Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3239: Jiuyou quadrupole is printed!

Chapter 3239: Nine You Four-pole Imprint!

In the sky, the roar of the extremely mysterious Lord of the Emperor Xuan Xuan sounded.

The flames of fire in the roar seemed to be the name of the fire!

Hearing the yelling, and after the fire against Sumiyama, there was a anger on the mature, beautiful, seemingly beautiful face.

However, she did not respond to that, and all her attention was still tightly condensed in the horrible fairy mountain in front of her, and she was still competing against it.


Divine war on the mainland, one of Kyushu's Guling Qizhou!

Guling Qizhou, as the name implies, countless mountains and mountains on this land.

If the soul is above the sky in the suspension of the ancient mountains of Qizhou, you will see the endless peaks and the breath of terror and beasts.

And there is such a vast land, located among mountains and ridges, that there are majestic ancient buildings, filled with an ancient mysterious atmosphere.

This is one of the three most powerful peak forces in Guling Qizhou.

At the center of the heavenly holy site, nine hundred and ninety-eight roots stand up to the sky, as if nine hundred and eighty-one dragons are soaring into the sky, magnificent.

At this moment, I saw old and mysterious figures sitting across the knees on the eighty-one stone pillars.

One by one, his hands were sealed, and his mouth was chanted with an ancient mantra, exuding a desolate atmosphere, and the sky seemed to become gloomy and overcast with it.

Above the sky, a mighty figure looming between the clouds.

He is the Lord of Heaven and Holy Land, who shook the world!

The lord of heaven must stand proudly with his hands behind his back. The mighty face now looked gloomy.


Suddenly, I saw the Heavenly Lord spit out a mysterious sip against the **** pillar that soared to the sky below.



"Boom boom boom!"


I saw the eighty-one stone pillars soaring into the sky, and suddenly trembled under the drinking of the Lord.

The celestial column shook, the whole heaven and earth, the entire heavenly sacred place, and the mountains and mountains in all directions began to violently quake.

The fierce birds and beasts in the mountain seemed to sense the coming of the calamity and immediately began to run wild.

"Roar roar!"

"Roar roar!"

"Roar roar roar!"

This area of ​​Guling Qizhou has become extremely chaotic.


Wanzhou, West India, the most ferocious place under the green poisonous light!

The battle is still going on, and the violent power is still on the horizon.

And in the Sumi Mountains, it is still a fairy mist, and it looks like a peaceful place, like a land of immortals.

"Animals, this one killed you!"

On the top of Mount Sumeru, there was a loud scream of anger and a scream of screams.

Disciple Ning Cheng under Ling Yefeng's seat, still holding the soul of Tian Jue Shengzi in his hands, still urging his strength to torture him cruelly.

The dark mist of death is still madly surging in his hands, and faintly, it also burns the death black flame formed by the power of his death.

Cruelly burn the soul.





However, these screams of screams still couldn't heal the anger in Ning Cheng's heart.

The animal in his hand ruined his master Ling Yefeng!

"Animals, why are you so cheap! Why are you so cheap!"

"Ah! Why are you so cheap!"

Ning Cheng was still shouting at him.


But at this moment, Ning Cheng immediately sensed that a strange power suddenly rose from his hand, his frown frowned, and he murmured in surprise:

"what happened?"

Just after these four words had just fallen, Ning Cheng suddenly felt that the soul that was in his hands was suddenly invisible.

"How come? Why are you missing?"

"This animal is clearly under my control, why is it gone?"

"What's going on? What happened? Where did he go? I didn't destroy him? He was just a body of soul, how could he escape my palm?"


"You guys, give me ... wait, right?"

Suddenly, Ning Cheng heard an illusory voice, ringing from all directions.

This voice was the voice of the soul just tortured by him.

"Sin beast, don't pretend to be a ghost, you show me!"

"Come out, evil beast!"

Ning Cheng immediately drank, glanced around, and the power of the soul swept out, looking for the soul.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Cheng yelled innocently:

"Sin beast, don't come out now. If you fall into my hands again, I will definitely let you suffer a thousand times."

"This shame! This pain! I have Ji Yan in mind!

Someday, I Ji Yan will lead my Heavenly Powerful, settle you, the heavenly wilderness! "

The voice of nothingness echoed again.

"Sin beast, get out of me!"

"come out!"

Ning Cheng's body has quickly traveled through Xumi Mountain, looking for the disappearing soul body.

After the sound of the Heavenly Master Sheng Zi fell, no other words were spoken.

Since then, Ning Cheng has not found the disappeared Heavenly Son, and his heart is full of unwillingness.





The screams of ferocious yelling continued to yell from his mouth, echoing for a long time in Xumi Mountain.


"What's this cry, why is it so scary? Is Brother Shi Feng raising a monster?"

A quiet place in Xumi Mountain, Jian Tong has not yet recovered.

Ziya, who had been guarding Jiantong, suddenly changed her face, and said in surprise.

The fairy mist floating around them was stirred up by the horror of horrors.

"It's so scary, don't listen to it! This monster must be extremely cruel ..."


In the most fierce place, the stone maple on Mount Ao Xumi is still looking down at the fire palace below.

After such a long battle, it has become more and more impossible to calm down after the fire.

"Jiuyou, quadrupole print!"

Suddenly, there was a cold drink in the sky.

Then, a boxy Senbai seal appeared.

It is one of the powerful stunts created by Emperor Jiuyou that year.

Feeling the overcast power above the sky, Shi Feng also looked up and looked up.

The nine-pole four-pole seal is naturally played by Leng Aoyue, and Shi Feng can sense the horror of the nine-pole four-pole seal.

Not only Shi Feng, but even after the fire that contended with Xu Mishan, he suddenly raised his head, his face suddenly changed, and his mouth exclaimed:

"Jiuyou ... Four ... Extreme Indian!"

"Nine You Quadruple Seal! One of the stunts in the heavenly wasteland, Nine You Quadruple Seal!"

Above the earth, Yu Xunniang, the woman in the Hollow Sacred Land, suddenly changed her face after seeing the immortal seal.

As the wife of Lingyun Zi, the five guardian, Du Auntie also has some understanding of this stunt.

But the most important thing is that at this moment, she is not under the shroud of that giant seal, and Jiaozi has been shaking uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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