
Shi Feng and Heixa accidentally entered a vast underground space!

In all directions, this space is filled with extremely dense black holes, like a honeycomb.

What surprised them, however, was seeing the earth ahead, holding an incomparably huge monster in the shape of a spider.

However, it's just that the shape looks like an image!

Its lower body is full of dense hands, very similar to human hands. It is extremely numerous and dense, as if endless.

And on its back, there are heads of people, compared with the strange hands below, the number is inferior!

Each face was facing Shi Feng and Heisha, showing a vicious face, roaring with anger.

"Roar, roar!"

Such a monster really looks like people are covered with hair, and they feel that the whole person is very bad.

Even Heisha, the body of the corpse, felt uncomfortable.



"Roar roar!"


The roar of those heads became more and more fierce!

"Run!" Shi Feng immediately whispered to Heisha beside him.

At this moment, I saw the giant monster that slammed the earth suddenly.

Between this movement, Shi Feng immediately felt that a breath of horror was storming towards herself.

His whole man trembled involuntarily.

Can make him all this, this strange, so horrible!

It can be said that this thing is more terrifying and powerful than the three apprentices Leng Aoyue he saw before.


Hearing the master's screaming command, Heisha quickly recovered from the horror.

The earth magic power ran quickly, and his and Shi Feng's bodies sank immediately.

Then the two hurried through the earth again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard the violent violent sound from above.

His face changed again and again, "That thing is coming, hurry up!"

Shi Feng said to Heisha beside him.

However, when he heard Shi Feng's words, Heisha said with a bitter face: "Master, this is already the fastest speed of his subordinates.

Today's Heixa is just an imperial-level corpse, with limited speed.

"Uh ..." Shi Feng answered.

In fact, he knows too!

Ren Heisha's supernatural powers are supernatural powers, I'm afraid they can't compare to that monster.

And he even felt that the monster also had the power of supernatural powers, and it was unobstructed to shuttle the earth.

This ... it's impossible to do it!

"Little lunatic, I feel awful, what did you encounter?"

At this time, Ziyi's voice came out of the blood stone monument again.

"Where is this?" Ziyi said again.

In the blood stone monument, he saw the darkness outside through the blood stone monument and could not see anything.

"The situation is very bad, so be prepared to die." But at this moment, Shi Feng responded to him like this.

"What!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the son in the blood stone monument moved differently, and then said:

"You guys tell me clearly, what did you encounter!"

"I don't know what that ghost is!"

Shi Feng replied.

"Ah!" Then, another exclaiming sounded in Shi Feng's mouth, at this moment, he suddenly looked up.

Just now, he suddenly felt an extremely horrifying force coming from above, and the space around him trembled.

But in an instant, the power of terror was crushed on him.

"Uh!" A painful moan came out of his mouth.

Under that power, even if he had the Night Slayer, he felt that his entire body was about to be shattered, which was extremely uncomfortable and painful.

"Master ... Master ..."

A weak voice reminded immediately of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng lowered her head and saw Heisha. At this moment, the dark face looked as if it was a little pitiful, shrinking, looking like a child doing something wrong.

"This guy has actually escaped, hiding under me!" Shi Feng said while looking at Heisha.

The peerless force just now suddenly entered, and even he was caught by surprise, he thought the corpse had become gray.

However, he did not expect that this guy used his own body to stop the catastrophe.

"Master ... Master, I'm sorry. Just now ... I ..." Hei Sha said weakly.

"It's okay, just be alive!" Shi Feng said.

"but I……"

At this moment, although Shi Feng was talking with Heixa, Heixa never stopped, and had been running his earth magical power, and the two of them hurried through the land together.






At this moment, the sound of violent sounds continued to violently.

The land space where Shi Feng is located has been violently violent.

"That thing is here again! Damn it!"

Shi Feng quickly looked up again.

At that moment, there was no movement after that thing launched the attack, and I thought it was not coming.

But it was not expected that the riot was ringing again, and that thing was over again.

"Damn!" Shi Feng uttered coldly.

"the host!"

At this time, Heisha shouted to Shi Feng.

Subsequently, his body moved, trying to move away from under Shi Feng.

When he saw him like this, Shi Feng immediately said, "Don't move, if you don't want to die, don't move!"

He was there just now. He hid under him and escaped the disaster.

And if he leaves, if that power is depressed again, he will inevitably turn into ashes.

Heisha said: "Master, his subordinates can do this again ..."

"Stop that nonsense! Try your best to escape from here. Don't worry about everything else, try everything and survive!" Shi Feng told him

"Yes, master!" Heisha responded respectfully.

I heard Shi Feng say so, then she stayed at ease under Shi Feng, and gritted her teeth suddenly, as if the potential was stimulated, and the speed of moving with Shi Feng seemed to have accelerated.

"Huh? Strange!" But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly moved his face again, and frowned.

The rioting ground just now suddenly quieted down.

"The ghost thing was chasing me just now, isn't it ..." Shi Feng murmured softly.

"No! Not good!" Suddenly, Heisha's black face changed suddenly, and he uttered a terrifying roar.

After hearing the roar of Heisha, Shi Feng also screamed, "I'm not good! That ghost thing. Actually ... **** it!"

At this moment, Shi Feng and Heisha, who were rushing through the earth, finally saw the uncomfortable terror monster again.

The monster, so God appeared in front of them unconsciously, and seeing their riotous shape, they were about to run into it, and they will have an intimate contact in the future ...

(End of this chapter)

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