Chapter 3191: Blood Hand

"I haven't found that this person uses a similar skill to Shenhuo Palace. However, there is a drawback to Shenhuo Palace's God of Heaven and Heaven. After using it once, he will adjust all of his body!

As a result ... this person, just now, once again used that thunderous combat technique, blasting the sun! "

Among the crowd, someone said.

This is also the key to their lightness to Shi Feng.

For the first time, he used the Thunder God of War and other anti-air warfare techniques to forcibly improve the peerless combat power. Many people think that the use of such techniques will not last long.

After Yiyang blasted him seriously, almost everyone present was convinced that the man had completely lost his combat power.

However, he ... once again used the Thunder combat skills to counterattack the sun.

This also means that this person's thunder combat skill is even worse than that of Shenhuo Palace?

It's ... unimaginable.

Immediately following, except for the sun that was devoured by the peerless demon thunder, all the other stature suddenly became violent and rushed into the dark purple fog in front of them.

Many people think that that person should have performed a mysterious and strange anti-ascension method just now, and under their eyes, he entered the fog and entered the mountain that he had previously seen.



Suddenly, I just heard an angry roar, and then there was a loud noise in this world.

I saw the dark magic thunder that devoured a violent violent vibration, and then suddenly collapsed.

Then, a **** figure appeared.

Yiyang, at this moment, there were scars and blood on his body, and the flesh was already seriously injured.

However, that same flesh-and-fat face, with an extremely brutal face, and an extremely cold voice, spit out from his mouth fiercely: "Little! Miscellaneous! Seed!"

The coldness of this sound is like that from Jiuyou Hell!

"Kill!" Then he drank angrily again, and the **** body was also a riot and rushed into the dark purple fog.


Rolling in the thick fog, Shi Feng has now successfully fallen into that big mountain.

"Huh? What's the matter?" However, at this moment, although his figure was hurried through the forest, his brows were frowned, and he looked at the ancient mirror in his right hand.

Just now, with the help of this ancient mirror, he disappeared silently under the eyelids of those people and successfully rushed into the mist.

He originally thought that he could continue to rely on this mysterious ancient mirror to shuttle this extremely fierce place.

However, upon entering this mountain forest, the mysterious power of this ancient mirror disappeared instantly, and his own figure appeared again.

"It seems that there is a more mysterious force here that can suppress the power of this ancient mirror." Shi Feng said.

After thinking of this, he immediately moved his right hand to put away the ancient mirror.

Body shape continues to shuttle through the mountains and forests, and those guys must be thrown away.

Just now, he revealed the Thunder God of War formula, and Ziyi secretly used the purification floating slaughter. If this guy caught them this time, he would not let himself go.

"The demon body is here!" Shi Feng drank again.

The next moment, magic eyes, ears, fingers, and hands suddenly appeared, rolling black magic mist, raging.

Peerless War Armor Night Soul Armor has already appeared in the body.

In this extremely fierce place, there is unknown danger before and fierce chasing after, you can put this magic armor on.

"Little lunatics, have you gotten rid of them?" At this time, Ziyi in the Blood Stone Stele sensed the external situation and asked Shi Feng Chuanyin.

"It hasn't gotten rid of it completely," Shi Feng said.

Although these guys have been dumped for the time being, four of them are at their peak.

That movement method naturally surpassed him.

Following this, Shi Feng said to Ziyi again, "Anyway, the situation is much better now than it was before.

I just don't know how dangerous this mountain forest is. I hope we can all survive. "

Although this mountain forest is still peaceful, Shi Feng naturally understands that it is not so simple.

The treacherousness in these mountains and forests is bound to surpass that desert.

"Well!" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard a strange sound under her.

"What is it?" He was shocked immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly saw that the space in which he was located became more gloomy. He suddenly looked up and saw a large hand covered with blood suddenly appeared above his head, looming in the rolling purple and black fog. .

Then, he blasted down towards him.

"Okay ... what a terrifying power?" Seeing the **** hand, Shi Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and even he felt terrified from the heart.

If that blow is crushed, I'm afraid it won't be easy even if you wear this evil night armor.

As if the potential was stimulated again, Shi Feng's violent figure suddenly accelerated.

"Boom!" A burst of violent blasting sound rang out in this mountain forest.

Shi Feng's heart twitched with the burst of sound.

Just now, he really avoided the blow dangerously, turned his head slowly, and saw behind him an extremely gigantic crater. The land looked very messy.

"It's fine," Shi Feng said.

But just after the two words came out of his mouth, his face changed suddenly again, and he exclaimed in surprise: "No ... not good!"

Shi Feng bowed his head, he suddenly saw that the big **** hand appeared even under his body.

At this moment, it was in this **** big hand that shuttled quickly, and then, he saw the big hand move again and fiercely grabbed at him.

Shi Feng's stature rushed forward and rushed up.

However, it was too late to escape, and his **** hands shook his hands very fast. If he continued this way, he would surely be caught by this hand.

"Go!" The dark source soil, I do not know when it has appeared in the hands of Shi Feng, at this critical moment, the source soil throws at the ghost!

The source of darkness began to grow rapidly, like a black hill, violently pressing down on the **** hand.

"Boom!" A louder voice sounded.

The earth and earth shook at this moment, and the earth shook.




Shi Feng heard that there was a painful sound from below.

The big **** hand, even after suffering the source of darkness, could feel the severe pain, and also made such a cry.

It's like a living creature.

"Return!" Shi Feng drank in a deep voice, and when he was rushing forward, his mind moved, and he had controlled the return of the dark source of blood.

The source of darkness violently moved, already flying from the **** big hand, and flew towards Shi Feng.

At the same time, it is rapidly shrinking ...

(End of this chapter)

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