Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3203: Battle in the womb!

Chapter 3203: Battle In The Belly!


Under the control of Ziyi, the purification floating slaughter suddenly blasted forward.



"Oh! Wow!"


Suddenly, a painful cry echoed.

Shi Feng only felt that the space in which Ziyi was located began to shake violently, only to feel that the sky was turning, and the sky was upside down.

A surge of turquoise liquid suddenly became more violent, and in an instant, there were countless rushes from all directions, rushing to Shi Feng and Zi Yi.

However, it is still the same. All the turquoise blue liquids are constantly being engulfed into the Solomon's magic lamp and introduced into a barren land in the reckless continent.

In the extremely chaotic and violent rotation, the shape of Shi Feng and Zi Yi was not affected at all, and a smile appeared on her face. Shi Feng said,

"Now, it's just the beginning! This thing dares to devour Ben Shao. Next, Ben Shao will make it understand what should be eaten, what should not be eaten!"

As she said this, Shi Feng grabbed her right hand.

At this moment, the dark source called by his heart was turning into a streamer and flew back towards him.

Being caught by Shi Feng, he was immediately returned to his hands.

Immediately after that, the right hand moved again, and the dark source land flew out again.

The powerful force soared on the source soil that flew out, and a huge earthquake in space, "Boom!"

Another incomparable violent sound sounded.

"Hmm! Hmm! Whoa whoa! Whoa whoa!"


"Cheer up!" Ziyi laughed when he heard the painful screams coming from him.

Not long ago, he was almost killed by that thing, and now it's time to pay for it.

"Destroy this thing and devour the power, blood, soul of his death, it will certainly not disappoint me!" Shi Feng said coldly in her heart.

This Devil Crow King is beyond the peak of existence!

"Purification floating slaughter!" Zi Yi drank again, and purification purification slaughter flew out again.




"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"


In an extremely gloomy jungle, there are huge dark weird trees growing like horrible ghosts, and the group of dead crows is flying in such a disturbing place.

"Oh! Ah!"


And at this moment, I saw the dead crow king in the crow group, screaming in pain, the huge body constantly rolling in the air.

A strange tree was constantly hit by the huge body of the Dead Crow and broke.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Here too, the sound of violent rumblings and billowing smoke.

A demon crow in the dead world chased the demon crow constantly, and this jungle was extremely chaotic.

Creature-like creatures on the four sides of the jungle began to flee.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"


The weird screams of pain did not stop for a long time.

Shi Feng and Zi Yi in the belly of the giant crow, the attack has not stopped.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

After the weird cry of that giant crow, I saw it opened the huge crow's mouth.

One dead crow flew into the huge crow's mouth.

The scene immediately looked extremely spectacular, as if the dead crow king was constantly devouring its kind.








In that dark space, Shi Feng and Zi suddenly heard it, and the sound of extremely strange and strange crows came from above them.

When she heard the strange cry, Shi Feng looked up and said, "It seems that the big guy made its little crows come in too."

"Just here!" Zi said.

Followed by, he said: "Except for the Devil Crow King, these little things can't be turned up at all. You and I join forces to deal with it more than enough!"

"Oh!" Shi Feng grinned, and said, "That thing can't enter the belly by itself, so wait for death!"

"Master, I'll help you!" Immediately after, the blood stone steered a voice of lingering thoughts.

Although you have been in the blood stone monument, You Nian has been following the movement here.

"Well, good." Shi Feng answered.

As soon as he thought, his thoughts flashed beside him.

"I'll help you." But then, another voice came into his ears.

The voice is charming, enchanting, full of charm, and even numb.

"You?" The voice was naturally Jian Tong's voice, but when she heard this voice, Shi Feng didn't promise directly as she promised her thoughts, her brows frowned and hesitation appeared.

"Don't look down on me anymore, today I will not let you down." Jian Tong said so.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded secretly.

Since she said so, Shi Feng also felt a little moved, and soon, Jian Tong also appeared, dancing in red without wind.

"Oh!" A sound of Jianming resounded through her, and the Sword of Heaven and Falcon emerged from her body, ready to go!

"Hmm! Hmm!"



Bursts and screams got closer and closer to them.

A burst of violent breath rushed down towards them.


Suddenly, drinking and killing out of Shi Feng's mouth.

"Boom!" Thunder blew.

A dark mad thunder sprang up from him first, straight up.



Jian Tong and You Nian also issued a big drink.

Immediately afterwards, they saw two swords rushing out to kill the demon crows.

"Burning!" Ziyi followed as the three of them attacked.

This time, Ziyi did not urge him to purify the floating slaughter, but urged another peerless warrior, Solomon's magic lamp.

Under his drink, a flame of purple flames burst out from the lamp of Solo, burning up.

"Oh! Wow!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Yeah!"




Under the combined force of the four of them, the screams of crows sounded again, listening extremely sternly and tragically.

In particular, the power of the Solomon's magic lamp, the purple clams of those dead crows were burned to ashes.

"These things are just for death!" Zi Yi said sneerly, looking up.

However, although he urged the magic lamp of Solo, the Purification Floating Slaughter has not been idle, and he has been hitting the Devil King of the Dead.

"Eh! Yeah! Hey! Hey! Wow!"



"Woo! Hey!"

Under the clatter of crows, at this moment, just listening to that giant demon crow, once again uttered an extremely violent yell.

The people of Shi Feng immediately sensed that an extremely violent force of violent sound burst formed from the top and rolled down.

"That thing actually launched an attack on its own belly." Shi Feng was shocked.

"This power ... OK ..." Ziyi said.

And at this moment, I saw the Solomon's magic lamp and the purification floating slaughter flying out together, flying up!

(End of this chapter)

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