Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3183: Tian Yin Shi Shen Hua


"Crash together." Shi Feng murmured.

Followed him and said to the three, "We will not be in that terrible land until about three months!"

"Three months!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the speaker suddenly changed his face and shook his head. "Three months, it's been too long, we can't wait."

"Well, then please come back," Shi Feng said to him.

After the man nodded slightly, the three men moved suddenly, turned back, and then flew back towards the crowd.

The yellow sand fluttered, but the yellow sand of this world blew on the human body, feeling only cold and straight into the bone marrow.

At this moment, Zi Yi turned his head and looked at the crowd, and said to Shi Feng next to him, "Although the place is extremely fierce, there will often be some people who come in and die.

It's the temptation of the ghost Yin sunflower seeds, too big!

Although as far as I know, only the old guy from our Hidden Ling Temple came out of that terrible land, but after the endless years, there should be warriors out of it who I do n’t know. "

"What's the effect of that ghost Yin sunflower seed?" Shi Feng asked differently.

This ghost Yin sunflower seed, now he only knows that this thing can save ghost charm, but what it is, I don't know.

"It is said that the ghost yin sunflower seeds are heaven and earth strange things, in the fierce land, only one grows in millions of years.

Regardless of any living being, as long as it devours the ghost-yin sunflower seeds, it will be a great creation of the heavens and the earth, and even the dead can be brought back to life and re-created! "Ziyi replied.

"Master, that ghost-yin sunflower seed is a very overcast thing, and it has healing effect. The ghost body of the ghost-general general has been severely damaged and is on the verge of destruction. Seeds. "

Behind him, Younian heard Shi Feng's conversation with Ziyi and said.

"It takes only one million years to grow one!

You once got one from the Elder Lingyin Temple. So many years ago, other powerful people might have got one from it.

We entered that fierce land, inside ... maybe there are no ghost seeds. "Shi Feng thought of this key and said.

"Indeed!" Zi nodded and said, "So, be careful."

However, for Shi Feng, it is still the same sentence. In order to be ghostly, no matter what, the fierce place must be entered.

"Shizu!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard a surprised cry in his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng immediately turned to look at him and asked.

"The apprentice just received the master Hui Xun. The master informed me that he should be here in about ten days." Younian said.

"Ten days!" Shi Feng changed his face when he heard this.

"Tenth! The third division can be here in tenth!"

Not only Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, and Yun Yimeng, their looks have changed.

You Nian again spoke to Shi Feng and said, "The March that the disciples said was a time when the master was supposed to be proud of China and come to this extremely western region of West Indies.

However, I did not expect that the master is now very close to us and can come over in ten days. Presumably the master is now in the West Indies Wanzhou. "

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded.

If Leng Aoyue can come around on the 10th, it can save a lot of time.

So much the better!


"Crazy, stop, and go forward, you can enter the area of ​​the terrible land." Suddenly, Zi Yi said in a deep voice and said to Shi Feng.

"Stop!" Upon hearing Zi Yi's words, Shi Feng immediately drank, and at the same time, his swift figure was the first to stop.

Behind him, the three apprentices and two apprentices stopped immediately.

"There is nothing at all ahead." Zi Yi said to Shi Feng earlier, and everyone behind him also listened in his ears, and Ning Cheng opened his mouth with a doubtful tone.

What they saw ahead was still a gloomy desert land, and it didn't look much different from the area they were in at the moment.

Hearing Ning Cheng's skeptical voice, Zi Yi didn't respond, his right hand turned into a claw, and he took a sharp breath down to the ground.

Immediately, a head-sized stone was sucked into the hand by the quilt. The next moment, the right hand was sent forward, and the stone immediately flew forward.

Soon, the stones shot by Benzi have flew thousands of meters away.

"I said, nothing ... ah" Ning Cheng looked in front of his eyes and said again. However, before his word "ah" fell, he opened his mouth and glared with his eyes.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

There was a sudden riot in the desert land, the earth trembled, and the yellow sand fluttered.

Immediately after, "Oh!"





Just listening to the sound of roaring like a wild beast, it kept ringing.

I saw above the rolling desert, a huge black monster emerged from the ground, looking extremely vicious, exuding the fierce atmosphere of fierce terror.

There are hundreds of them at a glance.

"That is ... what kind of monster? That feeling ... so terrible!" Ning Cheng exclaimed in surprise.

"That is the most common creature in this terrible land, Tianyin God Eaters! The lethality of each God Eater Flower has reached the kingdom of God."

You Nian looked at the side, and as the Heavenly Son, he had become very dignified at this moment, said.

When I heard that, people found out that the huge black monster did look a bit like a dark giant flower, but it had a face like a beast, roaring with anger and roaring on the sky, and looked extremely crazy .

Idols! This is the food of God!

Followed by, Youmian said again, "Now what we see is only a part of it. It is said that in that terrible place, this terrible food-eating flower is everywhere."

In other words, this terrible place is full of horror creatures of this god-king level.

Endless God King ...

After talking about it, Ziyi spoke at the right time and asked Shi Feng: "How about Xiao Fengzi, have you been scared?"

After saying this, he said, "This day, Yin Yin Shen Shen Hua is just the weakest and most ordinary creature in this extremely fierce land.

Inside, there are other horrible creatures and terrible fierce formations that can take their lives without paying attention.

And let alone the most terrible heaven ghost! "

After hearing Ziyi's words, Shi Feng nodded again and said, "Well, although I haven't really entered yet, I already feel the terribleness of this terrible place."

And at this moment, not only did the people on Shi Feng stop flying, but the crowd in the distance also stopped, looking at the side of the riot.

Each face was very dignified.

"These twenty-two people are not going any further." Yun Yimeng said.

He had always been watching the movements of those people, thinking that they would enter that fierce place first to see what would happen.

(End of this chapter)

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