Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3177: time to go!

Chapter 3177: It's Time To Go!

"... in front of tens of thousands of people, and kissed Princess Tianlan exquisitely ..."

After hearing her sister's words, Shi Feng was speechless for a while, this little girl really understood more and more.

It's not the little spirit who used to cry.

"Brother, why don't you answer me?" Seeing Shi Feng not talking, Xiao Shiling blinked her big eyes looking at innocence and asked again.

"Children don't ask so much while playing." Shi Feng told her.

After saying this, he said, "I'll go out and call me at dinner."

Later, Shi Feng turned around and pushed out the door.

But soon, the voice of that little girl came behind him again: "My brother, you are running away."

"Escape?" Shi Feng went outside, whispered these three words, raised his head, and looked into the night sky.

"Hehe." He suddenly smiled suddenly, "Maybe."

In the room, when Shi Ling saw his brother stepping out, he looked towards the kitchen and yelled at the kitchen softly, "Sister, I will help you."

Followed by, she also walked to the dilapidated kitchen, but soon, the rebuttal voice came from the kitchen again:

"I said, I'm not your sister-in-law."


"Fenger, is Linger back?"

On the bed in the room, the mother's sleeping Bai Yue'e, hazy, heard the voice, and slowly opened her eyes.

I slowly got up, looked at the scene in the house, and said softly, "How long have I been sleeping?"

In the room, except for her and Le Er, there was no one at this moment, but there were bursts of fragrance, which fluttered away.

"Well, it's so fragrant! Who's cooking this? Um ... not like Linger's cooking, more like Fenger ... It seems my daughter-in-law like my fairy."

While speaking these words, Bai Yue'e grinned and smiled, turned her head, and looked at the little child who was asleep.

At this moment, Xiao Le'er was beaking her mouth and pink face, looking very cute.

Immediately after, Bai Yue'e got out of bed and got up, "Well, ma'am, you woke up."

Just when Bai Yue'e had just stood up, Xiao Linger's surprised voice came.

Little Stone Ling was walking out of the kitchen with a plate in his hand.

Hearing Xiao Linger's voice, Bai Yue'e looked at her, gave her a white look, and said, "You two little ancestors, you can count them back. Mother is waiting for you two to sleep hungry."

"Hee hee." Shi Ling smiled playfully, walked to the table and put the plate, said:

"Well, we'll be back here, mother, don't say it, thank you for sleeping, otherwise, I might not have tasted Xunzi's cooking."

"Your little girl, you mean that your mother's cooking is not as good as your sister-in-law." Bai Yue'e pretended to be unhappy and said to Shi Ling.

"Ah! Linger didn't say that." As soon as he said this, Xiaolinger slipped into the kitchen again.

"This little girl." Looking at the side where Shi Ling disappeared, Bai Yue'e secretly spoke again.


"Brother, it ’s time to cook. The rice dumplings are so delicious. Come and taste it!"

Outside the house, Shi Feng, who was still looking up at the night sky, suddenly heard the shout of the little stone spirit from the house.

"Come here," Shi Feng answered, before lowering her head and walking towards the room.

In the broken and humble house, Bai Yue'e, Shi Ling, and Xing Yue have all taken their seats, and Le'er is still asleep.

When Shi Feng came in, Shi Ling beckoned to her: "Brother, come quickly! I'll wait for you."

The little guy seemed almost ready to move. Although he said those words to Shi Feng, his eyes were staring at the dishes on the table.

"Yueer is really a good craft." Bai Yue'e smiled and praised Xingyue.

Xing Yue smiled lightly and said, "Auntie is ridiculous."

"It's really fragrant." Shi Feng was also seated at this time, looking at a table of delicious dishes, followed by praise.

"Open a meal." Xiao Ling'er shouted, and he had picked up the chopsticks on the table and clamped them.

At this meal, Bai Yue'e and Shi Ling praised Xingyue's cooking many times, and Xiao Shiling ate very full.

Looking at her happy appearance, it seems that she really likes her "sister-in-law".

However, after calling her as a **** many times, Xingyue will tell her, "I'm not your bitch."

But this little girl didn't listen at all, still screaming **** by bitch.

In the end, Xingyue didn't even refute.


After eating, it was getting late.

After some washing, Xingyue asked Shi Feng to return her to the sky mountain in the blood stone monument.

This room is so small, and there is Shi Feng, she really is not convenient to live here.

However, she did not ask Le'er to go back, but she left Le'er asleep here and slept with her grandma.

It was only repeatedly told that if Yue Er would not wake up at night, she summoned her.

Shi Feng didn't sleep in the house either, but came outside, floating in mid-air with legs crossed with his knees. He spent the night in practice.


Time turns, and the night passes quickly.

Day and night, day and night.

These days, Shi Feng has stayed with her mother and sister, as well as Le'er, and never left.

And Xingyue, will come out to accompany them in the daytime, and at night, they will go back to rest in the sky mountain of the blood stone monument.

In an instant, Shi Feng had spent eleven days here.

On this day, Shi Feng suddenly sensed that something had happened in the storage ring. Then, as soon as he thought about it, he took out the golden bead that was slightly beating.

"Little lunatic!"

"Little lunatic, can you hear me?"

Among the rosary, the familiar shout came out.

This sound is naturally a strange sound.

"I heard it." Shi Feng said to the rosary.

"Why, you have returned to the Divine Continent?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Come back." Ziyi said, "Will you come over now?"

"Now?" Shi Feng shook his head slightly and shook his head slightly, and said, "Not yet. I have a few disciples, and I plan to take them to the warland, but they are not with me now."

"A few more days, after I meet them, I will urge this rosary and inform you."

"That's OK!" Ziyi said, "But from your world, I shouldn't be able to sense this rosary, so let's go, I'll find you again in three days."

"Well, let's do that first." Shi Feng said.

Ziyi: "Goodbye then!"

Shi Feng: "Goodbye."


After disconnecting from Ziyi, Shi Feng put away the golden rosary, looked up at the sky, and looked at the blue sky and white jade. Today's weather is really good.

"Quiet for a few days, it's time to start again."

After going all the way, returning here to enjoy these peaceful days made him feel very comfortable.

But he knew very well that for him, such days would be short.

He still has so many things to do, and he has to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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