Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3202: Shi Feng was swallowed

3202 Born-1960

"Relax!" Shi Feng drank at Zi Yi.

"Uh! Ah!" Ziyi yelled in pain.

The next moment, his body shone with blood, and Shi Feng was sucked into the blood stone stele.

At the same time, Shi Feng turned abruptly, and above his forehead, the third demon eye immediately opened, and the demon ears, devil hands, and demon fingers all manifested.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

And at this moment, the group of dead crows rushed to Shi Feng extremely fiercely.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahh!" Screams and roars in Shi Feng's mouth.

As the Dead Crow approached Shi Feng, above his claws, he shone with an extremely bright blue light, and raised an incomparable force of horror. hit.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The screams of chaos were still ringing, and the sound waves began to strike Shi Feng's mind.

Shi Feng's face became more painful.

At this time, seeing that giant devil crow rushing towards Shi Feng, the huge crow's mouth opened, he had enveloped Shi Feng as a whole, biting him hard, He bit the whole person.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The Dead Crow Swarm continues to scream.

After swallowing Shi Feng, the Devil Raven King continued to take its Devil Ravens to fly in this world.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"


"I rely!"

Shi Feng was in an endless darkness, bursting with turquoise liquid, like violent waves, rushing towards him frantically from all directions, as if the flames burned his body and melted him.

This turquoise liquid is close to the extermination Black Thunder he experienced recently.

At the same time, there are also a series of extremely bad stench and disgusting.

"Little lunatic, are you okay?" Ziyi's greeting came again in the blood stone tablet.

"I don't know if the situation is good or bad." Shi Feng returned to him and asked, "how are you?"

"I'm fine, just need to recover a little bit. Just now, it's really too big." Ziyi said.

Immediately afterwards, he found that Shi Feng was in an abnormal place, and asked in amazement: "Where ... where are you?"

"In the belly of the biggest crow, keep going, I'm afraid I will be digested by that thing!" Shi Feng answered him.

"Uh ... you look at the situation again, it really doesn't work, just use the Solomon's lamp to escape." Ziyi again proposed to him the Solomon's lamp.

This situation is still the most important life.

Activate Solomon's magic lamp and open the way to other worlds.

However, the biggest problem is that they can escape through the Solomon's magic lamp, but ... after they enter the magic lamp, the magic lamp cannot be taken away.

"Less than necessary, don't use that thing!" Shi Feng said to him.

He also expects that the three mysterious channels in Solo's magic lamp open, hoping that one of them will be the gods realm, he is going to the gods realm!

"I naturally know!" Ziyi also said, "Now in the belly of this monster, you are actually much better than confronting it directly.

You try to use your strongest power to see if it can break the monster's body. I will recover it first and I will help you later. "

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded at the words of Ziyi, and answered.

After that, Zi Yi in the blood stone monument stopped saying anything and went into recovery.

At this time, Shi Feng flipped his right hand, and a black object appeared in his hand.

It's that dark source.

Shi Feng glanced at the dark Quartet, staring coldly at the turbulent rushing azure fluid, saying:

"You swallow Ben Shao directly. If it is an ordinary creature, I am afraid it has already been digested in your belly, huh, now, it is time to give you a gift!"

When Shi Feng said these words, the source of darkness in his hands flew forward fiercely.

Once the source soil was released, it rapidly became larger while flying, but soon, a force of repression containing the mysterious law was rushing down.

The darkening source, which had just grown, soon retracted.

However, the source soil continued to fly forward, but passed through layers of turquoise blue liquid.

Shi Feng frowned and stared at the dark source soil. Then, his frown grew deeper and deeper. He already felt that under the impact of the blue liquid, the power of the dark source soil was steadily weakening.

Although the naphtha was also constantly destroyed by the power of the dark source soil, but there was too much nav fluid, and there was a continuous flow. In the end, the power of the peak above the dark source soil was completely eliminated.

Shi Feng's body moved suddenly, and her mind moved again.

He rushed toward the source soil with great difficulty, and the source soil flew back towards him, but the dark source soil that had lost its power also flew very slowly in the blue liquid.

"Wow!" A violent turquoise liquid rushed in, rushing back to the source soil, getting farther and farther from Shi Feng.

"Damn!" Shi Feng drank again, and his face became even more haggard.

The source of darkness has been washed away from his sight, and this source is now his strongest means.

"Little lunatic, I'm almost there!" At this time, Zi Yi's voice came from the blood stone tablet.

"Then come and help me!" Shi Feng quickly said to him.

As he said these words, the **** light flashed beside him.

"Solo's magic lamp!"

"Clean the floating slaughter!"

As soon as he came to this dark space, the sub-rotation was deep and he drank.

A purple flame rolled in front of him, the sacred golden light shone in front of him, and two Peerless Solomon's magic lamps and purification floating slaughter appeared at the same time.

"Solo, open!" Then Ziyi drank again, spurring the magic lamp of Solo, and then, a purple flame swirl appeared around them, emitting a strong force of space, and began. Furiously devoured.

The next moment Shi Feng saw that the turquoise liquid from all directions rushed into the vortex of purple flames around them.

"The monster's gastric juices are too corrosive, and Solo's magic lamp can't support it.

Next, I will open the channel of the magic lamp to the wild continent and introduce the swallowed gastric juice into a barren land. "Ziyi said to Shi Feng.

"Well, that's right!" Shi Feng nodded.

As the Solomon's magic lamp swallowed wildly, the blue liquid was getting less and less, and Shi Feng felt the pressure abruptly.

"Purify the floating slaughter, go!" Then Ziyi drank again, and the fingerprints thumped suddenly.

The purification floating slaughter in front of him suddenly flew out.

As the purification slaughterhouse flew out, it continued to grow like the original source of darkness.

However, as soon as the source soil was suppressed by the force of that mysterious law, it began to retract rapidly.

However, without the turbulent blue liquid blocking, the power of floating slaughter has not diminished ...

(End of this chapter)

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