
"Ok ... a terrifying power ..."

"So strong!"

"So powerful!"

"Is this ... is this the power of Leng Aoyue, Lord of Heaven?"

"Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven and Famine ... Sure enough ... a terrible existence!"


"Not good! Not good! After the power of the Lord of Heaven has shrouded the fire, is it that our Lord has already suffered his poison?"

"After the fire!"

"There is such a powerful transcendental artifact in the front, the sky, and such a powerful force covering the fire after the fire, how can we compete after the fire!"

"We ... were defeated after all!"


The eleven **** kings looked up at the sky, and for a moment, they had lost their combat power.

They have stopped the attack on the Nine You Shengzu, who stands proudly on the top of Xumi Mountain.


Jiuyou Quadrupole Seal slammed down, and the target of the shock was naturally the peerless existence of Shenhuo Palace!

At this moment, Shi Feng's face sneered even more, and said to the fire: "Slut, I don't see how you can stop it!"

"Everything is over." The words murmured secretly in the mouth after the fire.

If it was just the Nine You Quadrupole Seal, she might try to block it.

You can also block one block, just like blocking Sumiyama now.

But Jiuyou Sijiyin worked with this Sumiyama ... and she didn't forget that the Lord of the Desolation that day still controlled Tianhuangding, which has not yet launched an attack on herself.

There is no transcendent artifact on its own ...

All thoughts flashed wildly in the mind after the fire.

And just then, the terrifying Nine You Quadruple Seal had already shaken wildly on her body.


With a loud scream, the entire person after the fire was engulfed in that peerless forest giant seal.

Then she took her tender body and continued to fall to the ground below.

The Emperor of the Eleven Gods, the Emperor Xuanxian Holy Land and the Palace of God Fire, could only stare at all that and could not help.

Jiuyou quadrupole India shocked, and the whole land violently trembled.


"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


The earth has turned into a stormy sea, rolling and rolling.

"Master!" Shi Feng heard a respectful shout.

Leng Aoyue's white and mighty figure fell and landed beside him.

"Which one is resolved?" Shi Feng asked him.

Just now his energy has been after the fire, and he has not paid attention to the cold and proud moon battle.

However, when she heard Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue said, "Let Xuanji run away."

"Have you gone?" Shi Feng murmured.

Leng Aoyue said: "The empty mysterious cup, the power of dark palm space, mysterious and fickle, but a great treasure to escape."

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded when he heard Leng Ao said, saying:

"Let's run, run away, and find this guy later!"

"Natural." Leng Aoyue said: "Empty mysterious shrine, I will never let go!"

From now on, there will no longer be a need for divine warfare in the Hollow Holy Land. "


The ground below, although still trembling.

However, the huge forest seal has now disappeared.

That fiery red shadow had once again appeared in the sight of everyone.

Lying on the ground after the fire, Jiao's body shook with the tremor of the ground.

After the fire of the Divine Fire Palace, when it appeared in this fierce land, how amazing it was.

Glorious and unparalleled, a fiery red suit, majestic, and peerless.

However, at this moment, it seems extremely embarrassing.

"Let's go down," Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue.

"Huh!" Leng Aoyue answered.

Xu Mishan changed immediately, and instantly became the size of a fist, and fell into Shi Feng's hands.

Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue fell at the same time, and fell to the fire below.

After the fire seemed to sense something, slowly raised his head and looked at the two men who came down.

A bitter smile appeared on the glamorous face.

I fell into such an end.

At this time, Shi Feng said, after the fire said:

"Ben Shao has always respected the strong, and you are also a generation of strong men. As long as you surrender the magic of war, Ben Shao will make you die!"

"God fights heavenly trick!"

"God, fight heaven!"



The sacred fire palaces in the distance heard the words of that one and sighed secretly.

The peerless divine skill in the control of their divine fire palace, the divine fire battle tactics, in the entire divine fire palace, only the emperor and the fire can practice.

Even if they had stepped into the realm of God King, they had no right to touch them.

Now, terror is about to be passed on to this outsider.

"I ... lost ..."

Speak slowly after the fire, said.

Followed by, she said again: "God of fire fighting heavenly tactics, if you want, take away."

When she said this word, soon, she saw a flaming rune, flying out of her, and heading towards Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue above.

Shi Feng reached out his hand and grasped it lightly, and caught the flaming rune in his hand.

"This is the God of Fire and Heaven?" Shi Feng said secretly, looking at the red rune in his hand.

Soul thoughts, immediately swept to one.

Then, Shi Feng's face changed suddenly.

Seeing the sudden change of the master's face, Leng Aoyue immediately asked, "Master, are you all right?"

"It's okay for the teacher!" Shi Feng responded quickly after hearing Leng Aoyue's words.

Then, his eyes stared again at the sign in his hand, and said, "Yes! This is the God of Heaven and Heaven!

This is the God of Fire and Heaven, haha! "

Shi Feng practises Thunder God Skills and Thunder God of War Techniques!

So the thought swept through the rune, and the magical skill contained in the rune was sensed.

It's the same as the Thunder God of War, and it's a little different, but ... it feels a little fit.

I felt that the two magical skills seemed the same, but felt different.

It seems to be like each other, and it seems to be like grams.

Shi Feng's heart at this moment is such an extraordinary mysterious and strange feeling.

But he can be sure, this is that the **** of fire and war is not wrong.

I didn't expect this woman to surrender so directly.

But think about it, it is better to die now than to suffer at the same time.

As for the self-destruction and the destruction of my soul ... After the fire it was clear to me that the cold and arrogant presence would make me wish.

"Move ... hand ... let's ..." At this moment, there was a weak voice after the fire.

She had slowly closed her eyes and had begun to die.

"Kill him." Shi Feng said calmly, and said to Leng Aoyue.

"The child obeys." Leng Aoyue replied.

"Well!" A shock rang, and Leng Aoyue was shocked.

"Come on." Leng Aoyue murmured, and saw a seemingly ancient Xiaoding flew out of him.

As soon as Xiaoding came out, he was constantly changing and growing.

An incomparably quaint, vicissitudes, and heavy breath immediately swept the world.

Looking at the giant tripod, all the people in this heaven and earth suddenly had the illusion of returning to the ancient times, as if everything in this heaven and earth had faded, as if at this moment, it had gone through endlessly years……

(End of this chapter)

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