Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3199: Overlord God Ding

Chapter 3199 Overlord God Wang Ding

The four major forces and the spider-shaped creature attracted each other, and after entering the mountain, the sun did not meet with the four major forces.

Previously, he had been watching the Black Demon Slayer in secret, when he dissipated, only he noticed Shi Feng who fled at that moment.

Feel the flavor of Shi Feng, and eventually follow!

Looking at Shi Feng who is not like a ghost or a ghost, Yi Yang's face has already shown a smile of a winner, and said to Shi Feng again:

"Everyone who has entered the fierce land is going crazy for you! Oh, but I never thought that everyone would be yours."

When hearing Yiyang's words, Shi Feng also smiled and said:

"I thought everyone was on my way, but I didn't expect there was still a fish like you."

"I, can those idiots compare!" When Dang Yiyang said these words, his arrogant face appeared with pride.

After a while, he said to Shi Feng again: "Okay, no need to talk nonsense, give it up, give up all your secrets, I can leave you with the whole body."

"Oh," Shi Feng said with a grin when he heard Yiyang's words. "You seem to think you're already eating me?"

"Isn't it?" Yiyang said dismissively.

If he meets intact Shi Feng again, he may still be afraid of a few points.

But the stone maple hurt in front of him, and he didn't put it in his eyes at all.

"You may be disappointed," Shi Feng said.

"Oh." Yiyang Qinghuang, but did not take Shi Feng's words for granted.

In his opinion, this guy said these words in front of himself at the moment, but to pretend to be killed.

"Wounded like this, still wanting to compete with me?"

Just then, Shi Feng thought, and suddenly, a blood light shone beside him.

Soon, Ziyi appeared.

"The little bald donkey at Yinling Temple." Looking at Zi Yi, who appeared, Yiyang frowned and said.

"Hello." Zi smiled differently, as if greeting a friend.

His face is easy-going and harmless.

But seeing Ziyi, Yiyang's face didn't have much fluctuation.

Ziyi's martial arts practice is that it falls into his eyes but is the fourfold realm of the true god, which is a big difference from him.

He wouldn't think that the King of God Quadruple Heaven peaked, but he couldn't beat a real God of Quadruple Heaven?

The wounded boy was a strange number, wouldn't the little bald donkey in this hidden temple also be a strange number?

how can that be!

How can such unreliable numbers appear again.

"To this day, hum, you still want to pretend to be a **** and make a ghost!"

Yiyang said, his right hand became a claw, and one claw grabbed forward.

Although his right hand was still some distance away from Shi Feng and Ziyi, an invisible claw shadow appeared quietly in front of them, and he had covered both of them. Then he grasped them gently.

"The little lunatic has told you so clearly just now, and even summoned this seat, why are you still so stupid?"

Looking at Yiyang even dared to start, Zi Yi said.

Immediately, when the shadowless claws were about to catch him, they suddenly disappeared.

As if nothing had happened.

"What's going on!" The blow he launched suddenly disappeared, and the sun was startled.

Just now, he didn't sense any power fluctuations, but his power disappeared so inexplicably.

Purify Tubu, purify everything!

Yiyang, even the strongest in the King of Heaven's fourfold heavens, cannot sense the power of the floating slaughter motivated by the secret.


At this moment, Yang drank coldly.

It seems that he still does not believe it!


A sound of metal roaring suddenly rang in the sky above Shi Feng and Zi Yi.

When they looked up, they immediately saw an old cyan big dinger, exuding ancient and heavy peerless power. On the tingling body, they were engraved with dense knives, swords, halberds, spears, hammers, guns ... , An air of tyrannical domineering, and violently pressed towards Shi Feng duo.

"The King of Gods has four ranks, and it's not bad." Looking at the blue dading, Shi Feng was satisfied and nodded.

"The Overlord God Ding, kill!" Yiyang said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, the cyan blue dinger crushed down towards Shi Feng and Zi Yi.

A King of Gods Quadruple Sky Power, fully motivated this ancient King of Gods Quadruple Warrior, the power is really terrifying.

Although it is said that there are ants under the summit, this power is already infinitely close to the summit.

It can be said that this attack was his strongest blow.

The power of terror suppresses the world.

At this moment, Yiyang's face has already appeared extremely cruel.

"It's stupid to say you're stupid than I thought.

If I were you, I would flee immediately at this time, though, fleeing will not change your miserable fate. "

Looking at the pressure of Da Ding, Zi Yi still said calmly.


Another burst of noise rang out from the depressed cyan big tripod.

But when I saw this great tripod, he suddenly remained motionless with Shi Feng and Zi Yi overhead.

Just now, all the power on this great tripod has also been cleaned up by the purification and purification.

"How could this be!" Yiyang's brutal face suddenly changed suddenly at this moment.

It was at this moment that he really realized that ... it was dangerous.

Don't hesitate anymore, the body immediately moved violently, then flew back fiercely, turned sharply, and fled with all his strength.

At the same time, the two hands concluded a handprint, and the cyan dading above the suspended stone maple and Ziyi shook again.

While escaping his life, Yiyang already wanted to take back this overlord God Ding.

However, the Overlord God Wang Ding just shook, as if held by a powerful force, and did not fly to Yiyang.

"It's an interesting person." Ziyi laughed, looking at the rapidly flying Yang Yang.

However, I saw a small nine-story golden tower that had quietly emerged behind Yiyang.

This tower is naturally the hidden treasure of the Lingling Temple, purifying the Tufu.

Then, Purifying Tufu bombarded Yiyang's back.

"Ah!" A scream of fierce screams sounded from a distance.

Under the bombardment of purification Tu Fu, Yiyang felt that his whole body was in pain, only that his entire body was about to break.

"Come back." Zi Yi said these words lightly.

On purifying the floating slaughter, there was a mysterious suction, and the body of Yiyang was sucked, and flew back towards Zizi.

However, in an instant, Purification Floating Sucks him back to Shi Feng and Zi Yi's other body. With a turn, he faces Shi Feng and Zi Yi again.

Later, he saw that Yi Yang's body fell down, and he slammed heavily on the ground. A peerless strongman in the quadruple heavenly realm of God came into close contact with the earth and fell Dogs eating shit.

(End of this chapter)

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