Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3176: Yes, no, bitch

Chapter 3176: Yes, No

"Great Emperor! Princess!"

When the owner of the Cangyue City approached Shi Feng and Shi Ling, he immediately knelt down to the two and drank in his mouth.

Then, the storage ring was held high above his head and presented towards Shi Feng.

Looking at him, it was as if he was offering the highest treasure to that one.

If you do n’t know what the ring stores, it ’s really hard to think of it. Such a prudent look, the things offered are just some vegetables that are often eaten on weekdays.

Shi Feng reached out to take it, and the thought of the soul swept away from the storage ring.

At this time, Shi Ling opened her mouth and said to Shi Feng, "Brother, let's go quickly. If you don't go back, the mother will really be angry."

"Well, go!"

Hearing Shi Ling's words, Shi Feng immediately drank.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the two figures moving together, flying towards the night sky.

In an instant, he disappeared into the sight of the Cangyue City Lord, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Gone? The two, really just left like this?"

"I thought we could not escape tonight, but we didn't expect it, that's it?"

"These two ... it turns out ... it turns out ... I just want these dishes! I ..."

Someone has been so speechless that they only think of tonight as if they were dreaming.

If it wasn't for dreaming, how could this peerless emperor bring the princess to the city's mansion ... just for these vegetables and meat.

"Ah." The Cangyue City Lord, still staring at the two night sky leaving, sighed deeply and whispered:

"Two little ancestors, if you still need these next time, can you ask someone to come and report it! This ... Anyway, it will really scare people!"

Thinking of the previous, I think of the one who said, "A Cangyue Lord who is high above him." The Cangyue Lord still felt a little bit nervous.

I thought fortunately that I recognized the two little ancestors at that time. If I did n’t recognize them, if my head was hot, I shot them ...

The consequences are simply unthinkable!

"Ancestral blessing ..."


"Brother, the night is so beautiful!"

In the night sky, Shi Feng and Shi Ling hurried through. Little Shi Ling looked up and looked at the stars and told his brother.

These stars are as if they are just above their heads. If they reach out, they will catch them.

"Yeah!" Even Shi Feng looked at the night tonight with a sound of emotion.

However, although the night is beautiful, the mood of mother Bai Yue'e is not so beautiful.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng lowered his head and looked down at the ground, Xiuling Village, already in his sight.

"Linger, we're home, let's go down," Shi Feng said.

"Okay!" Linger answered, and the two rushed down at the same time.

They were extremely fast. "Slap! Slap!" Two sounds, they landed in front of an old wooden house.

At this moment, the room was still dimly lit, and a figure was reflected through the window.

"Brother, I'm afraid, you go ahead." Xiao Linger said to Shi Feng.

When she said these words, she looked at her brother helplessly.

"You girl, let me go in again." Shi Feng said.

At that time, the two of them were playing home late. The little girl always hid behind her brother to make her advanced.

The most advanced person must be seen first by the angry mother, and the little one shrank behind him without saying a word.

I did not expect years to pass, she still does.

"You are an elder brother, of course you went in advanced." Xiao Shiling said, his tone seemed to be coquettish.

Shi Feng shook her head slightly and smiled. There was nothing she could do to hold her. Then she reached out with both hands and pushed it loose.

The slightly closed room door was pushed open by him, "I am back." Shi Feng shouted into the room.

"Shh!" As soon as he shouted, he heard a "shh" sound from the room.

Shi Feng did not see her mother Bai Yue'e at first glance, but Xing Yue.

At this moment, Xingyue was standing in front of the bed, while her mother and Leer were lying on the bed.

It seems that the figure reflected in the window just now is Xingyue and has no mother.

Later, Xing Yue slowly walked towards Shi Feng, said to him, and said softly, "Auntie teased for an afternoon, tired, and slept with Leer.

Why did you come back so late? "

"I encountered something." Shi Feng said.

"Yes, sister-in-law." After learning that his mother was asleep, Xiao Shiling's mind slowly came out from behind Shi Feng and said to Xing Yue:

"We really encountered something."

"Let's both enter the house now," Xingyue said again.

Shi Feng and Shi Ling walked into the room, and Xiao Shiling turned around and closed the open door gently.

Xingyue spoke softly again and asked Shi Feng: "Where did you buy the vegetables?"

"I bought it, it's all here." Shi Feng took out the storage ring and said to her.

"Give me," Xing Yue said.

"Here you?" Shi Feng suddenly looked at her.

"What?" Staring at Shi Feng with such an expression, Xing Yue Xiu twisted her eyes slightly, looking at Shi Feng in puzzlement.

"Will you do it?" Shi Feng asked her.

She is the daughter of King Yan Luo, one of the top ten Yan Luo in the Helllands, and she has the same status as a princess.

"Of course." Xing Yue replied.

"Oh." After hearing her say that, Shi Feng remained skeptical.

However, he still handed the storage ring to Xing Yue.

Xingyue reached out and said to Shi Feng and Shi Ling: "The two of you will sit in the room and wait for a while, it may take a long time."

"It's okay bitch, I'm not hungry." Shi Ling answered Xingyue with a smile.

"I told you, you're not your sister-in-law." Xing Yue said to Shi Ling, and then turned and entered the small kitchen of their house.

After Xingyue left, Xiao Shi Ling looked at Shi Feng and said, "Brother, it seems that the sister-in-law is very good."

"She said everything, not your sister-in-law." Shi Feng said.

"You've all had children, why aren't my sister-in-law?" Shi Ling said.

With this remark, the little guy shook his head slightly, so that he looked just like the little adult.

Seeing her like this, Shi Feng tapped her little head lightly and said, "What do you little girl know?"

"Oh!" Xiao Shiling whispered, rubbing his little head that was knocked by his brother with both hands, and said:

"Brother, don't say anything, Linger has grown up now, I have already understood all the things about your adults."

"You ... you little kid." Shi Feng was full of disdain.

"Brother, tell me, how did you meet this sister-in-law? Didn't you all say, are you the puppet of the Eastern Lantian Empire?

I even heard that in one night, you were kissing Tianlan Linglong in front of tens of thousands of people over Tianlan Emperor City ... "

(End of this chapter)

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