Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3198: Very surprised?

Chapter 3198 is surprising?

The strong Quartet rushed to see the magic thunder that was about to retreat, and at this moment, the magic thunder sent out a violent tremor, and that huge pillar of extinction was completely destroyed.


"Magic Thunder disappears! The timing is right!"

"That kid!"


Daodao's surprise cry sounded, and his face began to change.

But at this moment, "Oh!" I just heard a violent roar suddenly roar.

The four major forces immediately saw a giant monster in the shape of a spider, yelling at them in the sky.

This monster, although it has been scaly and covered with black blood, looks fierce and manic.

"Why is this thing?"

"What about the boy?"


Seeing the fierce creature, all of them fluttered into the body subconsciously, their faces staggered.

However, they calmed down their bodies, and the **** body was rioting.




Under the roar, the dark shock waves rushed out of his mouth, wherever he passed, the air was constantly shattered, and the world was trembling.

Just this moment, the area became extremely chaotic.






The screams echoed immediately.

At this moment, the dark shock wave directly penetrated the six **** king realm.

"Block! Let's join hands to kill this monster!" Shouted the warrior.

His martial arts practice was in the triple heaven of the King of God, but at this moment, his right shoulder was constantly gushing with blood.

Just after the dark shock wave rushed in, he gathered his strength to resist, but just as soon as he touched, his right hand exploded to his shoulder.

The scene looked extremely **** and unbearable.

The tragic wailing sounds continued to sound, and had become chaotic.

The old white-browed man Xu Zun, who reached the peak and created a pole, has been driven back by the dark shock wave, and his body is trembling with trembling.

There was a look of astonishment and difficulty on the old face, not only him, but the other three climbed to the top, "No Brother", the mysterious master of the mysterious sacred place, and the fire of the divine fire palace, but also under the power of that huge murderer Can't get better.

"Retreat! Everyone retreat! Quickly retreat!"

Xu Zun is still moving with all his strength, his hands dancing and showing his palms, and he is shouting at everyone while resisting the dark shock waves rushing towards him.

After the words of roar, he pushed his right palm forward, and all the palm shadows gathered in front of him into a single palm, facing the dark shock wave.

"Boom!" The powerful forces collided, and the Void made a loud noise for it.

The dark shock seemed to be frozen by the space, but suddenly it was a sudden meal.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Xu Zun's figure made a sharp turn, constantly breaking the air in the opposite direction.

At the same time, other people also started to flee.

That fierce creature was too horrible and terrible, even though the injury was so, it was still so horrible.

There is such a creature in this world!

This terrible place is really terrible.





Although all of them started to flee, this world still echoed screams, and among the four major forces, there were constant casualties.

This time, they really suffered heavy casualties.

Originally thinking about the "moving treasure" one by one, a very excited look appeared on the faces of the exterminating black thunder.

As a result ... it turned out to be such a tragic situation.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

This world resounded with the roar of fierce roar.

The messy land destroyed by the mad thunder was still shaking violently.

At this moment, the stone maple, which is regarded as a moving treasure by the four forces, has appeared in a distant place.

However, after experiencing Demon Hei Lei, he still didn't have a good piece of meat all over his body, all of which were obscure rotten meat.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the direction of the roar, and whispered, "That thing, with me experiencing Devil and Black Thunder, is still so fierce!

The sixth body of the flesh rushed into the thunderous thunder of the seventh body, the power is still not strong enough! With these remarks, Shi Feng shook her head secretly.

"Fortunately, those guys came in time to attract the hatred of this ghost thing, otherwise, I'm afraid to get involved with me again."

Listening to the screams, if any, from the distance, there was an infiltrating smile on Shi Feng's rotten face.


Destroy Heilei came at the time, devouring Shi Feng, devouring this fierce creature, devouring millions of heads and hands.

Those heads and hands were continuously destroyed before the Demon Black Thunder.

The spider-shaped monster was trying to break out of the thunderbolt.

However, since the horrible magic thunder has devoured it, can it be rushed out? Under a horrifying thunder law, it kept screaming.

Next, it curled up into a ball among the magic thunder, to counteract the destruction of the magic thunder.

After that, although Mo Lei continued to destroy this huge body, this fierce creature finally managed to survive under Devil Hei Lei.

At the time when Demon Devil Thunder was about to retreat, Shi Feng saw no hope of destroying this fierce creature, and saw four forces beyond Demon Lei.

So, it was convenient for him to communicate again with Jian Tong in the Blood Stone Tablet at that time, and at the moment when Lei Lei disappeared, let Jian Tong use her supernatural power to teleport him to a short distance.

And at that moment, the magic thunder dissipated, the fierce creature was born again, and he saw the guys rushing towards him one by one.

And those guys, at that time, concentrated on Mo Lei, and concentrated on that fierce creature.

Then ... the horrible thing went mad, and that tragic situation happened.

If, just now those guys didn't attract the attention of that evil creature.

This guy did not attract those guys from the four major forces, even if there is a sword power to move Shi Feng to a short distance, it will inevitably be unable to escape the induction of the four major forces and that evil thing.

Everything is just fine!


"You guy is not dead yet!" Ziyi's voice came out again in the blood stone tablet.

This sound sounded very dissatisfied.

"Next, I need some time to heal, it's up to you." Shi Feng replied to him.

"Huh! Huh!"

But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard, behind him, there was a cold laugh.

"Huh?" After hearing that voice, Shi Feng frowned slightly and turned away.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a mighty figure.

The king of the four heavenly realms before entering the mountain peak, Yiyang!

Just now, the murderer and the people of the four major forces were attracted to each other, but he did not expect that this guy appeared here.

Seeing Shi Feng looking around, Yi Yang grinned suddenly, a smile appeared on his face again, and asked Shi Feng: "Are you surprised?"

"A bit." Shi Feng nodded at him.

(End of this chapter)

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