Chapter 3181 Heavenly Ghost

The western desert is located at the extreme west of West India and Wanzhou in the Divine War Continent.

The ancestor promised the master to come over and conclude the fingerprints with both hands, and saw a piece of forest white rune slowly rising from him.

Then, just listening to the sound of ancient chanting, as if from the sky, "mile!" A dull weird voice drank from the mouth of the mourning, and saw that piece of falcon, suddenly burning the forest Bai Lianyan.

Suddenly, the flames burned Fuyu into ashes, and the fireworks disappeared in the air.

After doing this, you turned your head and looked at Shi Feng, saying:

"Master, this is a sermon made by our heavenly sacred place, and it has been refined over many years from a variety of precious heavenly treasures.

Now that we are in this western desert, even if the master is hundreds of millions of miles away, I can quickly receive my message. "

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded secretly at hearing the words.

But it's amazing to hear hundreds of millions of miles of news ... but it's not surprising that the Holy Land has such a means.

When Shi Feng was in the wild continent, Jiang Ning sent him a special token, and even at the beginning, he could communicate with Jiang Ning in the distance even in the abyss of evil in the middle of nowhere.

However, the distance of Jiang Ning's special token transmission is not comparable to the billions of miles of the transmission symbol.


In the future of Leng Aoyue, Shi Feng still asked Zizi to take them to the fierce place.

Under the guidance of Ziyi, a group of people began to fly southwest, and shuttled through the western desert.

At this moment, Zi suddenly said again and said to Shi Feng:

"By the lunatic, I heard a while ago that you have a relationship with a yin and yang woman. The yin and yang religion is here in Wanzhou, West India.

Or wait for the Holy Lord that day, first go to that yin and yang religion, and be gentle with your little lover first. "

"Yin and Yang teach." Shi Feng murmured softly.

He soon knew who the woman the guy was talking about.

Ye Zifei, one of the top ten aunts taught by Yin Yang.

"Just an ordinary friend." Shi Feng explained to him.

However, the look at this moment is totally unbelievable, saying:

"You little lunatic, you're really merciful everywhere! In the reckless continent, you made Jiang Family Xiao Nizi and Yu Xin, especially Yu Xin, and you killed someone.

In this god-fighting continent, again ... oh ... "

"..." Shi Feng was speechless for a while.

After a while, he said, "Now you are Buddhas, you Buddhas are not talking about all four big things, why are you so gossip!

Like you, how to achieve positive results! "

"Go to your sister's cultivation and make it to fruit!" However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, Ziyi said such a sentence.

He added: "Lao Tzu's entry into this Buddhist gate was completely forced by those old guys! Lao Tzu didn't talk about the four big blanks. What's the point of being a man like that?"

"You guys, when you were in the wild continent, this is the Buddhist practice.

Let's talk about the relationship between you and this Buddhist gate. "For Feng Ziyi's identity, Shi Feng has always been curious.

Moreover, he suddenly appeared on this continent of war, and became a disciple of this peerless Buddhist temple.

"Ah!" Zi suddenly said, "Ah", and then saw him look up into the sky and said:

"Little lunatic, this westbound desert, but there are many ancient legends circulating, and they are all very interesting. Would you like to listen?"

What he looks like, obviously, is shifting the subject.

"Forget it," Shi Feng said secretly.

Since this guy refuses to say to himself, there should be reasons why he refused to say it.

Since refusing to say, Shi Feng no longer reluctantly.

"I'm only interested in the fierce place you said now. Tell me about the situation in that fierce place. How much do you know about that?" Shi Feng said.

Since someone in their Yinling Temple once went in and got the ghost Yin sunflower seeds, Ziyi may really know something about it.

"That place ... um ... I know very little about it.

The old guy who lived from the ferocious temple in Yinling Temple originally did not know what he saw there. It is said that he refused to say anything, as if to say something, he would be dead. "Ziyi said.

"That man, since he can come out of that terrible place, his martial arts level has reached the peak, isn't it?" Shi Feng asked.

Zi nodded his head and said, "Well ... Climb to the top."

Climb to the top, the most powerful existence in the world.

It turned out that they were so jealous of the fierce place, as if to say, they had committed taboos.

There, what exactly is there.

What did he encounter?

Can actually make a strong man to the top of the peak.

It's really hard to imagine.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng's complexion became more and more dignified.

"Being so fierce, at that time, I will enter with Aoyue, others, waiting outside." Shi Feng secretly made this decision in his heart.

Following that, Ziyi also said, "That extremely fierce place, since the endless years, I don't know how many souls have died. So for many years, the strong men who reached the peak and created the extreme are not a minority.

"You said just now that you know very little about that terrible place.

That's very few, how many? "Shi Feng asked him again.

"I only heard that there is a terrible and terrifying heavenly ghost there! No one knows how powerful that day's ghost is, but everyone knows that if it is unfortunate, you will encounter that ghost in that terrible place Absolutely no death! "Ziyi said.

"Heavenly ghost!" Upon hearing these two words, Shi Feng suddenly moved.

Ghost, naturally a ghost.

Once in the Tianheng continent, he was the peerless ghost master, calling for hundreds of millions of ghosts.

But I did not expect that in this divine war continent, there is an extremely horrible sky ghost.

"Afraid?" Zi Shi smiled unexpectedly when he saw Shi Feng's face, and asked him.

"Afraid?" When she heard the word, Shi Feng immediately returned to her mind, but smiled at Zi Zi and said:

"In my life, I don't know how many evil spirits I have removed, and if I meet this heavenly ghost, I will be no exception."

Former Emperor Jiuyou, becoming the master of the world, must have stepped on the evil spirits to achieve peerless dominance.

"Cut!" Ziyi said with a disdain, and said, "Even if you have removed as many evil spirits as you have, what ghosts in your world can be compared with ghosts in this day?"

In fact, Shi Feng knew that Ziyi was right.

The heavenly ghosts that can make the ascendants of the polar realm fall, that is, all the ghosts in the Tianheng continent can't compete with them.

But in his heart, he wanted to see the heavenly ghost ...

(End of this chapter)

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