Reference 3192

Soon, the source of darkness was reduced to the size of a baby's fist and turned into a black streamer, as if a shooting star was moving in the void.

Shi Feng slammed his right hand under him, and grabbed the source of darkness back into his hands.

Turning his head, he looked at the area where he was just now.

The big **** hand, although just caught off guard from the dark source just now, made a fierce pain.

However, it did not perish under the power of darkness. At this moment, Shi Feng saw him violently move, and then ... disappeared instantly.

It was as if he had disappeared under the eyes of those thirty people.

"No, that thing must be attacking me again!" Shi Feng whispered.

The figure moved again, and Fei Chong's figure seemed to speed up a bit.

Just now, there was so much noise in that area, those guys must have heard it.

I'm afraid, all are flying in this direction at this moment.

Those guys, now with such a terrible **** hand, the situation is already very bad.

"There is a cave there!" Then, Shi Feng suddenly saw again, and in front of herself, a cave appeared in the fog.

But looking at the cave, Shi Feng felt more uneasy in his heart, and felt bad for him.

"Oh!" But just then, he heard another strange sound.

This sound is the sound made just before the big **** hand appeared.

Although he hadn't seen the thing at this time, Shi Feng knew it, and the thing chased it again, and this time it was even hidden.

A worse feeling arose in Shi Feng's heart.

I could see that thing before, and urged the source of darkness to attack it, but at the moment it was hidden, the attack had lost its target.

"No matter, rush into the hole and talk again!" Shi Feng said.

A decision was quickly made in my mind.

Then, his violently rushing figure rushed into the cave, and soon rushed into it.






However, just listening to that strange sound, still echoing in this world for a long time.


"Everyone be careful, don't get scattered!"

"This place is getting more and more dangerous. Everyone must be careful! This extremely fierce place, who can reach the summit and build the strongest, may fall here, and just now everyone saw that ghost thing, so many of us shot together without taking him under!"

"Everything, be careful!"


In the mountains, sounds echoed.

The thirty-three figures were rushing through the mountains at this moment.

And hearing what they said just now, it seems that they have encountered something terrifying.

Moreover, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the horrible things that reach the peak.


"I don't know where that kid escaped."

"The movement we just heard is indeed in this direction, and that kid must be coming in this direction!"

"Look! There! There is a huge pit!"

At this moment, someone shouted from the crowd.

Someone saw that in the ground below, there was an immensely huge and extremely gigantic pit, which was bottomless.

"This is a result of almost reaching the peak!" Then, everyone heard the old eyebrow old man must respect, and suddenly said.

"Not weaker than the power to reach the peak?"

"Is there another evil creature that is not weaker than the peak?"

"Previously we met a monster and it appeared here again. I am afraid that there are more than one or two peaking here!"

"Well! Terrible place, really ... be careful!"


When they heard Xu Zun's words, the crowd began to scream again.

Each face has become more and more dignified.

"Let's take a look! Our four forces, people are scattered slightly." At this time, someone said again.

As the discourse rang, the four forces, respecting the four who made the highest peaks, began to spread slowly.

Although it is scattered, it is connected together with the driving force.

Breaking the figure together is still extremely fast.





"Huh? There's a strange voice?"

"What is this voice?"

"Beware of mysterious creatures!"

"Everyone be careful!"


On the other side, Shi Feng kept rushing in the cave.

The cave was extremely dark and extremely gloomy, and the sound of ghosts kept ringing, with a strange hand, constantly protruding from the mountain wall, densely, and slamming towards Shi Feng.

"Damn ghosts! Get out of me!" Shi Feng yelled coldly.

I saw that weird hand grabbing at him, as soon as he approached him, he was constantly broken under the force of his violent shock.

Along the way, the limbs kept dancing.







The strange screams kept sounding as if it sounded extremely painful, and the mysterious cave became extremely riotous.

However, this cave seems to have no end at all, and this strange hand seems to be endless, all over the place.

At this moment, Shi Feng couldn't figure out how long he had been flying in this ghost place.

And here, on this passage, if we no longer hurry and fly away from here, if those guys see this cave, I am afraid they will fly in and take a look.

"Come out!" Shi Feng drank again, and at this moment, a **** light flashed immediately beside him.

Shi Feng grabbed with his right hand and immediately grabbed the blood in his hands. When the blood fell, a dark body appeared.

"Lord ... Master ..." The person who came out was the invisible corpse.

He was summoned so suddenly, and he was so hard to grasp the swift flight, and weird weird screams continued around him. For a time, Heisha had not adapted.

"Push your earth magical power to help me get out of here." Shi Feng said to him.

"Subordinates obey!" Heisha answered.

Then asked Shi Feng: "Master, up or down?"

"Go up!" Shi Feng said.

"Yes!" Heixa answered again.

Then he began to urge his supernatural powers.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's figure immediately went up a riot and rushed into the mountain soil above her head.

As soon as they entered the mountainous soil, the strange hands became more dense, as if fish were swimming wildly within the mountainous soil. At this moment, the arrival of Shi Feng was felt, and the strange hands came violently, the scene was extremely shocking. .

"Give me all!" Shouted Shi Feng.

Billowing in flames, swept wildly out of him.


"Ah! Hey! Hey!"


The screams screamed again and again.

There are such strange sounds everywhere in this land, and they are extremely messy.

If it is an ordinary person, these voices may make him crazy!


And Shi Feng, regardless of these, rushed down the road of Heisha's earth magical power, burning all the way.

"This ..." But at this moment, Shi Feng's face changed suddenly and suddenly, his eyes widened extremely.

As if seeing something terrible in the world ...

(End of this chapter)

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