao Xiaomei?" Yun Yimeng nodded slightly to Xiao Tian and said, "Remember naturally!"

"At that time, the younger brother of the fifth brother wanted to practice kendo, and the brother let him teach for his brother for a few days.

After all these years, the Xiao sister of that year should have married and had children now. "

Hearing Yun Yimeng's words, Xiao Tian also shook his head and said, "My brother guessed wrong. The young girl is fierce. Although she has thirty or eighty, she has never been married.

You may not know the younger brother. When the little girl was an adult, many people came to my Xiao family to ask for relatives, but none of this little girl looked down on her.

Even publicly threatened that she loved kendo all her life, and whoever wants to marry must be a strong kendo like Shidi! "

"Uh ... and this ..." Yun Yimeng stumbled when he heard these words from Xiao Tianyi.

I really didn't expect that little girl back then said such a thing.

Think back then that you didn't have much contact with her.

Teaching her Kendo back then was less than a month.

"If there is nothing else for the younger brother, just follow me to see Xiao's. If the younger sister sees you, you will be happy." Xiao Tianyi also said.

"This ... isn't great," Yun Yimeng said.

If you don't listen to Xiao Tianyi's words, it might be better to go to his Xiao family.

But now listening to his words and going to the Xiao family, Yun Yimeng felt twisted in his heart.

If you see the little girl from the Xiao family, it is estimated that ... even more twisted.

"It's nothing bad. Let's go back to Xiao's house with my brother.

My Xiao family, you have many acquaintances. Over the years, my mother often mentioned you. "Xiao Tian also said.

"It's okay, just go to the Xiao family with the sky." At this time, Shi Feng also spoke, dreaming about Yun Yi.

Wan Jian Shan Zhuang Yun's family is now only one of him, but he is lonely.

He also went to the Xiao family with the sky. The Xiao family would inevitably treat them as if they were oneself, and they might feel that kind of affection.

Anyway, it would be much better than staying in this cold nether purgatory.

"Since the master and brother have said so, then, okay." Yun Yimeng nodded.

Hearing this, Shi Feng and Xiao Tian also smiled lightly.

"So brethren, I'm leaving with my sixth sibling now." Xiao Tian also said to Shi Feng holding his fist.

"Well, you go." Shi Feng said.

"The child retired!" Yun Yimeng also gave a fist to Shi Feng.

"Go." Shi Feng said again.

Subsequently, the two of them flew back, getting farther and farther from Shi Feng.

fading away.

Soon, only Shi Feng was left in this void.

"You Chen, Seven Ghosts." And just then, Shi Feng slowly spoke.

This voice suddenly echoed in the whole nether purgatory.


"The Great! The Great's voice! The Great is calling me to wait!"

"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor!"

"The Emperor is back!"


When he heard the incomparably powerful voice in that indifferent voice, Daodao's exclaimed cries.

Soon after, the power of Shi Feng's soul had been sensed, and eight figures were flying towards him.

The visitor is his seven ghost generals, and today's white ghost general, Youchen.

"See the Great!"

"See the Great at the end!"

"Welcome the return of the great emperor!"


As the eight figures approached him, they knelt toward him and drank in their mouths.

Shi Feng looked at the eight ghosts and said, "Well, let's all get up and talk. There are only us here, not so much."



After shouting in unison again, Bagui slowly got up.

But face to face with that shameless face, full of respect.

Shi Feng opened his mouth and asked them, "This emperor has left Tianheng for several months. Has anything happened these days?"

What Shi Feng wants to know most is naturally that protoss.

"Emperor Xi, since these months, everything in Tianheng is normal. Since the protoss was annihilated by the emperor, you never appeared in Tianheng."

Gui Guigui returned to Shi Feng.

Nether Purgatory has been paying close attention to the development of Tianheng Continent, especially the Protoss.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded secretly when he heard Guijie's reply.

"What about the others?" He asked again.

"Emperor, everything is normal," said Ghostly.

It means that these days, Tianheng has not seen anything unusual.

Especially about them.

"Actually, there is one thing that should have something to do with us." However, at this moment, You Chen said.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Shi Feng asked him, looking at him.

"Imperial, you should have heard of the white-haired poisoned woman," You Chen said.

"White-haired poisonous girl!" Shi Feng opened her eyes, and then she said, "The emperor naturally knew that the woman who was called as a white-haired poisonous girl was Qin Rufan's disciple, Yue Wushuang, who is my only son."

Shi Feng heard more than that, when she entered the forbidden area to find the magic medicine to treat Hung Hom, she could see her with white hair.

If you lose your mind, you wo n’t know whether you are the enemy or not.

"She, what's wrong?" Shi Feng asked You Chen.

You Chen said: "In recent years, Wushuang has been killing innocent people in Tianheng. I do n’t know how many lives have died in her hands.

Not long ago, countless forces have formed an alliance, claiming to the world that they vowed to eradicate white-haired poisoned women and kill the world. "

"You send someone to inform those forces, and say that the will of the Emperor, no one can touch her, and the offender does not need to be born in Tianheng."

Shi Feng's words had a little coldness.

"The end will obey, and the end will do it!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, You Chen immediately held another fist and drank in a deep voice at Shi Feng.

When he was about to make arrangements, Shi Feng immediately called him again: "You Chen, wait a minute!"

"Emperor, what else?" You Chen asked.

"A few more people will be set up to look for the trace of Wushuang next month. The Emperor wants to see her and see if she can be treated." Shi Feng said.

"Emperor, in fact, we have been entrusted by Qin Rufan to help him find his female apprentice, but every time she heard from her, when she arrived, she was no longer there." You Chen said.

"A lot of people say. The trace of the white-haired poisonous girl is a little erratic."

"Next time, if there is any trace of her, immediately report to the Emperor, and the Emperor will go and see for himself." Shi Feng said.

"Yes, the end will understand!" You Chen drank again.

Shi Feng: "Okay, go ahead and arrange."

"Yes!" With the yelling of You Chen, his figure flew backwards.

The figure is light and fluttering, like a blank paper fluttering with the wind.

Soon after, he drifted away from the void.

"Month! None! Double!" Shi Feng murmured these three words secretly.

Thinking of it, when I met her, it was almost five years ago, and it was so many years passed.

Time flies really fast.

(End of this chapter)

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