
The western desert is boundless and vast, and the sun is also extremely pungent. The endless yellow sand is shining golden and shining hot waves.

In the ordinary desert, when an egg is beaten, it can be cooked instantly.

The scorching heat of the western desert can instantly turn a warrior below the level of Wudi into an ashes.

Under the Emperor Wudi, there is no qualification to enter at all.

And even stepping into Emperor Wudi is extremely uncomfortable.


"Woohoo! Hey!"



In the desert, fierce growl sounded from time to time.

The monsters that can grow up in this adversity are naturally extremely fierce and terrifying, and their wisdom is already wide open.

However, the intuition of these monsters is also extremely acute, and it is concluded that the pedestrian of Shi Feng is not their offensive existence. When they see it, they will flee away from afar.

Gradually, as they went deeper into the western desert, the people of Shi Feng suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, as if suddenly entering another world.

Even the sky was dark.

"What's going on?" Xiao Tian also cried out suddenly behind Shi Feng.

Ling Yefeng, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng suddenly changed their faces.

The land ten meters behind them was still hot, but here it suddenly became so.

There was even an extremely bad feeling rising in their hearts.

You Nian looked up at the gloomy sky. It seemed that even the scorching sun couldn't penetrate the sky and earth they were in.

"It should be entering that area." Youmian said solemnly and said to them.

"That area? In other words, we have already entered that extremely fierce land?" Ling Yefeng turned to look at him and asked him.

Ahead, Shi Feng, who heard the words of lingering thought, flew into her body suddenly.

If you really enter that very fierce land, you can't go any further without Leng Aoyue's arrival.

In particular, they should not be taken forward, leaving them in a peerless situation.

"It doesn't count to enter that extremely ferocious place." However, whimpering slowly shook his head and said, "It is only related to that extremely ferocious place."

"Related?" Xiao Tian also murmured.

Younian said, "The desert to the west is an extremely sunny world.

But the object pole must be reversed, but in this pole land, there is a pole land, which is what we call the most ferocious land.

The reason why the area we are in at this moment suddenly is caused by the overflowing of the Yin force in that fierce place.

It is said to be so far within a thousand miles. "

"That's it!" Everyone nodded when they heard Younian's words.

Ning Cheng said, "That is to say, we are only about a thousand miles away from that terrible land."

"Well, that's right." Youn nodded.

Thousands of miles, for mortals, it is quite a long distance.

For them, they can arrive soon.

"Then, keep going." Shi Feng said to them now that he hadn't entered the fierce place.


After hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the people nodded again and again, and their bodies continued to move. They continued to fly and continued their journey to the fierce area.

"When approaching there, you pay attention, tell me, but don't know if you go in." Shi Feng said to Ziyi again.

"Relax, I know." Ziyi replied.

Then, he said, "Even if the people behind you enter there, they are just looking for death. Of course, your people, I will not let them go in for free.

At that time, when the Lord of the Famine arrives, we three will go in. "

"You go in too?" When she heard Zi Yi's words, a sudden shock appeared on Shi Feng's face.

From the beginning to the present, he never thought about letting this guy enter there.

And his guy has persuaded himself many times, and he is extremely daunting about that place.

But he ...

"Of course, how can I watch you go in alone to die." Ziyi was taken for granted, said.

Hearing what he said, Shi Feng's heart was saved by a warm current, and it was touched.

Although, it sounds like a bland word.

But ... he was jealous, knowing that he might die after entering, but he still ...

"Say it then," Shi Feng said to him.

Shi Feng's body is abnormal, Leng Aoyue's strength is strong, they may escape danger in that fierce place.

It would be hard to say if Zi Zi went in with himself.

Shi Feng doesn't want him to go in there with him to take risks.

"Why, are you worried that I will die there?" And Ziyi seemed to see Shi Feng thinking at the moment, smiled suddenly and asked him.

"You're not saying that even the strongest person who climbed the peak and entered the extreme realm will most likely die." Shi Feng said.

"I am very blessed and I control the purification of the floating slaughter and the Solomon's magic lamp. Even if you die, I may not die." He said so.

When he said these words, even a proud look appeared on his face.

"Well, there are people there!" Suddenly, Xiao Tianyi's voice came from behind them.

Xiao Tian also pointed to the right with his hand.

At this moment, dozens of people did appear far away from them, and they were flying fast.

Seeing where they are heading at this moment, it should be that fierce place.

"They, like us, want to go there to die." Ziyi turned her head at this moment, looking at those people with a smile.

"Do you know them?" Shi Feng asked him.

"I don't know." Ziyi shook his head and replied.

Followed but said: "But there are a few of them, not easy!"

"Since we all know that it is a terrible place, those who go there are naturally not ordinary," Shi Feng said.

"Um." Zi nodded indifferently: "At that time, if someone really enters that fierce land with us, we must always be on guard.

Many times, many people are not killed by the murderer. "

"Well." Shi Feng naturally understood this.

At this time, dozens of people on that side should also find the Shi Feng people, and they all turned their heads and looked towards this side.

"Someone is here." Then they saw three people flying out of the crowd and rushing towards them.

"The martial arts of these three people, but in the King of God once again, there should be no malice here." Shi Feng said.

If it is really malicious, they should be the strongest.

After all, worries are there!

On the bright side, it's easy for you to kill these three.

The three of them approached the people of Shi Feng in an instant, and then only one of them spoke and shouted, "Don't worry about our friends, we are not hostile."

"What are you doing here?" Shi Feng asked, asking him.

"Since everyone has the same goal, we want to go with you. By then, we will go to the fierce place together." The one who spoke was the same one who spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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